In October 1929, an incident involving a rickshaw puller smashing a tram occurred in Peiping. Wang Lin, who was still in high school at Beiping's Jinshi Middle School, wrote a novel "This Is Just the First Little Internship" based on this background, which was published in In the

2024/05/2721:07:33 history 1158

文/ Li Yongjian

He is a writer and a revolutionary, a fighter who persists in fighting behind enemy lines in central Hebei. In 1942, the Japanese army carried out a brutal "May Day" "mopping up" campaign in the Jizhong area. During this period, he refused to leave Jizhong and insisted on staying in the Jizhong base area to fight against the enemy. During his fighting life, while avoiding the enemy's "sweeping", he wrote the novel "Heartland", which he called his testament, at the fortress tunnel entrance. He is an Anti-Japanese War literature writer who devoted his life to creation. His works play a decisive role in the history of Anti-Japanese War literature in Jizhong. He is the son of the people of Jizhong - Wang Lin.

Wang Lin is a writer and a staunch revolutionary

Wang Lin was born in February 1909 in a wealthy businessman family in Daliulin Village, Hengshui County, Hebei Province. His original name was Wang Tao and his courtesy name was Guipan. Junwen, Junwen. Wang Lin's literary creation started from a very high level. In October 1929, an incident involving a rickshaw puller smashing a tram occurred in Peking. Wang Lin, who was still in high school at Beiping Middle School, wrote a novel "This Is Just the First Little Internship" based on this background and published it. In the "Modern Novel" magazine founded by Pan Hannian and Ye Lingfeng, Ye Lingfeng once spoke highly of it. In August 1930, Wang Lin went to the Department of Foreign Literature of National Qingdao University to study. Wang Lin was a writer and a staunch revolutionary. When he was in high school at Jinshi Middle School in Peking, he came into contact with Communist Party members such as Guo Jiafang. Influenced by their progressive ideas, he began to embark on the road of revolution. In April 1930, Wang Lin joined the Chinese Communist Youth League. In May of the same year, Wang Lin was detained by the Kuomintang detective team for more than a month as a "communist suspect" for organizing revolutionary activities such as flying rallies, class strikes, and posting leaflets. . In 1931, Wang Lin joined the party and worked underground in Qingdao, Shanghai, Peking, Xi'an and other places. He was the introducer of the revolutionary Huang Jing to join the party. He served as the first party branch secretary of Qingdao University and founded the Left-wing Drama Federation. He joined the drama club, participated in the famous December 9th student movement, and then joined the Northeastern Army Cadet Corps and participated in the Xi'an Incident.

In July 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident broke out. On October 4, the Japanese army invaded and occupied Hengshui County. Wang Lin returned to his hometown of Daliulin Village in Hengshui County (today's Taocheng District) to visit relatives. He was isolated from his home due to flooding and the July 7th Incident, and organized an anti-Japanese hoeing group there. Wang Lin's cousin-in-law Jiadiange (the first county magistrate of the anti-Japanese democratic government and captain of the guerrilla brigade in Hengshui County) organized the Anti-Japanese Youth League with patriotic young men Jia Guangqin, Liu Shengyuan and others to wait for opportunities to attack Japanese stragglers. Wang Lin decided to merge the anti-Japanese organizations in the two places and set up an anti-Japanese anti-Japanese anti-corruption group, with Jia Diange as the leader, Wang Lin and Zhang Haifeng (members of the Communist Party of China) as propaganda and organization committee members, and Jia's wife Yu Fangqiu used Jia's radio to listen and record the anti-Japanese news, and broadcast the anti-Japanese news. In order to print and distribute, organize members to circulate progressive books and periodicals, and purchase guns and ammunition. Thanks to the leadership of the Party, the Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Anti-Corruption Group rapidly grew to more than 500 people, spread throughout the surrounding counties. Later, a group of members of the Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Regiment were led by Wang Lin to the Political Department of the Central Hebei Military Region, and another group of members were led by Jia Diange to the Xuxiang Front of the Southern Hebei Military Region, becoming the spark of the anti-Japanese armed forces in southern Hebei and central Hebei.

