Recently, a new character Nila appeared in League of Legends. For a new character, the first thing many players pay attention to is naturally his strength, and Nila is no exception. She caused heated discussions when she first appeared. Regarding Nila’s basic attributes, the offi

2024/07/0217:41:33 game 1098

Recently, a new character Nila appeared in the League of Legends. For a new character, the first thing many players pay attention to is naturally his strength. Nila is no exception. She caused heated discussions when she first appeared.

Recently, a new character Nila appeared in League of Legends. For a new character, the first thing many players pay attention to is naturally his strength, and Nila is no exception. She caused heated discussions when she first appeared. Regarding Nila’s basic attributes, the offi - DayDayNews

Nila’s basic attributes

Regarding the positioning of the new hero, the official positioning is that of a warrior. However, his long attack range and good pulling ability allow him to be used as an ADC. His shield and treatment seem to be good choices as an auxiliary. He can also rely on his hand length advantage to achieve good results in the top lane. He has excellent support capabilities as a mid laner. There is no problem, and someone used Nila to clear the jungle alone in 3 minutes and 4 seconds. The speed is terrifying, and the hero mechanism is very comprehensive. It is really no exaggeration to say that it is Samira 2.0.

Recently, a new character Nila appeared in League of Legends. For a new character, the first thing many players pay attention to is naturally his strength, and Nila is no exception. She caused heated discussions when she first appeared. Regarding Nila’s basic attributes, the offi - DayDayNews

Professional brothers and anchors naturally have absolute say in the strength of heroes. After trying it out,

world champion viper directly said: The skill mechanism of the top version of Samira is perfect.

uzi commented after using it: The placement of w is really abnormal. I don’t do much last-hitting, and my level and economy are not low either.

Recently, a new character Nila appeared in League of Legends. For a new character, the first thing many players pay attention to is naturally his strength, and Nila is no exception. She caused heated discussions when she first appeared. Regarding Nila’s basic attributes, the offi - DayDayNews

Brother Crystal’s review after playing: Passive metamorphosis, w is the group little Gwen, R is the ultimate move of Sword Princess plus Bright Moon , how did the designer design it.

can see that the strength of the new hero is self-evident. Everyone should hurry up and get points before the new hero is weakened.

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