"Aeterna Noctis" is a 2D side-scrolling action game. The game is very challenging. You have to sprint and jump in a scene full of traps to reach the end.

HELLO~ Hello everyone, here is Xiaobai’s recommended time for a daily trip. There are thousands of games in the world, and there are many interesting games that are not known to the majority of players due to lack of publicity. Here, Xiaobai will recommend a highly rated but not well-known game to everyone every day ~

"Aeterna Noctis" is a 2D horizontal version of the action game. The game is very challenging. You have to navigate a scene full of traps and mechanisms. Sprint and jump to reach the finish line. Taking on the role of the Dark Lord, you must help him regain his power after traveling through 16 different and interconnected areas in an epic journey that tells an environmental story.

This game is an ultra-difficult horizontal action game. In the game, players will play the role of the King of Darkness and regain their abilities by constantly defeating enemies. The game adopts a Metroidvania-like gameplay, including exploration, development, combat and other elements, and is accompanied by a certain degree of freedom.

When it comes to the biggest feature of the game, Xiaobai thinks it is the extremely high difficulty. The enemies in the game basically kill you after two hits, and players often need many attacks to destroy the enemies. In addition, there is a lack of means to restore blood, so it is necessary to Face every battle with caution. In addition, the platform jumping in the game is also very difficult. Due to the height of the player's jump and the ability to adjust the landing point in the air, the character will be very floating after taking off, and he will often accidentally fall on a nail and get stuck to death. The key is that you are done with platform jumping at ordinary times, but you still have to platform jump when fighting BOSS. It feels like platform jumping is like the Sword of Damocles hanging over the head, torturing the player's nerves all the time.

Except for the difficult combat and jumping, the other content of the game is basically a regular Metroidvania Castlevania gameplay, including various skills, weapons and equipment, gem enhancements, blood volume increase through exploration, and new acquisitions. The ability opens up new scenarios and more. Oh, I almost forgot, the game also has a certain barrage shooting session. The BOSS will send out a large and powerful barrage, which will catch those who often hit it off guard.

Overall, the impression this game leaves on newcomers is that it is a super-difficult Metroidvania-like game, which incorporates various high-difficulty settings from games, outrageous jumping music, and high-intensity The enemy returned to collect his soul after death, which made Xiaobai feel deeply malicious. Recommended to friends who like challenges and have confidence in their own operations. The game supports Simplified Chinese and is priced at 90RMB on Steam.

Okay, that’s it for today’s game recommendations. There are many fun games for beginners. Let’s continue in the next issue.

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