Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea

2024/06/2605:16:33 game 1031

Preface: The game experiences brought by BZ’s playing games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so please forgive me if there are any shortcomings in the article!

Quote: "Red Dead Redemption", abbreviated as "Big Cousin 2" is a nearly perfect open world game from Rockstar. It was first released on the console. After waiting for more than a year, "Big Cousin 2" It’s officially launched on PC. Here I will only share the stand-alone part with you, and I won’t talk about the online version for now. In addition, I have not played "Big Cousin 1". I only know that the second generation is a prequel to the first generation, and John is the protagonist of the first generation. If there is something wrong in what I said, please correct me.

Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea - DayDayNews

Big Cousin 2 (pictures from the Internet)

Story background: The exile story of the Vanderlyn Gang

Why I say this story is the exile story of the Vanderlyn Gang, because the whole game is full of wandering around, and after so many ups and downs Among them, what was originally a powerful gang could not avoid disintegration and decline. Therefore, the word "exile" is more appropriate. Well, let's get down to business. The story takes place slightly earlier than the storyline of "Big Cousin 1", starting in 1899, the era just after the Civil War and the era when the United States began to conquer the West. At this time, order is slowly being established, but the Vanderlin Gang, under the leadership of Dutch, the leader, has been living in an anarchic and lawless way. However, all this is just an idealization.

Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea - DayDayNews

Big Cousin 2 (Pictures from the Internet)

The story starts with the robbery in Blackwater Town. Of course, there is no detailed explanation of what happened in the game. It is all explained through plot dialogue during the process. After learning about the robbery in Blackwater Town, Dutch led a group of friends to escape from Blackwater Town to the mountains, which begins the story of our game. During the game, players will find that Arthur and his party are constantly changing their hiding places. Basically, they will change places after every major chapter, and various things will happen in each place. incident, how Dutch brought the entire Van der Linde gang to the road of destruction, and how Arthur died helplessly and with hatred. When it ends, you will find that this is a TV series, telling an exquisite prequel to the story.

Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea - DayDayNews

Big Cousin 2 (pictures from the Internet)

Interesting and vivid open world

Let’s talk about the open world. I have to say that although it takes a long time for Rockstar games to be released, they are all high-quality and open. The world is their strong point. To be honest, I have to say that in the open world in "Big Cousin 2", you will not feel bored at all, because during the running process, in addition to some branch lines and collection tasks, there are also There are some random events waiting for everyone all the time. Just like me personally, I originally encountered two random events on the way to run a mission. One was when a bounty hunter captured someone and was returning to the city. I killed the bounty. After the golden hunter, the arrested man thought I would save him, but I silently put him on my horse and happily sent him back to the police station. He kept cursing and cursing on the way, but I didn't pay attention to him at all. he. There are many more like this. Recently, haven't there been many netizens flirting with the meditating holy monk in "Big Cousin 2"? There are also many random events. Friends who are more novel can share them in the comment area to let me know. Therefore, the open world "Big Cousin 2" is vivid and real.

Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea - DayDayNews

Big Cousin 2 (pictures from the Internet)

Slow pace and super detailed content

"Big Cousin 2" is a slow-paced game recognized by players. Players are immersed in that era. As a desperado, they can Enjoy that free life to the fullest, so everything requires players to experience and operate it in person. Shopping is no longer about shopping over the air, but allows you to go to the store to make purchases. Your means of transportation ~ horses are no longer permanent. Yes, if you die, you will really die. Of course, there are resuscitation agents for horses, but if you don’t use them, they will really die.Therefore, a slow pace requires the capital of a slow pace. Rockstar has never disappointed players. There are still many things to play in the big and wide world. Except for the poor quality of the trees and vegetation, the other pictures are pretty good.

Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea - DayDayNews

Big Cousin 2 (pictures from the Internet)

Then let’s talk about the extremely meticulous details:

1, npc

with memory. Many games npc are just to fix vases or decorations or give you tasks, but in " In "Big Cousin 2", these NPCs are alive and truly living in this world. Your words and deeds will be remembered by the NPCs, both bad and good ones. For example, if your marksmanship is good, you will be remembered by the NPCs. If you happen to meet an NPC hunter while hunting, he will remember it when he meets you next time.

2. Hair growth is available in many open worlds, but it is rare for NPCs to dislike it and gossip if you are unkempt.

3. When you skin an animal, the skinning process will be shown realistically, and the animal carcass can also be picked up and put on horseback.

4. You can greet any NPC and even start trouble. When you and the NPC are fighting for their lives, you can even break or knock off his gun.

5. When you collect rags while traveling in the open world, prescribed medicines or other items will expire over time.

6. Don’t go without sleep for a long time, otherwise you will have insomnia when it’s time to go to bed.

7. Your horse really needs to be separated into male and female. The external appearance can also allow you to identify male and female at a glance. Of course, it will also have the need to eat and excrete.

8. When your bounty is high, not only will you attract many bounty hunters to hunt you down, but if you have a conscience and surrender, sorry, you will be sentenced to death. There are many more details about

. What else do you know? You can discuss it in the comment area.

Foreword: The game experiences brought by BZ Play Games remain original writing, and each game experience is the feeling after actually experiencing the game at least once. In the process of creating the article, every word is typed by hand without using any system tools, so plea - DayDayNews

Big Cousin 2 (pictures from the Internet)

Summary: "Big Cousin 2" has to be said to be a very high-quality open world game. Compared with Ubisoft 's formula, "Big Cousin 2" seems It is more like a real open world, the plot is also A-level, and the story told also makes people have mixed feelings such as aftertaste, helplessness, and regret. If you really don’t want to do the main story, random tasks, bounty tasks, random events, and treasure hunting tasks are all available for you to enjoy. In addition, I would like to add here that I use a PC to play. All the above-mentioned things only represent BZ’s personal opinions. Friends are welcome to discuss and share in the comment area.

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