Use drama as a weapon to awaken the people

Before the Xi'an Incident in 1936, General Zhang Xueliang accepted our party's policy of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front, determined the policy of joint resistance to Japan, and adopted Zhou Enlai's policy of training middle- and lower-level officers and strengthening the anti-Japanese forces. It was recommended that officer training groups and cadet teams be held successively. Wang Lin was arranged by the party organization and also joined the cadet team. Before the Xi'an Incident, Wang Lin composed a cadet team song "We Are a Group of Tramps", composed by Liang Yan, which became widely popular:

We are a group of vagrants,

We are a group of patriotic criminals.

Hometown, hometown, a fertile hometown,

has long become the slaughterhouse of Japanese pirates;

Freedom, freedom, the freedom to save the nation,

has been deprived of nothing by the traitors.

Look, the anger across the country has reached a boiling point,

The revolutionary wave around the world is sweeping,


we will set off a nationwide anti-Japanese storm,

we will stand at the forefront of the world's wave,

charge forward, bravely Go forward!

Before the Xi'an Incident, Wang Lin created a one-act play "Up on the Crater" based on the background of young soldiers in the Northeast opposing the civil war and demanding a war of resistance. The author of the song " Songhua River " Zhang Hanhui said after reading the script that it was very good, but he thought that the anti-Japanese officer was killed in the end, which was too tragic and could not serve the purpose of inspiring people. While Wang Lin was revising the script, the Xi'an Incident broke out, which also gave his script a bright ending: after the heroine killed the spy, she and the young soldiers participated in the Xi'an Incident. After the Xi'an Incident, Wang Lin participated in the formation of the "12·12" theater troupe, which was affiliated to the Northeast Army's organization and was headed by Zhang Hanhui. During the New Year's Day of 1937, the "One Two One Two" troupe performed "Up the Crater" three times in a row at the Xi'an Yisu Society, and also performed in the Xianyang Cavalry Army three times in a row. Wang Lin also played a role in the play. Because the script captured the audience's feelings about home and country, it aroused strong resonance from the audience. When the plot reached its climax, the entire audience stood up and roared like thunder.

During his stay in Xi'an, Wang Lin created the Anti-Japanese War drama "Dawn", directed and participated in the performance himself, and also created the one-act drama "Fight Back Home", in which the episode "The Chinese Will Not Fight the Chinese" (lyrics by Wang Lin, Xu Ruilin (composed) was widely sung among the Northeastern Army, expressing the sentiments of the times across the country's military and civilians demanding resistance to Japan and opposing the civil war, and inspired the Northeastern Army's will to resist Japan.

In October 1929, an incident involving a rickshaw puller smashing a tram occurred in Peiping. Wang Lin, who was still in high school at Beiping's Jinshi Middle School, wrote a novel

◆The cover of the manuscript of the script "On the Crater" written by Wang Lin.

After the all-out war of resistance began, our party advanced behind enemy lines to build an anti-Japanese base area. Wang Lin came to Jizhong and served as the first president of the Jizhong Fireline Drama Club. The drama club adheres to the purpose of "anti-Japanese above all else and obeys anti-Japanese in everything" and actively cooperates with the political tasks of the army to carry out propaganda and agitation work.

Due to the cruel environment in Jizhong, it is not easy for large theater companies to survive. In response to this situation, Wang Lin creatively launched "theatrical guerrilla warfare." Like an old hen hatching a chick, he led, mentored, and trained a large number of village theater troupes across the plains. The village theater troupes in Jizhong performed on earthen platforms, dilapidated temples, tea shops, or in front of houses burned down by the enemy, or they set up pallets on bullock carts and performed on them, ready to be moved at any time. Before the May Day "mopping up" campaign, the Jizhong Village Theater Troupe numbered more than 1,700. Wang Lin specifically mentioned in "On the Jizhong Village Theater Troupe Movement" written in 1946: "During the Anti-Japanese War, strongholds and fortresses were lined with frequent 'mopping up' Next... we can even perform with loud gongs and drums." The troupe's performances helped the masses unknowingly change their old stereotypes, establish new ideas, and strengthen their will to resist Japan. Everyone said, "Acting in a play is better than propaganda for ten days." The Yanggezhuang Anti-Japanese War Theater Troupe in Anping County was founded by Wang Lin. The troupe can not only perform some simple one-act plays , but can even rehearse the large-scale anti-Japanese drama "No" "Forget September 18" and the complex multi-act drama "Thunderstorm". In 1941, the Yanggezhuang Anti-Japanese War Theater Troupe was rated as a model theater troupe by the Jizhong Military Region. It participated in the military-civilian gala performance on the battlefield, won first place in the performing arts competition, and received awards from the Jizhong Military Region.

