As we all know, the "League of Legends" LPL summer season is in full swing. During this period, gamers across the Internet have become very interested in this game. Netizens who follow this competition should all know that the Summer Split is currently the most well-known profess

As we all know, the summer competition of " League of Legends " LPL is in full swing. During this period, game players all over the Internet have become very interested in this game. Netizens who follow this competition should all know that the Summer Split is currently the most well-known professional event in the domestic e-sports circle. Its professional competition system and rules have attracted dozens of top domestic professional teams to participate. However, their The performance is quite different.

Netizens who follow this summer season should all know that the performance of the world championship team IG is beyond everyone’s expectations. The departure of the team’s players has caused it to finish last this season. On July 5th, the summer season ushered in the peak showdown between the two teams IG and LNG. During this period, professional player Ning Wang was also very concerned about the performance of his old club and immediately sat in the second lane to provide commentary.

The first game of the two teams had just started during the BP session recently. King Ning made a wave of complaints about the IG team. Then, sixteen minutes later, XUN, the jungler who wanted to invade the LGD team, was defeated by the enemy's top laner Gnar. caught the trick and wanted to use the W skill to escape but was easily killed by Gnar. Faced with this situation, King Ning could only say helplessly: This xun jumped into the wall and was going to be single-killed!

At the same time, the appearance of jungler Leopard Girl is of no use in this game. King Ning also expressed this very uniquely: Can the hero Leopard Girl be considered a big c? Is he worthy of telling the truth? Who can he beat? There was no suspense in the subsequent team battle. In the end, the IG team was easily wiped out by the LNG team. Many netizens couldn't laugh or cry when they saw this.

After the game, King Ning was also very angry about the game, and even had a wonderful barrage interaction with fans and friends in the live broadcast room. Netizens, what do you think of this game? Welcome to leave a comment below.