In the past few days, a lot of news has been revealed in the Xumi version, including the release of the Grass God vertical painting, the revelation of the five-star Grass character Tinari, the exposure of the four-star Thunder Loli... and so on, a lot of news. But for these news,

In the past few days, a lot of news has been revealed in the Xumi version, including the release of the Grass God vertical painting, the revelation of the five-star Grass character Tinari, the exposure of the four-star Thunder Loli...

and so on, a lot of news.

But for these news, only the exposure of Xumi Map can attract my attention. But judging from the revelations in the past few days, if the insider’s revelations are correct, then Xumi’s map is larger than Liyue’s?

Not long ago, the map of Liyue seemed quite big, but with the revelation of the Xumi map, I felt that Liyue was so small. So let’s complain in this issue, and let’s take a look at the information about the mole.

Everyone must have seen this picture. As the news released by UBatcha, a well-known insider on the Internet, the green part on the picture is the kingdom of Xumi.

We learned from Liben that Sumeru is either a desert or a rainforest, but rainforests must have rain, while deserts are extremely dry. We have speculated countless times about what kind of environment can achieve desert and Two opposing maps of rainforest can appear in one country.

But after reading this picture, I seem to understand. Since Xumi is located in two different sections, it makes sense that there are two extreme environments in one country. The same is true in our country, with a vast land and abundant resources. . It stretches from Heilongjiang Mohe in the south to Zengmu Shoal , in the east to Taklimakan Desert and in the west to the Pamir Plateau, four places, four completely different environments.

And Xumi is the same, so thinking about it this way, Xumi is still bigger.

Of course, some people may say that the current Liyue is not complete, and there are still many maps that have not yet been opened, but no matter what, there are three legendary places plus Qiaoyingzhuang, etc., think about it this way It's really not as big as Liyue.

However, in such a situation, can the emperor endure it?

As the gathering place of wealth in the world, Prince Yan is known as the God of War. His ability and force are undoubted, but doesn’t Prince Yan think of expanding his territory?

Or is it that the borders of the seven countries are all determined by heaven?

In fact, regarding this issue, Xiaobai thinks that the emperor is calm enough. The duty of the emperors, nobles, and seven rulers is to protect humans. They do not have the same greed as humans and want to own this land.

Secondly, the world's wealth has gathered in Liyue, and Liyue Port has thrived since ancient times. Even the rocky abyss belongs to Liyue. Why does it have to be the land of Xumi? Look at Sumeru again. It's either a rainforest or a desert. The rainforest will have acid rain, and the desert will be extremely hot. It's you, are you going?

Wait a minute, I suddenly feel a little sorry for the grass god...

[Funny Confidentiality]