Lwx's Zeli scored four kills in the jungle and then scored five kills in RA's top lane, leading FPX to crush RA 2-0, finally unlocking their first win in the summer split!

Beijing time on June 29th, the first match of the third day of the fourth week of the LPL Summer Split was against FPX, which had suffered 5 consecutive losses since the start of the season, against RA, which had a score of 1-3! In the first game, FPX opened up the situation from the bottom lane. The mid laner Galio wandered around to help the bottom lane play 0 for 2. After Lwx's Zeli scored four kills in the jungle, she scored five kills in RA's top lane, leading FPX to crush RA 2-0, finally unlocking their first win in the summer split!

The first game

FPX: Gwen, Prince, Galio, Zeli, Lulu

RA: Angel, Xin Zhao, Silas, Mouse, Yumi

Galio wandered to the bottom lane in the first 4 minutes, although RA spotted Galio at the entrance of the Xiaolong River and in the grass on the bottom lane, but RA was unmarked. iBoy's mouse even appeared from the Q skill stealth to consume Zeli. Galio decisively flashed W and cut off the two RAs. As a retreat, Mouse handed over Death Flash, and "one death and one gift" with Yuumi, and FPX started to play a 0-for-2 rhythm.

Leyan's Xin Zhao waited for the mouse to revive and squatted in the bottom lane. The mouse retreated as soon as the prince showed his head. The prince could only turn around and control the Hex dragon, but Xin Zhao kept squatting in the grass. FPX pushed the bottom lane and returned to the city steadily. Zhao It was a waste of time to return without success. The prince took the opportunity to get the Canyon Herald. In the subsequent Xiaolong team battle, RA lost all its troops. FPX played 1 for 4 to control the earth dragon. Zeli also single-handedly took down the bottom lane and a health tower. At 13 minutes, RA teamed up to invade the blue buff jungle area of ​​FPX. Gwen, who was alone, was taken away by the concentrated fire. FPX cooperated beautifully with four on five. Clid's Prince EQ used the big move to frame the three of them, and Lwx's Zeli was furious. With four kills, the FPX team defeated RA and won a complete victory!

The resurrected Gwen pushed down the second tower of the RA bottom lane. FPX released a second Canyon Herald to clear the RA middle lane. The mouse died three times in a row and its development collapsed. Before the big dragon was born, FPX "listened" to the Fire Dragon Soul. RA's outer towers only had the top two towers. Zeli made a three-piece set of shield bow, green cross and endless. FPX quickly defeated the Baron who had just gone to work, extending the economic lead to 10,000. RA's equipment was too far behind and there was no way to recover. The rat was melted by Zeli's triple Q. Zeli carried RA on the road to the highland tower and scored five kills! FPX Huojuan Canyun ended the game with a wave, easily winning the first victory 1-0!

The second game

FPX: Gwen, Foyego, Silas, Zeli, Yumi

RA: Angel, Blind Monk, Clockwork , Jinx, Titan

After the start of FPX, Jinx was found late after going online. Chi didn't show up, so he naturally understood that the blind monk would start from the lower half. Although Zeli's field of vision in the grass in the river did not reveal the blind monk who was ganking around the back, RA's communication made an obvious mistake. Before the blind monk could reach the bottom lane, Titan flashed the flat A and left Zeli behind, resulting in Blind Monk touched his eyes and Q failed, Zeli flashed again and retreated.

RA had no effect on FPX's bottom lane. Zeli grabbed level 4 instead. RA's bottom lane group had double level 3 but chose to fight Zeli with the army line. Yuumi went to the ground to eat the first wave of Titan and Jinx. In terms of damage, Zeli AQA got Jinx's first blood very easily, and iBoy's Jinx didn't even hand over a double move. After the setback in the bottom lane, RA received another "bad news" in the first half of the map: when the blind monk was ganking Gwen, he was counter-crouched by Foego. Angel's ultimate move accidentally hit him, and the blind monk died quickly. Clid Foyego was able to accept the double play, and FPX played 0 for 2 and took off in a dream ~ In the 12th minute, the FPX duo suffered a four-pack and two-two from the RA midfielder in the bottom lane and fell to the ground helplessly. In exchange, Foyego released the Canyon Pioneer to help Gwen push off the top lane. A blood tower.

FPX Nosuke was caught by RA when he was holding a group for vision. Titan and Silas exchanged flashes, and RA temporarily defended the first tower in the middle. Before the big dragon was born, Angel was caught and killed by Zeli Kayumi on the top lane. RA's only advantage was holding two small dragons.In the mid-term, RA tried to rush the Hex dragon, and FPX quickly gathered a strong pursuit. At the cost of only Zeli, they played 1 for 4, turned around and took over the dragon, and won a big victory! At 24 minutes, Chongzhong was caught to death by three FPX players in his own blue buff jungle area. FPX continued to invade RA's red buff jungle area, relying on the numerical advantage to play 0 for 3, and captured the Baron without any pressure! RA's upper and middle crystals were broken, and the economy fell behind by more than 10,000. In the end, FPX pushed the bottom lane high ground, played a 0-for-5 team to eliminate RA and ended the game, unlocking their first win in the summer split with 2-0!