Twitter user RealityUK recently brought major insider information about the "Call of Duty" series. The leaked information was collected from the "Warzone Mobile alpha build" file. The leaked information details several elements contained in the upcoming game. , including Treyarch

2024/05/2614:30:33 game 1849

Twitter user RealityUK recently brought major insider information about the "Call of Duty" series. The leaked information was collected from the "Warzone Mobile alpha build" file. The leaked information details several upcoming games. Contains elements, including the next installment in the Call of Duty: Black Ops series from Treyarch Studios, due out in 2024.

Twitter user RealityUK recently brought major insider information about the

The unnamed Treyarch game, codenamed "T10," appears to be another entry in the studio's well-known Call of Duty: Black Ops series, which was most recently set during the Cold War. Documents related to this upcoming work mention the Lockheed F-117 "Nighthawk" that was widely used by the US military during the Gulf War.

Twitter user RealityUK recently brought major insider information about the

In addition to this information, the user also posted a concept image of the game. The concept art shows what appears to be the interior of a ruined palace, with some American soldiers storming the ornate place. The concept image has now been deleted from Twitter as the RealityUK account was banned, as have other leaks.

Twitter user RealityUK recently brought major insider information about the

The game from Treyarch Studio was planned to be released next year, but it was previously reported that it has been postponed to 2024, marking the first time in nearly two decades that this new year's game IP will not be released on time.

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