Wang Lin's scripts have a rich flavor of life and local color. He is familiar with rural life in the north. With extremely keen insight, he describes the mentality and behavior of various characters in the context of the fall of his hometown and social turmoil, vividly It outlines vivid images of various characters, which can resonate with the audience, and the performance effect is excellent.During this period, Wang Lin created a large number of anti-Japanese-themed scripts such as "Stay Away", "Warning", "Torch", "Tiger", "It's Hard to Prevent a House Thief", etc., which had a huge impact and was known as the "Morrie of Jizhong". sorrow". These plays awakened the people and inspired the fighting will of the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians in central Hebei.

In the cruel war environment, he created "Heartland"

Wang Lin was the leader of the cultural front of the Anti-Japanese War in Central Hebei. He has successively served as deputy director of the Hebei-Chinese Cultural Association, director of the Hebei-Chinese Cultural Association, and the first president of the Fireline Drama Club, among other positions, and has no shirk in his duty to raise the banner of anti-war culture. After the brutal "May Day" "mopping up" in 1942, faced with the terrifying situation of enemy and puppet fortresses like forests, roads like nets, "no village does not wear filial piety, and smoke is everywhere", superiors instructed that the first-level party and government of the Central Hebei Military Region Cadres from military and civilian groups were temporarily transferred to the Taihang Mountains in the west of the Ping-Han Railway to reserve cadres for future counterattacks. Wang Lin was also among this group of cadres who needed to be transferred. However, Wang Lin insisted on staying in Jizhong and persisting in the struggle. He asked Zhou Xiaozhou, the Propaganda Director of the Jizhong District Party Committee in charge of cadre transfer: "I want to stay and be a witness and combatant of this history. Please organize and believe that, The last cadre left in Jizhong is Wang Lin! The last commoner left in Jizhong is Wang Lin! The Japanese want to launch the "Three Guangs". As long as Wang Lin is alive, Jizhong cannot be considered a "guang"! , Wang Lin stayed as a special case.

In the winter of 1942, Wang Lin started writing the novel "Heartland", which reflects the resistance war between the army and the people in central Hebei Province, at the home of Gong Shoude, a fortress in Yanggezhuang Village, Anping County. This is a book truly written with life and blood. At the time of writing, the enemy was still moving around "sweeping", "picking" and "clearing out", and gunshots continued to come from all directions. Wang Lin recalled his ideological activities at that time and said: "It was just like a play reaching its climax. I couldn't leave midway. As a literary and art worker, I have the responsibility to describe this period of struggle history. I couldn't wait for the passage of time and come back to draw on interviews and interviews. Presumably, I want to be a witness and combatant of history to express this thrilling history of the national revolutionary war. "I have faithfully written about the hard life of the anti-'mopping up' struggle in "Heartland". . In such a cruel environment, one must always be prepared to sacrifice... Although I believe that the final victory must belong to the Chinese nation, I do not dare to imagine that I can survive the war. I just squatted there like preparing a will. The writing of "Heartland" began at the fortress tunnel entrance. "

In October 1929, an incident involving a rickshaw puller smashing a tram occurred in Peiping. Wang Lin, who was still in high school at Beiping's Jinshi Middle School, wrote a novel

◆The cover of "Heartland" published in 1949.

