Have you been living this kind of life in an infinite cycle - following the "9 to 5" daily schedule, commuting to get off work according to the route planned by big data, only eating the takeaways you usually eat, and would rather get tired of it than try it? Dishes I haven’t eat

Have you been living this kind of life in an infinite cycle?

You follow the daily schedule of "9 to 5", commute to and from work according to the route planned by big data, and only eat the takeaways you usually eat, and would rather get tired of it. Don’t try dishes you haven’t tried before.

I found that this repetitive cycle of life is particularly like a profession in the game: NPC.

A while ago, I realized that I felt particularly strongly like an NPC.

I was waiting for the bus downstairs at the company at night. I inadvertently raised my head, and with my neck as the axis, my sight circled 180 degrees from left to right.

This is the first time I looked around the CBD from this perspective. The buildings in Wangjing are tall and punk, just like the high-rise buildings modeled by CG in the game.

It was also at that moment that I felt that from an NPC that only had a first-person perspective, I gained an unprecedented "player" third-person perspective.

If you also realize that your life is like an NPC, this is the beginning of consciously broadening the quality of your life, an extension of your senses, and the filling of your time and space at this moment.

Today I would like to share with you a quote from Calvino at the beginning of the article -

"As long as human nature is enslaved by heavy weight, I think I should fly into another space like Perseus. I don't mean Escape into dreams or irrationality.

What I mean is that I have to change my approach, see the world from a different perspective, use a different logic, and use a completely new way of cognition and examination. "

Now I have. I really want to show you things that are beyond "program settings". This perspective is very important.


@a Furong Rumian Liu Rumei

My recent daily life is like a large-scale doomsday survival game, and I am an extra NPC in the game.

Game Settings -

. If you don’t have supplies at home, you will “lose blood”, but when you go out, it is easy to “infect the virus”, so you must be equipped with protective equipment.

. Enter the "poison circle" to grab supplies. If you have extra, you can set up a stall to resell them.

. NPC organizes nucleic acid and eliminates positive people in each wave.

. People from the same community can form a team to participate.


@ Don't ask Xiao Zhou to be transferred to a new department. When the leader introduced me to everyone, he said: "This is Xiao Zhou. She is very good at PPT. If you need anything, you can contact her."

does not have a complete personality, only functions. Introduction: The PPT is very good.


@ The cold ice rain patted my face randomly

In the days after I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, I was extremely lonely and had insomnia every day.

I couldn’t find anyone to chat with at two o’clock in the middle of the night, so I got up and played Mario Party alone. PS: Mario Party is usually a game played with friends.

I am a living person, and I was tortured by 3 computer characters. I kept losing and spent the whole night running with NPC

. At that moment, my loneliness was worse than NPC. I was NPC's NPC.



Every time a salary is paid, I feel like an NPC. I have my own set of fixed procedures -

Check how much money I got, whether the performance of the payroll is correct, how much tax was deducted, and this step was completed in half an hour. It's done and I feel relieved that the money is correct.

The next step is to pay back the credit card and Huabei, and the joy of getting salary is gone in an instant.

Paying wages reminds me -

Work is about completing tasks, and money is the reward given by the system.

If I don’t do well, there won’t be any big punishment. I am just an unimportant, unknown and marginalized person.

No matter what you do, your salary doesn’t seem to change.


@Natz Baba

I was sitting downstairs in the company when I noticed two people walking past me side by side and going out through a small door.

Five minutes later, they walked past me in the same direction again, and it was the same door.

walked like this three times in a row within ten minutes, as if it had been rehearsed.

This makes me feel like The Truman surrounded by actors.


@-WE NB-

Is there a moment when you feel like you have experienced it before, and you can also predict what will happen in the next few seconds.

For example, if a random person steps on you on the street, he says sorry to you, but you say it’s okay.

I feel like I have experienced this kind of irrelevant "plot" before.

I seem to be like the NPC of the player in "Earth Online", not even the NPC of the main quest line, constantly looping an extremely simple story line.


@ wim

I am a fully qualified migrant worker.

daily to do list & ddl is my daily routine. As long as

is set, it must be completed, and it will be useless if there is a bug in the body.

