How do Japanese cook Japanese-style hamburger steak? The chef teaches you: There are 3 tricks for making more juice with your hands!

How do Japanese cook Japanese-style hamburger steak? There are 3 tricks to shoot more juice! Now because of the epidemic, it is impossible to go out to travel, so there is a wave of "DIY exotic food". Foodies who love Japanese food can naturally not miss the children's favorite Japanese hamburger steak! It tastes different from firm American steaks. It is fluffy, tender, and juicy. The rich taste is unforgettable. If you want to make a real taste, you must master the proportion of ingredients, hand-patterning skills, and braising method!

The soul of Japanese-style hamburger steak


A two-person hamburger steak requires about 1/4 onion, chopped finely, and cooked first Fry until caramelized, and the color must be deep enough to be sautéed. Then let it cool to mix with the ground meat, otherwise the heat from the top will melt the grease in the ground meat, and it will become very greasy and smelly.

Japanese-style bread flour+milk

There are many kinds of bread flour. Japanese-style bread flour is coarser, lighter in flavor, lighter in texture, and has a better taste; Milk has the effect of removing fishy and adding juiciness. The ratio is 1:2, that is, 25g bread flour: 50c.c. milk, first mix evenly, let the milk soak the powder and then mix with the ground meat.

Many people will use toast bread instead of shreds, which also has the effect of tightening the steak, but the fluffy is not so good.

Ground beef + ground pork

Ground beef has a strong aroma and a juicy taste of ground pork. Mixing the two will give you the best of both worlds. The weight ratio is 3:2. That is 150g: 100g. When mixing the two kinds of ground meat, add a little salt and then grasp it with your hands. In addition to seasoning, you can also remove the fishy.

will add 1 egg to the ground meat as a binder.

Tips for making hamburger steak

Mixing in order

After mixing the ground meat and seasonings, follow the same direction and stir quickly and vigorously to produce stickiness and gluten. The hamburger steak has a creamy texture and is not easy to spread.

Apply oil on both hands

Before starting to pat and shape, apply a little cooking oil on both hands first, so it is better to operate without sticking hands.

Hand shot sequence: pinch the center of the circle up and down to flatten

Don’t pinch the hamburger steak too thinly, it will lose its taste and moisture! First, beat up and down to blow out the air in it to prevent the gas in the center from cracking when the hamburger row is heated.

Then knead and shape, and let it stand for 3 to 5 minutes.

Finally, lightly press the center of the hamburger steak to form a concave circle, or you can press it again when the pan is cooked, because the center temperature is the highest when heated, and it is easy to expand, which can make the shape beautiful.

The kneaded hamburger steak can be put directly into the pot or refrigerated for 15 minutes. The structure will be firmer, so you won’t be afraid of accidentally breaking it.

The "simmering method" of delicious hamburger steak

Only flip one side

The concept of pan-fried hamburger steak and steak is actually very similar, you need to fry the surface to golden color first , And try to "turn only one side" to make the surface caramelized (coloring) sufficient and the ripeness uniform.

Add water and simmer

Then add 1 tablespoon of water, cover, turn to low heat, simmer for 5-8 minutes, and steam the inside of the hamburger steak. , To keep the inside soft and juicy. If you only use frying, it will become too old and dry.

Confirm the degree of ripeness

Open the lid to see if it is cooked, directly pierce the center with chopsticks, if the transparent gravy is flowing out instead of blood, it means it is cooked, you can turn to high heat, continue on both sides Fry for 15 seconds to color (if burger sauce is made, burn it in the pan at this time), serve on a plate.