From the article written by Zhang Zhen, an old man from Yanggezhuang Village, Anping County, who recalls his grandmother Gong Shoude protecting Wang Lin, we can understand the dangerous situation Wang Lin was in when he created "Hinterland". Once, the Japanese army stationed in Beihao Village, Anping County. The situation was urgent. Wang Lin went to hide in the black beans field in the north of the village overnight. It was a strong wind at night and the temperature dropped sharply. At dawn, everyone was sure that the Japanese army would not come, so they took Wang Lin back. At this time, Wang Lin was covered in dirt and shivering from the cold, but he laughed and said: "What if we act like this?" Monkeys don’t need to wear makeup!” Under harsh circumstances, Wang Lin dealt face-to-face with the Japanese army many times. One day, the Japanese cavalry suddenly entered the village from the north of Yanggezhuang Village. Wang Lin had no time to hide and was in a hurry. Gong Shoude calmly poured the sour and smelly swill from the pig trough onto the ground and covered it with plant ash as vomit. She got on the kang, covered herself with a quilt, and dressed up as a dying patient. She whispered: "Everyone is snuggled up. Kneel down before me, and you (Wang Lin) don't look back, and don't speak, your accent is wrong. Don't be afraid, you are my nephew." Everyone felt their hearts tightening as they heard the sound of Japanese boots getting closer and closer. The Japanese soldiers who entered the house used their bayonets to lift up the door curtain and took a look. They saw the "patient" lying on the kang and there was vomit on the ground. They turned around and left out of fear of contagion.Listening to the sound of leather boots slowly getting away, Wang Lin suddenly raised his head and kowtowed to the old man Gong Shoude. He opened his mouth and called mother, saying: "Mother, please don't call me Lao Wang anymore. Call me San." Son, I am your third son!"

"Heartland" was completed in the summer of 1943. Due to the cruel environment at that time, Wang Lin learned the painful lesson of the destruction of the novel "On the Plain" written at the same time and wrote "Heartland". The manuscript of "Heartland" was buried under the old house in his hometown of Daliulin Village. It was not until after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War that he "went home to get the manuscript of "Heartland". It was unearthed as new and I was very happy" (diary on November 18, 1945).

"Heartland" is real and vivid, rich in historical value

On September 30, 1949, on the eve of the founding of New China, "Heartland" finally met with readers after many twists and turns. The first edition printed 10,000 copies, causing a stir in the society. Strong response. Writer Sun Li specially published a review article, praising "Heartland" as "a solemn and rich ode to the people of central Hebei" and "a great picture of national suffering. The author has personally experienced this incident from beginning to end. Writing against the 'sweeping up' 'This is the best and most successful part of this book." "Of course, the most exciting part of this book is the true description of the fighting emotions of the people in Jizhong..." It "writes the customs of a great era. ".

As a realist writer, Wang Lin used a thorough and direct line drawing technique to create "Hinterland", truly presenting the cruelty of the anti-Japanese struggle situation in central Hebei and the struggle, awakening and resistance of farmers in central Hebei under the slaughter and slavery of Japanese invaders. It contains dense, real, and unimaginable political, historical, and sociological information, and can be read as a wide-ranging and systematic historical record. In 1986, General Lu Zhengcao wrote the preface to "Wang Lin's Selected Works": "Fang Qi relied on his pen and ink to convey more historical facts about the Anti-Japanese War in central Hebei." He commented that "Heartland" "reflects the military and civilians of central Hebei and the enemy's May Day" During the great 'mopping up' period, the arduous and arduous fighting scenes were real and vivid, evocative and full of historical value."

Writer Bao Chang wrote in the article "The Life and Creation of Wang Lin": "The biggest feature of "Heartland" is authenticity. I dare say that this is the most realistic and life-like description of the anti-Japanese struggle in central Hebei so far. A breathtaking work. The characters in the novel are flesh and blood, and none of them are conceptual illustrations..."

