How can party history study and education be "new" and "heart-oriented"? Recently, the 21st training class for young and middle-aged cadres in Jiulongpo District took a novel and special party history course at Southwest University - a sand table simulation exercise based on the

2024/06/2505:52:32 history 1110

How can party history study and education be "new" and "heart-oriented"? Recently, the 21st young and middle-aged cadre training class of Jiulongpo District took a novel and special party history course at Southwest University - a sand table simulation exercise on the century-old party history of the Communist Party of China, and received a profound ideological and political baptism and Vivid red spiritual re-education.

Sandbox reenactment

broke the previous single teaching model of "sitting in rows" to learn theory. The students were divided into 4 groups and experienced experiential learning through sandbox exercises, condensing the glorious history of the century-old party into a few square meters of sandbox table. A series of touching revolutionary stories are connected together to promote the party history education to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

How can party history study and education be

scenes reproduce

"A Secret Letter", "Abandoning Party Membership", "Leaving Without Saying Goodbye", "Moving to the Rural Areas", " Crossing Chishui Four Times". Through multiple themed scenes, it vividly restores the Chinese Communist Party from its birth to maturity and from The conflicts and challenges faced at key nodes from weak to strong allowed students to immerse themselves in historical moments and experience the history of the party firsthand.

How can party history study and education be

Role reversal

"After the Kuomintang and the Communist United Front officially cooperated, your work was very smooth. Just when you were about to show off your talents, the Kuomintang proposed that in order to unify the overall situation, you must give up your membership in the Communist Party. What will you do at this time?" A small answer sheet, a lively discussion, and a difficult decision made the students feel as if they were on the scene, and deeply understood the struggle of their ancestors to fulfill their original mission. "Never betray the Party" and "Our first identity is Communist Party members" were the promises made by the students in the classroom one after another. When it came to the emotional point, the students stood up one after another, solemnly faced the party flag, and reviewed the oath to join the party.

How can party history study and education be


Only by understanding history can we see far, and by understanding history can we go far. The novel and vivid teaching method stimulates students' enthusiasm for learning party history. Scenario-based learning can not only help quickly understand and grasp the key points of party history knowledge, but also guide students to think proactively, actively discuss, and better solve practical problems.

After class, the students rushed to tell their thoughts and experiences. The vivid course made them immersive and unforgettable. The students said that by reviewing the turbulent years, they deeply realized that the establishment of a new political power, the hard-won New China, and the hard-won development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the new road to the exam, we must vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind, working hard and diligently, performing our duties and responsibilities in our respective positions, and writing socialism with Chinese characteristics nine dragons with practical actions. Let practice a new chapter and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Source: Jiulongpo District Party School

Picture/text: Cui Can

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