Recently, I feel that e-sports hotels with the selling point of “e-sports + accommodation” are very popular among the younger generation of e-sports people. Many friends around me have said that they want to experience this e-sports hotel. After all, it can combine the two things

Recently I feel that e-sports hotel with the selling point of “e-sports + accommodation” is very popular among the younger generation of e-sports people. Many friends around me have said that they want to experience this e-sports hotel. After all, it can combine the two things that men are most interested in. Who wouldn't be tempted?

To be honest, as a player who loves games very much, I am also very interested in this e-sports hotel. I have also been to nearby e-sports hotels and the experience is not bad, but I have a problem in my heart. Should this e-sports hotel, which combines two industries, be managed as a hotel or an Internet cafe? So I wanted to ask everyone for their opinions.

However, there is no clear legal regulation on whether an e-sports hotel is considered an accommodation place or an Internet service business place. Rule of Law Daily quoted the analysis of relevant people as saying: If an e-sports hotel is defined as an Internet service business place, it must obtain an Internet culture business license , and minors are strictly prohibited from staying; if an e-sports hotel is defined as an Internet service business place, Defined as an accommodation place, according to the relevant provisions of the Minors Protection Law that will be implemented on June 1, 2021, operators can admit minors after fulfilling inspection, reporting and other obligations. This resulted in a "fight" situation.

I personally think that this type of e-sports hotels should be treated in categories. Before new laws and regulations are introduced, corresponding local regulations should be formulated in various places. Hotels that only have one Internet computer in some rooms and are operated as computer business rooms are not classified as Internet Internet service business premises; hotels that have most of the rooms for more than 3 people and have Internet computers based on the number of people are included in the Internet The scope of supervision of Internet service business premises shall be supervised by the cultural administration department, public security department, and market supervision department in accordance with their functions.

I wonder what everyone thinks about who should manage the e-sports hotel?