The male protagonist Xin Dagang in the novel is a disabled veteran. After returning to his hometown, he faced the cruel anti-war environment and briefly became weak and weak. He wavered, and was limited by the love between his children, but in the end he resolutely took on the responsibility of a soldier and led the villagers in an arduous struggle against "mopping up". The novel also depicts a group of civilian heroes such as Xin Laoguang, Jiang Zhenxing, and Huang Renqiu. The sharpshooter Huang Renqiu described in the novel is a character with very distinctive characteristics. Huang Renqiu has a wretched image, described by villagers as "like a weasel"; he has a complicated history, having been in the old army for more than thirty years, and "lived for several years in the mountains of the three eastern provinces"; he is selfish and narrow-minded, and keeps things to himself. The good gun "Ma Sihuan" is not allowed to be used by others. However, he fought bravely and had godly marksmanship, turning the tide of battle many times. Wang Lin also recorded a small person in his diary on October 24, 1939, who was very similar to Huang Renqiu. Wang Lin wrote: "The guerrillas in the Mo (Tou) District fought a good battle recently. There were more than 20 enemies and more than 40 puppets. They went to Xiaowangzhuang to surround them... Among the team members were small gangs (thieves and thieves) from Hutou Wang Village. ), the villagers sent him to the district police for being illegal. He was detained for many days and then asked to become a member of the team. He was not very happy to do it. Then he took a big gun and shot two people to death..." This "小绺" " left a deep impression on Wang Lin, who wrote: "I think that during this battle, nothing else deserves the special attention of a literary worker, but the psychological process of this small lock's transformation is quite worth it. Exploring." Maybe this "little lock" is one of Huang Renqiu's prototypes. Through the description of Huang Renqiu, the novel vividly portrays the image of farmers in central Hebei. Although they have shortcomings of one kind or another, and even have national bad qualities, they stood up bravely in the face of a powerful enemy and became the national heroes. The backbone, the hope of victory in the Anti-Japanese War.This is also a true portrayal of our party uniting all forces that can be united during the Anti-Japanese War and establishing an anti-Japanese national united front.

In October 1929, an incident involving a rickshaw puller smashing a tram occurred in Peiping. Wang Lin, who was still in high school at Beiping's Jinshi Middle School, wrote a novel

◆Wang Lin in writing.

The end of "Heartland" describes how the young translator Xiao Lu'er and the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians cooperated with each other to outwit Jiaoqiu Gangtower. This is also the climax of the whole book. The prototype of the little translator Xiao Lu'er is Zhang Enmiao from Yanggezhuang Village, Anping County. His nickname is "Little Donkey" and he has been friends with Wang Lin for many years. In "Hinterland", Wang Lin changed the name of the little translator into "Xiao Lu'er" according to the homophony, and the name of Jiaoqiu Watchtower was changed to "Jiaoqiu Watchtower". "Heartland" also contains many descriptions of village theater troupes, arsenals, and mine warfare. It records many historical details of the "May Day" anti-"sweeping" in detail, which can be corroborated with official history. Wang Lin, as an eyewitness of the Jizhong Anti-Japanese War, , witnesses, recorded all this truthfully, and became precious historical data.

Wang Lin has been writing non-stop for many years and is a prolific writer.

In his 55-year literary career, Wang Lin has written more than 250 novels and scripts and is a prolific writer. While Jizhong persisted in resisting "mopping up", Wang Lin also wrote the short story "Eighteen War Horses" that reflected the anti-Japanese war in Jizhong, which was hailed by critics as "a classic of military literature." In 1949, Wang Lin entered Tianjin with the army and served successively as the Minister of Culture and Education of the Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions, Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Group of the Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Vice Chairman of the Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Vice Chairman of the Tianjin Branch of the China Writers Association, and Vice Chairman of the Hebei Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He has written novels such as "The Female Village Chief" and "The People Stand Up". As an eyewitness of the December 9th Movement and the Xi'an Incident, Wang Lin also wrote two full-length historical novels "The December 9th March" and "The All-powerful Storm" that reflect the December 9th Movement and the Xi'an Incident. These works of Wang Lin still continue his unpretentious writing style and almost line drawing expression technique. The protagonists in these books do not have the formatted and conceptual image of "Gao Daquan Wei Guangzheng", but present real and vivid lives one by one. , a soul with warmth. He dared to openly oppose some erroneous tendencies in the literary and art circles, and always adhered to a realistic writing style.

On May 23, 1984, Wang Lin fell ill and made a special trip to Yanggezhuang, Anping County. Here are his close comrades-in-arms, and here is the godmother he will never forget; here is the hinterland of central Hebei that he once enthusiastically eulogized, and it is also his second hometown. Walking on the street of Yanggezhuang Village, he seemed to hear the gongs and drums of the village troupe and saw his godmother walking towards him. This is his last visit to his hometown. On July 2, 1984, Wang Lin passed away due to illness, ending his glorious and fighting life.

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