The anniversary celebration, one of the most important editions of the year, has already started for more than 2 weeks! Two weeks is neither long nor short. I believe that many players have reached 3.42 reputation and have almost finished receiving the rewards of the anniversary

As one of the most important releases of the year, the

anniversary celebration has been launched for more than 2 weeks! Two weeks is neither long nor short. I believe that many players have reached 3.42 reputation and have almost finished receiving the rewards of the anniversary version. There are many great rewards for this anniversary celebration. For example, when the 110 version is launched, a transparent "Start from 100" will be given, a mythical Becky of your choice will be given to play and explore, and a 105 epic cumulative online of your choice will be given, which are all helpful to players. and activities worth participating in.

7.14 version has 3 activities to end.

activities come one after another. Currently, the anniversary version has started 2 waves of activities! According to the current activities that are about to end, there will be a new wave of activities going online in the 7.14 summer version. The new activities have not been revealed yet, but what is certain is that there will be news in the two days of 7.7~7.8 .

has a new event online, which means that the event on 7.14 is about to end! There are three main activities that has concluded, namely the 14th anniversary exhibition, the Original Inspiration Collection gift pack, and the accumulated online gifts. So in these three upcoming activities, what are the things that players need to pay attention to?

2 Cheap Gift Boxes Don’t Miss

First of all, the props sold at the 14th Anniversary Souvenir Exhibition are like "repaying kindness with revenge" in the eyes of players, especially the 6,600-point gift box of brilliant badges (2 pieces), and the 6,666-point gift box. Sky redemption coupon is very pitiful. But despite this, there are still two props worth buying, namely the 140-point commemorative gift box and the 660-point equipment upgrade gift box.

The commemorative gift box of 140 points contains 14 resurrection coins, an equipment adjustment box, and fatigue medicine (14 points). It is worth buying for players who are short of resurrection coins, adjustment boxes, and are upgrading, and the price/performance ratio is very high. The 660-point equipment upgrade gift box contains 14 amplifiers. Calculated as 90W gold coins are needed to increase 8 points, the cost can be recovered with 4 amplifiers. Players who need amplifiers should not miss it.

Returning Gift Pack contains many beneficial props for players.

Original Inspiration Collection Gift Pack is a gift pack sold for new/returning players! The gift pack includes brilliant self-selected badges, 30-day fake graduation titles, halos, pets, scratch-off enchantments, CP2.0 protective stones, runes and other props that are beneficial to players, but the price is not very beautiful and costs 49R.

For this gift pack, it does bring some help to new and returning players in terms of damage and construction. Players who bought after the 14th, remember to open all the items, otherwise they will expire and they will not buy them. Players are not recommended to buy them, as they are props that can be obtained for free from previous events.

Accumulate good gifts and obtain beneficial props. There are many

Accumulate online good gifts. It has been a long time since I joined the daily activity. It will also end on July 14th! During the event, players can get 28 adjustment boxes, at least 560 Harbinger Crystals, 10 adjustment boxes, 75 golden beryls, 1 augmentation book, and 105 epic equipment optional gift boxes.

After 7.14, all props will be deleted, so remember to open and use them! Among them, you should pay attention to the 105 epic equipment self-selected gift box obtained by signing in 20 times. First select the equipment you lack, and then select the specific dropped equipment, such as MP belts, shoes, and black and white ball rings.

[Personal summary]

In general, although there are not many activities ending on 7.14, there are still some things that need to be paid attention to! Although the "Grand Enmity Gift Pack" is expensive with brilliant badges and sky coupons, the 140-point commemorative gift box and the 660-point equipment upgrade gift box are still worth buying, and the price/performance ratio is very high. Although the return gift pack is helpful for returning players to upgrade and deal damage, it is still not recommended to buy it. They are basically props given away in previous events. Free props become charged, and if you buy them, you will be wronged. The main thing you need to pay attention to when accumulating online gifts is the 105 epic self-selected gift box. You must choose the part you are missing, and then choose the unique part. Since the unique parts are fixed drops from monsters, it is very difficult to obtain them.