47-year-old He Jiong "being left out" reveals the cruel "hidden rules" of the entertainment industry

When it comes to the host, who do you think of? I believe most people will say Happy Family . Indeed, since the launch of Happy Base Camp, it has been loved by countless people, and several hosts have also gained high popularity because of this. or Xie Na, who is crazy, is a star that everyone likes very much, especially Mr. He Jiong He, who is the ace in the hosting industry and the object of respect of many artists.

In everyone's impression, Mr. He should be a very polite and considerate person. We can also see or hear in the program that he takes great care of everyone, never because of his own. It can be said that he is the image of a good old man, perhaps because of this, so everyone also likes him very much. Every April 28th is the birthday of Mr. He. Every time there will be a day of blessings, in order to express their love.

In fact, it is very common to send blessings, but it is rare for people like Mr. He to have so many blessings. The big and small stars together are enough to show Mr. He's good popularity, but this year But it is quite surprising. I believe that the careful friends should have discovered it. Except for Deng Lun , Yang Di and the happy family himself, other people who would have blessed in previous years have no voice this time.

Some people may say that it is normal to forget when you are so busy at work, but have they really forgotten? In fact, the reason may be due to the fact that he received gifts from fans before , because Mr. He joked on a variety show that he had received fan gifts from celebrities, and made some jokes, but these few words were unexpectedly It caused a great impact, and other members of the happy family were also exposed to the incident of receiving gifts, especially Du Haitao , who even sold these gifts online. For a time, Mr. He stood on the cusp of public opinion. was also questioned.

Maybe it is because of this that Mr. He's birthday this year is so deserted, and this fully illustrates the cruelty and reality of entertainment circle . Thinking about the grand occasion at the beginning, but now it looks like this, you can say who Red and who play this sentence is vividly interpreted. Although I feel very sad, it is not that I have never seen it before. Isn't Gan Wei a good example at the beginning.

When Boss Jia had a successful career, Gan Wei became the limelight among a group of female stars, and everyone competed to become the godmother of their children, but after Boss Jia went bankrupt, these people who once wanted to be godmothers still there? Although cruel, this is real life. Surviving in the entertainment industry requires some skills to make friends.