The 27th season of "Diablo 3" was launched on the ptr test server on July 12. For players who have played Diablo 3 before, this does not seem to be news - it will be updated regularly, giving every player an opportunity to go back and play it again and experience new elements, bu

The 27th season of "Diablo 3" was launched on the ptr test server on July 12.

For players who have played Diablo 3, this does not seem to be news - it will be updated regularly, giving every player an opportunity to go back and play it again and experience new elements, but that seems to be it.

But what is surprising is that as soon as this season was launched, it received praise from many players. Some even considered the 27th season as the most anticipated season, and then eagerly waited for it to come to the official server as soon as possible.

Why? I think it has to do with the theme of the season first. The theme of

Season 27 is "Angel's Forge", which also brings new items with the same name. "Angel Forge" can be used to reforge items to become ancient level (the highest level equipment category in Diablo 3, with extremely low explosion rate), and all the variables of the affix attributes will be filled (although the affixes are still random), in addition In addition, "Angel's Forge" will also give the equipment an additional special effect that is different for each profession and .

Let’s take the Necromancer as a typical example.

The first special effect is to automatically collect golems from surrounding corpses. The stored corpses can be used to release spells that require corpses. The second is to use the Death Nova to attack 5 times and then summon the spirit to launch a random attack on the enemy. The third special effect is to cause enemies within 50 yards to continue to be damaged by the Army of the Dead-Army of the Otherworld rune.

is a very strong and distinctive change.

To put it simply, you can understand "Angel's Forge" as a [Golden Touch]. Even if it does not have the ideal affix, it can still instantly strengthen your weakest equipment part, bringing considerable combat power. improvement.

Players who have played brush games must have been tortured by the feeling of "missing one item". This prop looks simple, but it effectively solves a long-standing pain point for brush players. In my opinion, it is a very excellent design.

Of course, the overly powerful mechanism of "Angel Forge" is also subject to reasonable restrictions. For example, the ancient equipment inspired by it can only be equipped with one piece at most, and it cannot be equipped to followers. Therefore, when it solves the pain points, it does not affect the current brushing mechanism too "cross-border". On the

forum, the emergence of "Angel's Forge" is generally hyped, and some excited players even said that this is an update comparable to an expansion pack. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it also shows that this change has hit the player's itch. In the words of a friend of mine, "at least it shows that the designer is really playing Diablo 3."

Players are still satisfied with the designer's work (they scold and Blizzard cannot stop )

In addition to "Angel's Forge", multiple sets of different professions have also undergone huge changes.

Let’s still take the Necromancer’s “Tagoo” suit as an example. The effects of the 2-, 4-, and 6-piece sets have been greatly enhanced compared to the past. The damage-increasing effect of the 6-piece set has been increased from the original 3800% to 10000%. The HP bonus of the 4-piece set has also been increased by a full three times.

This kind of skill damage is completely designed to "press 0 with eyes closed", which is what everyone hopes to see most in the PTR test server (it is of course better to survive to the official server)

Due to numerical limitations, the Necromancer's health set It has been dormant for a long time, and I believe that many new players have never experienced similar pleasure - now, the opportunity has come.

Old version of Tageo

Of course, although the article focuses on introducing the changes to the Necromancer, it is not considered to be a private article. In fact, in this season update, the Necromancer is so dazzling that it has suddenly become the most anticipated " Lich King". But that doesn’t mean designers aren’t paying attention to other professions.

The mage's druid set and Talasha set have also undergone major changes. The Monk's Ina Set finally received a major cut: the damage increase dropped from 3000% to 900%. But just like the designer's explanation, everyone has been enjoying themselves for several seasons, so it's time to give up, right?

Whether it is the unique season mechanism of "Angel's Forge" or the suit changes that cover almost all professions, they are sending a signal to players: this 27th season is destined to be interesting, and the designers have not messed up like before.Such unanimous praise from

players is actually a bit unfamiliar to "Diablo 3", at least in recent times.

Take the recent 26th season as an example. The "Nightmare Echo" mechanism launched this season. Players collect screaming crystals from the guardians of the Great Secret Realm before they can enter Nightmare Echo. After that, increase the difficulty by quickly defeating monsters, and then obtain legendary equipment, regular gems, and the new legendary gem "Whispers of Atonement." Except for the season mechanism, the other changes seem to be insignificant and unremarkable. They are nothing more than adjustments and updates to the Great Rift map pool. After

was launched this season, it has been "bombarded" by many players. They believe that the new mode is not only more difficult, but also has a hopelessly low drop rate, which makes countless players have no motivation to continue playing. This season, it is really the best way to persuade players to quit.

"I'm pretty sure this is the shortest season I've ever played."

Obviously, most people show a lack of interest in this 26th season with almost no season gains and enhancements. Even those die-hard fans said that they would only experience the content of the new season, and then start "playing dead", waiting for the arrival of the new season.

They finally waited, and the 27th season was indeed the "best season" among many people.

In fact, "Diablo 3" is a Blizzard game that has been around for many years. The outside world should not make a fuss because of the positive reviews from players. The reason for this situation is actually because of Blizzard's recent bad practices, which have once again dropped its reputation by another level.

html On July 9th, Blizzard issued an announcement, announcing that "Heroes of the Storm" will stop updating, and future support methods will be similar to the current "StarCraft II". You know, the last time "Heroes of the Storm" released a new hero was two years ago. This announcement by Blizzard is like letting "Heroes of the Storm" who was already in the coffin come to the center of the stage to give a speech: All eyes are on me, look at me, look at me, I am announcing something, I am dead...

is not only funny. , and quite ironic.

The failure of many games has made more and more players regard Blizzard as a laughing stock. It is precisely because of this that this season update of "Diablo 3" seems a bit "outstanding". After all, this is an old game that has gone through ups and downs for ten years. It really surprises players that Blizzard can provide such a large-scale season content after many bad seasons.

Just when everyone thought he was going to continue to show off, he suddenly broke out.

But as the title says, the recent good things about Blizzard's "prodigal son turning back" all happened after the acquisition of by Microsoft . Many people (including me) attribute the credit to Microsoft, believing that it was Microsoft's intervention that forced Blizzard to stop being so bad and gradually become "progressive". The 27th season of this update by

is also the first season of "Diablo 3" update after Microsoft took over Blizzard. The rich content of the season is in sharp contrast with the 26th season, which makes people doubt that Blizzard was indeed forced by Microsoft to update some "dry stuff".

Of course, regardless of the influence of Microsoft or not, Blizzard has finally shown its sincerity this time, and this is enough for those players of "Diablo 3" for many years, isn't it? (So, can the Necromancer make it out of the PTR test server alive?).