On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game "Chrono Hunter 3" was finally launched. As an avid side-scrolling fighting game fan, there are not many games that can be played on mobile platforms these days. I was very disappointed with the side-scro

2024/05/2307:56:32 game 1126

html On June 29, the long-awaited 3D side-scrolling mobile fighting game "Chrono Hunter 3" was finally launched. As an avid side-scrolling fighting game fan, there are not many games available on mobile platforms these days. I was very disappointed with the side-scrolling fighting game, so I paid special attention to the sequel to the classic side-scrolling mobile fighting game "Time Hunters". So when the public beta of the game started, the editor immediately entered the game to experience it.

On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game

"Time Hunter 3" is not the first side-scrolling mobile fighting game developed with a 3D engine. However, in the past few years, I don't know whether it was limited by insufficient technical conditions or insufficient budget and cost. The early 3D side-scrolling fighting games were You can say that the graphics in the game are terrible, it’s too crotch-inducing, and you can’t stand watching it. How can you still be in the mood to play? Fortunately, the 3D graphics of "Chrono Hunter 3" did not disappoint me. After a few days of experience, the editor feels that the game can be regarded as the graphics benchmark for side-scrolling mobile fighting games in the current era.

On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game

Inheriting the classic, the magic of sci-fi Adala unfolds

The story of the sequel still takes place on the planet Adala, forming a parallel universe world with the world of the first generation. On the new planet Adala, there are also time and space rifts. However, this time, The reopened space-time rift brought the power to change the new Adala - zero-point star energy. In a short period of time, the zero-point star energy covered the world, polluted the environment, and also contributed to the birth of a large number of mutant creatures. The destruction of the fusion core caused by star energy pollution and mutation has occupied most of the living space of mankind, forcing mankind to retreat to the last fortress city "Cangju".

On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game

The CG at the beginning of the game clearly shows everyone that this is a new world with advanced technology. Even if the time and space rift is restarted, the settings where zero-point stars can pour in are more sci-fi style, so "Time and Space Hunters" 3》is a 3D sci-fi style side-scrolling fighting mobile game. This is a very cute design. The graphics are more youthful and more in line with the aesthetics of current players, especially the high-looking character drawings and real machine construction. The models can be regarded as the top art in mobile games at this stage.

On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game

Breaking the dimension, perfect linkage with the first generation universe

Up to this point, "Time Hunter 3" is excellent, but it has little relationship with the previous work "Time Hunter", but based on the world view setting of the parallel universe, in the main line of the game In the plot, there are many classic and popular hunters who travel through time and space in the previous game, which closely links the two. If you are an old player of "Time Hunter", I believe that the reappearance of characters such as Werewolf, Dragon Spirit, and Dragon Shadow will appear. It will surely impress you.

On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game

However, as a sequel, "Time Hunter 3" has been upgraded from 2D to 3D, and the style of painting has also changed from 2D cartoon to 3D two-dimensional science fiction style. Therefore, the replica of the first generation hunter is not simply used, but This is what the editor is most satisfied with. Players can see their favorite characters in the new game. However, all of these first-generation characters have been upgraded with 3D modeling, including the characters’ skills, action performance, etc. This brings What is given to players is a brand new gaming experience. As a returning old player, the editor feels that he has been truly respected. Compared with some sequel games that are just cutting leeks, "Time Hunter 3" is indeed much more sincere.

On June 29, the editor's long-awaited 3D side-scrolling fighting mobile game

"Time Hunter 3" actually has many features and advantages worth telling you, but this article mainly shows you the unique science fiction world view of this side-scrolling mobile fighting game, as well as the wonderful linkage with the previous game. Believe me, you can In the game, you gradually experience a very interesting science fiction plot, just like watching a Hollywood blockbuster, which is definitely worth the price.

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