Of course, except for which is directly down and :)

As we all know, "As long as you don't die, you will work for me until you die" is a classic saying of Internet workers.



I just came to Beijing. Every day I stand on the escalator and look at the crowded subway station. I always think of the robot in the movie "irobot" that was sent to the destruction workshop.

One day, a child standing next to me pointed outside and recited a poem: "Three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, ducks are prophets of the warm water in the spring river."

I realized that it was already spring outside the car window, and a large number of people were blooming. peach blossom.

Pictured by the editorial department



For a long time in the past, I followed the optimal route planned by the navigation to go to and from get off work, and I never questioned it.

Once I had to take a detour to buy something before going home, and found that the other route was shorter.

I realized that accurate big data is not so reliable.

After that time, I no longer want to live a commute between two points and one line, often taking "random" routes.

If a person follows the same route to work every day, it will shrink a person's world. An irregular route is like a newly opened map. This is the "player" thinking.

This is a kind of "drifting", not an "instruction" with a clear purpose.


@Goodnight Maca

I am engaged in content operation and , and I have done 8 hot searches in half a year.

was very happy at the beginning. When he saw the hot searches going up little by little, he even had a physiological reaction and his heartbeat accelerated wildly.

I was worried that I would be too excited and "get involved" in others. Later, everyone would become numb and no one would be able to sympathize with my happiness.

My colleague and I are each other's NPCs.

Does anyone remember the specific trending search that made me happy? No. Only "Hot Search Time Machine" remembers it.

It's like you take a kitten home and plant a seed of sadness with your own hands. And if I regard work as a source of happiness, it is destined to be a tragedy.

My good friends made me a "2022 Birthday Proposal" PPT for my birthday a few days ago. One page is like this -

They will remember it and be proud of my "staged achievements".

When this kind of living "feedback" is placed in front of me, I feel that I am a "living person".



During that time, I moved to a new city.

I was taking the subway on my way home, but when I got to London Bridge, I suddenly wanted to see water.

By some mistake, I got off the car and walked in a daze for an hour and a half while looking at the street signs heading north.

There seemed to be a force pushing me forward. There was no thought or desire in my heart. The only thought was to open my legs and move forward.

My hometown is by the sea, and the sea can calm down. It can be said that I am looking for familiar things among strangers. In other words, I can see the sea in my hometown.

At that time, it was a strange night when the sky was still bright but all the shops were closed. I feel like I'm coming back to life as an NPC character.


@ coconut sugar

In the high-intensity work mode of Internet companies, everyone seems to perform their duties like cogs.

and my colleagues seem to have only "1" to say, and it's been a long time since I got off work before 10 o'clock.

If this continues, I am afraid that my life will only consist of work, coffee for my boss, and breakfast for my colleagues...

So after the company project was closed, I decided to take leave immediately. I am afraid that I will continue to be "rusty".

My friends and I went to the beach in the off-season during that winter when we were both a little tired. Extremely cold, but also extremely beautiful.

Work group communication is blocked, WeChat exit, and mobile phone do not disturb.

While the biting cold wind was blowing at the beach, I suddenly felt that regular and quantitative escape was necessary for us "working gears". The moment

and seagulls "fly" together on the beach in winter, I just feel that I have "escaped".

[ is written at the end ]

We are always desperately pursuing all certain things -

a stable life, a long-term partner, and a job that can last until old age.

Are you sure this is the life you want? Is this kind of day that is defaulted to "not making mistakes" correct?

Throughout our lives, we have repeatedly fallen into this kind of "programmed" operation, becoming NPCs who perform their respective responsibilities in various small human experimental fields (companies, families, circles of friends).

What’s even more ironic is that the “emotionless money-making machine” has become a default and even worthy of praise.

This is very inappropriate. I don’t want you to ignore the more important things in the moment, some of the more delicate and emotional emotions. This "unstable emotion" is the most precious thing you call a "person".

People have been superstitious about " instrumental rationality " for too long. We should not regard all "emotional rationality" as a sense of superiority in your self-control.

No matter what the world is like, I hope you can live as the main body of your world and your own player.

Finally, I leave you with a quote from the American cartoonist Nick Sosanis -

"Although the rain will keep falling and the stereotypes will keep appearing, we must sing, dance and find ways to escape."