Guo Degang began to engage in drum music, and some people said: The folk art industry urgently needs to be regulated

There is a voice from the media, and the music industry needs to be regulated urgently. Note that the word "urgently needed" is used instead of "urgently needed." It means that there are too many chaotic phenomena in the Quyi world, which has seriously affected the normal development of the Quyi industry.

When I first read the article, I felt that what the article said was very reasonable, especially in criticizing the current Internet age. Some people are making funny and funny on some self-media platforms, relying on packaging, hype, etc. Means hit the Internet. Such chaos really needs to be managed.

After reading this article, the first thing that comes to mind is that the time when this article was published is very interesting.

This media has posted more than once in the past. The first two articles did not mention the name or surname, but the famous person can tell at a glance who it is aimed at. But those two posts were aimed at cross talk, but this time it was aimed at the entire Quyi world.

So the node of this article is a bit interesting. Why do you say that? Because Deyun Club is not only playing cross talk these days, but also engaged in drum music, and has achieved great success, causing a lot of Great response. In addition, the previous Kylin Club engaged in Peking Opera and the Taiping Club engaged in Pingju , and people now say that Guo Degang is going to revitalize the entire opera world. Does posting an article like this at this node make people think about it?

There is also a point of comment on the points in the article, and some points that you don’t understand!

Look at the relevant content of the article again:

The beginning of the article is that in the past, folk artists must first have a master and then be recognized by their peers. After the establishment of a quyi troupe, it is necessary to have a professional title evaluation so that it can be on the stage. This Deyun Club wants to say that cross talk is considered a famous teacher. After all, Guo Degang is the apprentice of and Hou Yaowen . Yuqian is the apprentice of Shi Fukuan . They are all rooted people. But this drumming. What about this opera? The drum music has his wife Wang Hui, but the disciples are all Guo Degang's! That is to say, if in the past, actors like Deyun Club were not eligible to perform on stage except for cross talks?

This first item is actually the same as the current state-regulated host who also needs to have a post certificate . You cannot perform without a certificate. It's not like now, you can do whatever you want, as long as the audience likes it. Without qualifications, you don't even have the right to be on stage. I am thinking now, if this article is really implemented, then which department is the relevant department? There seems to be only the Music Association, right? If so, how many comedians of Deyun Club can still sing, sing drums, and talk about storytelling ? Even if they are going to take the test for this certificate, how many people do you think Deyun Club can have with the evaluation and inspection?

Let’s take a look at the nature and responsibilities of the Music Association. Chinese Music Artists Association is a mass organization organized by the National Music Artists voluntarily. Its main responsibilities are liaison, coordination, and service through various artistic activities. , The most widely united folk artists and folk artists.

This statement is to expand the rights of the Music Association. The Music Association will no longer be just a coordinating department with no actual rights as it is now. The Music Association will become a management department that will have the right to deal with artists who think there are problems. Get rid of the current phenomenon that can only be "critical". Once this kind of rights is possessed by the Music Association, is it really a good thing for the Chinese folk art world? Besides, it is not that there is no department in charge of this phenomenon. The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the management of this aspect. Why should the Music Association be given this right? Once the Music Association has this right, will it be a good thing for the Chinese folk art circle?

Now it seems that there has been a junior college class for Quyi,It seems that undergraduate classes have been opened this year. There are also talents with high education qualifications from prestigious universities who are engaged in Quyi work, such as Tsinghua 's Li Yinfei , Jiaotong University 's Li Hongye and his wife, as well as Peking University _span_spanspan _span_span14 Deliang, etc. I also didn't see how much they contributed to the current cross talk world. Is the master and apprentice the root cause of the talent gap in the current Quyi industry?

The development of cross talk to this day has always relied on masters to lead apprentices, and there were glorious moments in the past. The apprentices trained by Mr. Hou Baolin and the apprentices trained by Mr. Ma Ji have brought prosperity to the cross talk world? Cross talk only experienced a period of downturn after the horse season before Guo Degang. Was this period caused by the master leading the apprentice?

I think the folk art world is the same as the cross talk world, the root cause of the fault is not caused by the mode of talent training. And the most critical market is caused. Your school has cultivated a large number of high-level folk art talents. There is no market and no one likes to watch them. Where do these people perform? Who is it for?

So the talent gap is because no one wants to learn, not how to train it, so the fundamental reason to solve the gap is to have a market, and a market means fame, wealth, etc. This is the most fundamental reason for attracting people. Why does Guo Degang have 2.54 million students enrolled in the Dragon Characters Division of Deyun Society? If all the folk art groups can be like this, are they afraid of a fault in the folk art world?

Therefore, only those who really like Quyi can truly develop a good Quyi career. What you say is never as good as what you do. There are more folks like Guo Degang who really want to revitalize the folk art industry, and the Chinese folk art scene will prosper!
