Mentioning Yinuo, everyone should be very familiar with it. Although he has not won many honors and only has one championship, as a core player of the AG Super Play Club, his popularity is very high. In this season's competition, Yinuo has made very obvious progress. He dares to

mentioned Yinuo , everyone should be very familiar with it. Although he has not won many honors and only has one championship, as a core player of the AG Super Play Club, his popularity is very high. In this season's competition, Yinuo has made very obvious progress. He dares to fight hard and leads the team to achieve 4 consecutive victories and return to Group S. When the team has results, the players have a say. Yinuo's reputation has also improved a lot. If Yinuo can maintain this state, there is great hope to gain a foothold in Group S.

During Yinuo’s live broadcast, a fan commented that Yinuo had won the No. 1 ranking in the King Division and congratulated him. After Yinuo saw this, he interacted with fans and said, "Shouldn't I get No. 1 on the list? I am the top player. I am the top player in KPL. Shouldn't I be No. 1 on the list?"

Yinuo said this While I was talking, I was still a little uncomfortable, so I put my two legs on the gaming chair and squatted on it like a monkey. And before he finished speaking, his company was already blushing, and he seemed very embarrassed.

After hearing Yinuo’s words, fans were all excited and started teasing Yinuo one after another, so that he could be more confident and not be embarrassed. Some fans also said that they are actually fans of top KPL players. From now on, fans will no longer need to set the pace for Yinuo, he will set the pace himself. Of course, judging from Yinuo's expression and momentum when he said this, he still felt a little guilty. He was just joking, so friends don't need to use his words to mock him, otherwise he would also His face turned red quickly, quite obviously.

Let’s talk about the matter, Yinuo’s influence in the entire KPL alliance is indeed great. Looking at Yinuo's entire career, it has been relatively smooth. He debuted in the BA Black Pineapple team. After becoming the starter, he quickly helped the team's strength greatly increase. It is the top team in KPL. Although he failed to win the championship there, he had a great influence and established his worth. Later, he joined the AG Super Play Club, which directly helped Yinuo reach the peak of his career. With the popularity of the AG Super Play Club, Yinuo's His worth skyrocketed and his influence rapidly increased.

, especially after helping AG Super Play Club win the first championship in team history, became the core player of AG Super Play Club, and also took over the banner from Menglei . He and the AG team can be regarded as mutual achievements. Over the past many seasons, the players of the AG Super Play Club have changed several times, but Yinuo's position is unshakable and he is firmly in the starting lineup.

Of course, the main reason is Yinuo’s condition, which remains very good and has been highly praised by previous coaches. Zhang Jiao once praised Yinuo as the top shooter in KPL. Now AG Super Play Club’s new coach Xiaoshou is even more impressed by Yinuo. With such a heavy responsibility, under the leadership of Xiaoshou, Yinuo is also completely daring to fight and not afraid of making mistakes. This has actually greatly increased the strength of the AG Super Play Club.

Compared with Jiucheng, Cat, Fly and other players, Yinuo has achieved much fewer honors. He has only won one championship and has never won the title of FMVP. But in terms of popularity, Yinuo is really not worse than them. It cannot be said that he is the top player in KPL, but at least he is in the middle and upper reaches. Friends, what do you think?