At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the "star mayor" who had dominated politics and business for two terms, stood in the dock of the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court.

2024/06/1823:49:33 history 1653


At about 9:10 am on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the "star mayor" who had dominated politics and business for two terms, stood in the dock of the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court. A total of 10 people were arraigned with her, including her husband, brother, sister-in-law, and various relatives and friends.

Li Qihong, who was standing in the dock for interrogation, had gray hair and a depressed look. But his voice when answering the judge's questions was very loud, as if this was not the dock for the prisoner Li Qihong, but the podium for Mayor Li Qihong.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 1

The judge once again asked Li Qihong if he knew that doing so was illegal? Li Qihong still insisted on his previous statement: "Your honor, I did not know that this was illegal. If I knew, I would never do this."

What did Li Qihong do? The mayor of a city was imprisoned, and even her family members sat in the dock. And Li Qihong said that he didn't know that doing so was illegal. Was he trying to get away with it, or was he really ignorant?

Straw Hat Female Worker Star Mayor

When she was a child, Li Qihong did not go to school much because of poor family conditions and because she was a girl. She only attended elementary school and then dropped out. Li Qihong, who holds a primary school diploma and cannot read a few Chinese characters, had to go to a small knitting company in the town to knit straw hats, barely earning a little income.

Although the daily work is boring and arduous, Li Qihong works hard and never relaxes. Many of her colleagues have a good impression of her and think she is a good hard-working girl.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Picture 2

By chance, a cadre went south for inspection and happened to see Li Qihong. Perhaps he was also impressed by her seriousness and responsibility in work and her appearance. The cadre asked her to fill out a form and then passed the approval. In this way, Li Qihong changed from a female worker to At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 3

. The then Municipal Party Committee Secretary heard the listing plan and agreed to the approval. The only step now is to find someone to accompany Tan Qingzhong, the chairman of the company, to the capital, to At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 4

Hearing this suggestion, Li Qihong was silent for a long time, and then said to Tan Qingzhong: "Mr. Tan, you know I don't care about this Yes, you should contact my husband about this kind of thing." Upon hearing this, Tan Qingzhong, a "shopping mall veteran", naturally understood the meaning and agreed with a smile.

After the trip to Beijing, Li Qihong returned home and immediately contacted her brother Li Qiming and sister-in-law Lin Xiaoyan. "How much money do you have now? Use it all to buy public technology stocks. I have inside information, and you will definitely make a fortune."

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 5

Li Qiming and his wife are also convinced of this capable sister in their family. No doubt. After that, Tan Qingzhong, who knew the rules of securities operations well, provided "one-stop" services to Li Qihong's family, including the maximum amount of stocks to buy, not to use personal accounts, etc.

Lin Xiaoyan first transferred 2.365 million yuan from the deposit account of Li Qihong's husband Lin Yongan, and then took out her own and Li Qiming's money, totaling 6.77 million yuan. Then, she borrowed the names of her brother Lin Weicheng and her colleague Liu Zanxiong to open an account, and then invested the 6.77 million yuan in two parts into the stock market to buy public technology stocks.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 6

This happened over and over again. When the company was reorganized and listed, Li Qihong and his family directly earned more than 19.83 million yuan in their books. After that, Li Qihong seemed to have opened the "At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Picture 7

" But it is an indisputable fact that Li Qihong's husband and brother are the major shareholders of the local real estate company. Li Qihong's younger brother, Li Qiming, is the owner of the local Fifth Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Picture 8

According to Relevant people said that the real estate industry has been very difficult in recent years. Other construction companies are trying their best to find projects. Only this "Zhongshan Five Construction" is often responsible for some government-related public projects, so it has no worries about not receiving projects. Without Li Qihong's handwriting, who would believe it.

Although Li Qihong said on the surface that he would not interfere or participate in the company run by his family. But with her status, who dares not to give "face" to her husband and brother. Under Li Qihong's protection, the Li family became a "local tyrant".

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 9

It is a pity that Li Qihong led his family to make money, and finally led his family to jail. Now is a society where the people are the masters of the country. Where can one family take the turn to dominate in this place?

