Liang Qichao was cut the wrong kidney? He himself insisted that the doctor was right, and the truth was announced 80 years later

He is the author of "Speaking of Young China", one of the leaders of the Reform Movement of 1898, a representative of modern Chinese reformers, and a master of Chinese learning.

He is Liang Qichao. However, he died at the age of 56 due to an unnecessary kidney cut operation!


Soon after the operation After passing away, it is said that the wrong kidney was cut

In March 1926, Liang Qichao was admitted to Union Hospital due to blood in the urine. He was still more optimistic when he was in the hospital, because not long after he was admitted to the hospital, the doctor gave him a treatment plan: remove a kidney so that the condition can be cured. Liang Qichao waited for the operation to come.


Actually, since the spring of 1923, Liang Qichao was overly distressed after his wife died of illness, and he developed red urine in his urine. Until January 1926, Liang Qichao urinated badly, so he hurried to seek medical help. At first, Liang Qichao went to a German hospital for an examination. The doctor told him that he had a kidney problem and needed surgery. But the family opposed the operation and found him a famous Chinese medicine teacher. Liang Qichao took Chinese medicine for a period of time, and his symptoms did alleviate a lot, but after a while, the urine became red again.

Liang Qichao should be an obsessive-compulsive disorder. He wanted to eradicate the disease and found Xiehe Hospital. In the face of people like Liang Qichao, Union Medical College Hospital is equipped with the strongest lineup, personally directed by Liu Ruiheng, the dean of Union Medical College Hospital at the time and a doctor of medicine from Harvard University.

Surprisingly, Liang Qichao's blood in urine did not get better.


Suddenly, the saying "wrong kidney" began to circulate in the market, saying that the nurse on duty used iodine to mark the wrong place on Liang Qichao’s belly, and Liu Ruiheng also before the operation. Without checking the Х light film carefully, the good kidney (right) was cut off by mistake as a bad kidney.

Coincidentally, shortly after the operation, Liu Ruiheng resigned from the post of Dean of Xiehe Hospital and went to the Ministry of Health of the National Government to serve as Deputy Chief of Administration. It is hard not to associate his departure with the failure of Liang Qichao's operation.

One year after the operation, Liang Qichao's blood in urine became more and more serious, and he often lay in bed and couldn't get up. On January 19, 1929, Liang Qichao could not survive the disease and unfortunately passed away.


Liang Qichao’s personal testimony, the hospital was wronged

In fact, the rumors that Liang Qichao was mutilated by the kidney just came out, a perceptual cultural friend So he fights the injustice for him. Chen Xiying questioned in "Modern Review": Since he had a good kidney cut, why is Liang Qichao's uremia not good? Xu Zhimo even pointed out in the supplement of the "Morning News" that the doctors of Xiehe Hospital were irresponsible, sarcastically saying: "Mr. Liang Rengong's loss of his waist this time is almost a big joke."


In fact, these people have doubts, complaints, and even anger and vent, which is understandable. After all, their friends have suffered not only ineffective but also loss of a kidney operation, and the hospital is still slow Give an argument.

Unexpectedly, Liang Qichao himself made a clarification "toward" the hospital.

Liang Qichao personally described the procedure of Xiehe Hospital's operation on himself in the supplement of "Morning News". Liang Qichao said that X-ray Hospital found that his right kidney had a black spot. This black spot was seen with naked eyes, so there must be a problem with his right kidney, but as to whether it is a benign tumor, is it necessary? He has to cut off his right kidney to get treatment for his uremia. He is a layman in this regard. He believes: "It is wrong to say that it is the doctor Meng Lang."

According to Liang Qichao's uremia after the operation and Liang Qichao's personal statement, it is possible to guess: Liang Qichao His hematuria may have nothing to do with the kidneys, otherwise, the condition did not recover after the kidney circumcision.

However, medical matters cannotPresumably, Liang Qichao also speaks with facts. On the other hand, some people in society nowadays would rather believe in the information they casually searched on the Internet, a few gossips from friends, and the advice of professional doctors. This is very undesirable. Of course, at this stage, the medical conditions in various places are not balanced. If the situation permits, go to a large hospital for medical treatment. This point will not be repeated.

Medical records exhibited after 80 years

In 2006, 80 years after Liang Qichao’s “kidney cut” operation, Union Hospital held a small-scale medical record exhibition, and Liang Qichao’s medical record was exhibited , Union Hospital did not cut the kidney.

The actual reason is Liang Qichao "there is a virus in the sputum, between the lungs and the left ribs." It is said that one person died because of this in the United States. I have to admit that the United States at that time was medically ahead of China. With limited medical technology, Union Medical College Hospital chose to remove Liang Qichao's damaged kidney.

And as for why Liang Qichao was dragging his weak body in the first place, he had to post a document stating that Xiehe Hospital had a certificate of innocence. He once said: "That is to say, my small illness, although the diagnosis result is not as expected by the doctor, Maybe it's just an occasional exception...I hope that the society will not use my illness as a pretext to create a reactionary strange theory that is an obstacle to the future progress of Chinese medicine. This is the slight intention of my publication of this short article. ”

He did not want to hinder China’s learning from Western medicine and hinder the progress of Chinese medicine because of himself.