I was taking the bus to work today and I met the eldest sister eating chive pie. The bus was full of that smell, so I said: eldest sister, you can't eat this in public places. Who knew that the eldest sister said: "This is your family's car" ?

2024/06/1804:32:32 funny 1131

1. A man likes to shine his leather shoes every time he goes to a dance! At a dance, the man's partner was a beautiful woman. The man said confidently: I can know your present and future affairs. The underwear you are wearing tonight is red! The beauty was surprised, but he was right. So he went into the bathroom and changed into a blue pair. When the man looked at the leather shoes, they were blue! Beauty, I feel amazing! The third time I went to the bathroom, I didn’t wear any underwear at all! He came out and said coquettishly: If I can guess it this time, I will marry you! The man looked down and was shocked and said: Oh no! There is a tear in my leather shoe! …

2.Male: Miss, do you like Western dramas?

female: ...You are obscene!

3. An Indian talked to me about culture in Chinese. I said: "We Chinese all use chopsticks, do you know how to use them?" He said: "The most correct way to eat is to grab it with your hands." I am a person I have always been very competitive, so... I took him to eat hot pot...

4. I was taking the bus to work today, and I met the eldest sister eating chive pie. The bus was full of that smell, so I said : The eldest sister is not allowed to eat here in public places. Who knew that the eldest sister said: "Is this your family's car? I can eat whatever I want. As a good citizen, I don't have the same understanding as him, so I took off my shoes. I saw the eldest sister vomited while eating.

5. "I am studying English recently, and I learned a word called itch yesterday. What does "

" mean? I didn't know "

" at first, but later I looked it up in the dictionary and found out that it meant "itching". "

" Wait, I really want to understand Bitch's explanation. "

6. One day I asked a girl: Do you have any requirements for a boyfriend?

The girl said: Handsome.

I said this is the only requirement?

The girl shyly replied: These are two requirements.

7. When I wake up early in the morning, I habitually touch the cold pillow on my left side. When I look at the computer, I see that my boyfriend is masturbating again. I get up and go to him in various postures, strokes, and moans. He doesn’t move at all. I Angry, I squatted down and flicked his balls hard. It probably hurt. He instantly jumped up from the chair and chased me. I ran to the bed. This guy actually pressed me heavily under him. It was rough. He took off my panties and flicked my balls hard twice. The pain made me roll on the bed!

8. In ancient times, it was legal for men to go to brothels and hook up with other people’s wives. Cage, damn, it’s illegal to go to prostitutes and go to jail, but it’s not illegal to hook up with someone else’s wife!

9. I saw this on Baidu Encyclopedia today: Why are slippers not allowed in the library? When I enter the library, those who like to clasp their feet when reading and those who like to lick their hands when turning over books will get into fights~~~

10. I helped my wife buy underwear. The shopping guide girl was very enthusiastic and tried her best to sell me a pair of underwear with pink packaging. She talked a lot. The advantage was that she was wearing this one, and it was pretty good. I asked her if I could open it, so I opened her skirt silently.

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