Wine pool and meat forest Lace news

Although Li Qihong's family is "grasshoppers on a rope", the relationship between Li Qihong and her husband has long existed in name only. This woman is not only greedy for money, but also very lustful. She confessed that she likes the young "At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the


. And in order to attract more "little fresh meat", she even told her subordinates that she had appeared. No other women are allowed to appear in the camera. She is afraid that being in the same frame with those young and beautiful girls will highlight her old age and ugliness.

The most shocking thing is that it is rumored that Li Qihong is also married to her daughter's husband. Maintaining an ambiguous relationship. This can no longer be described as lustful. It is simply unconscionable. Li Qihong had such a daughter after having three abortions. She said that she regarded her daughter as her "heart and soul", but she treated her like this. This method destroyed the daughter's family.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Picture 11

The daughter didn't know it at first, but because Li Qihong was too arrogant, she "mingled" with her son-in-law in many public places. Over time, the daughter found out. What is surprising is that Li Qihong did not know what she said to her daughter, but her daughter actually chose to forgive her.

The public prosecution trial was full of regrets

Fortunately, Li Qihong did not become rampant for long, and soon she used insider information to make money in the stock market. They were discovered. The relevant departments followed the lead and quickly found out what the Li family behind Li Qihong had done over the years, and caught them all.

At the beginning of the trial, Li Qihong kept saying that he did not understand the law and did not know this. This kind of trading of inside information is illegal, and I hope to be forgiven. The mayor of a city actually said that he did not understand the law. How ridiculous.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 12.

During the trial, when the prosecutor mentioned the honors Li Qihong had received—— One of the top ten famous mayors in the country, the former glory and the current despair made Li Qihong cry bitterly during the trial.

Li Qihong also said that he loves the party and the people in his heart, but he was just confused for a moment. She has committed suicide and hopes to be treated leniently. But this time, not many people believe her words. What awaits this "star mayor" will be severe punishment by the law.

Family corruption insider trading

Like Li Qihong. Family-style corruption is not an isolated case. When one member of a family enters officialdom, a family can become prosperous. This way of getting rich is not like the past, where everyone relied on their own sweat and hard work. Instead, it makes wealth more imprinted with a layer of "power".

It is easy for powerful people to enter the business world, which seriously undermines market fairness. Although our country explicitly prohibits this kind of behavior, some people still break the law knowingly. Even if you don’t enter, you still want your family to make a fortune.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 13

The root of familial corruption lies in the familialization of power. Therefore, we need to work together from many angles to cure this problem.

First of all, we must strengthen the integrity education of officials and cultivate good officials who do practical things for the people. We must also increase accountability. Once such familialization of power is discovered, the entire family must be punished. Only by increasing the cost of crime can we more effectively reduce this crime phenomenon.

Secondly, we must put power into a cage of institutions, set up a supervision system, break down and check and balance the power of officials, let them truly have laws to follow, and make these systems an insurmountable gap for them.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 14

The case of Li Qihong not only reflects the problem of family corruption, but also shows that some public officials are suspected of insider trading. Many of the insider trading cases detected in the stock market were caused by officials.

Due to the turbulent market, many listed companies often communicate with relevant government departments before changing the company's stock, which makes some public officials profitable.

At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 15

On the one hand, the vagueness of relevant laws condones this kind of insider trading behavior to a certain extent. On the other hand, the securities market is changing rapidly. In just half a day, a person can achieve the myth of sudden wealth. The "get rich quick" path of also attracts these criminals to a great extent.

Therefore, we must also prescribe the right medicine, not only to increase the crackdown on insider trading, but also to improve At about 9:10 a.m. on April 6, 2011, Li Qihong, the

Figure 16

As today's society moves towards the legal system, it is particularly important whether the legal knowledge of leading cadres is complete, as an important factor in national decision-making Implementers and cadres who study the law not only improve their own abilities and quality, but also improve their ability to serve the people, killing two birds with one stone.

Only when one knows the law, understands it, and uses it, can an official be a good official. If one knows only a little about the law or even has never heard of it like Li Qihong, then it is easy to lose one's position due to temporary greed.

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