15 recipes of Hunan cuisine, the taste is hot and sour and fragrant, sour, spicy, salty and crispy.

1, Hunan yellow croaker


rhubarb 3 strips, a can of beer, appropriate amount of edible oil, starch 30g, appropriate amount of green onions, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate garlic, appropriate amount of chopped pepper, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of sugar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce , 4 tablespoons of cooking wine.


1, washed yellow croaker, green onion and ginger in a large bowl.

2, pour beer, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of cooking wine, immerse the fish cover in plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

3. The kitchen paper towel absorbs the moisture of the fish skin, slightly sticky starch (the amount of dry powder is very small under the premise of the moisture is absorbed).

4. Heat the pot over medium heat, rub the ginger to coat the bottom of the inner wall, and the cold oil is 70% hot.

5. Fry the fish until golden on both sides. Remove the excess oil and set aside.

6, leave the base oil, saute fragrant ginger, garlic, and chopped pepper.

7. Pour the fried fish into 2/3 of the fish body in the water and simmer on high fire, during which the fish turns over once.

8. Collect the juice and shake the pot lightly, add salt and sugar to make fresh, and take out the pot.

2. Grandma's dish with sharp pepper


dried radish 50 grams, plum dried vegetables 50 grams, pork stuffing 50 grams, 4 green peppers, 4 red peppers, 4 garlic, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of soy sauce, salt a little.


1, dried radish, dried plum and soaked with warm water.

2, dice the dried radish, dried plums, green and red peppers, and slice garlic for later use.

3. Heat a proper amount of oil in a pot on the fire, add green and red peppers and garlic slices and sauté until fragrant.

4, put in the minced meat and stir fry until broken.

5, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and stir fry evenly.

6. Add dried radish and dried plums and stir fry for a while.

7, add a little water and simmer for 5-6 minutes until the moisture is dry.

3. Steamed dried bean curd flavor


Cured fish 1 part, sausage 1 section, dried tofu 5 slices, beer half bowl, 7 ginger slices.


1, cut and wash the ingredients for later use.

2, put the dried bean curd on the bottom of the bowl and then put the cured fish.

3. Put the sausage on top and add ginger slices.

4. Add proper amount of water to the rice cooker.

5. Add the laid bowl of cured meat.

6. Prepare half a bowl of beer.

7, pour it in the lavender, select the steaming function, and steam for 35 minutes.

8. This way, a refreshing dried bean curd flavor steamed together is complete.

4. Spicy fire-roasted fish


fire-roasted fish 100 grams, 1 spoon of tempeh, appropriate amount of dried chili, 2 grams of ginger, 2 garlic, 1 spoon of soy sauce.


1, dried chili, cut into small circles, tempeh, ginger, garlic were finely chopped.

2. Heat a proper amount of oil on a pot on the fire, add minced ginger garlic, chili, and tempeh, stir fry on low heat to create a fragrance.

3, pour the dried fish and stir fry evenly.

4, add light soy sauce, a little water, and simmer for 5-8 minutes on medium and small fire.

5. Brown sugar glutinous rice cakes


glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, cooked soybean flour. The practice of


1. Add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour to water and stir.

2, knead into a smooth dough.

3. Heat the pan with warm oil, break out a piece of dough with your hands, knead it round and flatten it, put it in a non-stick pan, turn on a low heat, and turn it over when it is set.

4, fry until both sides are slightly yellow, then it can be out of the pan.

5. Put brown sugar in the pot, add a little water, simmer for two minutes on low heat, let the brown sugar melt, cut the juice slightly thicker.

7, Pour on the glutinous rice cake, sprinkle with soybean powder, and serve.

Six. Fish head with chopped pepper


1 large head fish, appropriate amount of fat, appropriate amount of red pepper, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of tempeh, appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce, appropriate amount of chicken essence, Amount of beer.


1. The amount of big red pepper, the stalks of the big red pepper, first cut with an oblique knife, then cut the big red pepper into strips, and finally dice; the amount of garlic, first smash with a knife, then chop into minced garlic; moderate amount of ginger, remove Leftovers, first slice and then shred, and finally mince; appropriate amount of fat; appropriate amount of tempeh; appropriate amount of ginger, cut into thick slices and put on a plate; appropriate amount of shallots.

2. Put the shallots and ginger slices into the juicer, add half a bottle of Huadiao wine, close the lid and fry into the onion ginger juice in jog mode, pour the onion ginger juice into the stainless steel basin for later use.

3. One big head fish, put the head of the fish upright, put it on the cutting board, and cut it from the middle of the back of the fish head. The bones in the middle of the back of the big head are the most brittle. Break the fish head by hand and place it on the cutting board. Remove the gills. Black film (the fish gills will be fishy, ​​and the black film will be bitter), and then clean the big head fish. Cut the fish meat part with a knife (the knife should not be too deep, just touch the fish bone), then put the big head fish in the green onion and ginger juice, evenly spread the onion and ginger water on the inside and outside, and marinate for 15 minutes (to remove fishy Flavor, muddy flavor).

4. Chop an appropriate amount of chili peppers in Tantan Township, pour it into a colander to filter out the water, and then squeeze the water strongly with the spoon.

5. Heat up the pot and remove the right amount of oil, add the right amount of fat and stir-fry evenly, dry the fat in the fat (lard increases the fragrance of the fish head), remove the fat that burns the fried oil, pour in and cut Stir-fry the good minced ginger and garlic evenly, add the chopped peppers that have been squeezed out of water, and stir continuously (avoid sticking to the pan), fry out the aroma of peppers, and the moisture of the dried peppers. When the water of the chopped peppers is fast drying , Add the sliced ​​big red pepper and stir fry evenly, fry the sweetness of big red pepper (increase back to sweetness). Add appropriate amount of chicken essence, sugar, and tempeh and stir-fry evenly. After the water is dry, pour it into a stainless steel basin and set aside.

6. Put the chopsticks into the plate crosswise (make the bottom of the fish head evenly heated), then shake the marinated fish head to remove the onion and ginger juice, then put it into the plate, pour an appropriate amount of beer (to remove fishy, ​​tender, and freshen ), pour in an appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce, add an appropriate amount of chicken essence, pour in a small amount of salad oil, spread the fried chopped peppers evenly on the fish head, and finally put an appropriate amount of ginger slices and spring onions. Boil the water in the steamer, put the fish head in the air, steam for ten minutes (the specific time depends on the size of the fish head), use the chopsticks to try to insert the fish head, the chopsticks can be inserted directly into the bottom of the plate.

Seven, Xiangxi Bandit Duck


700 grams of duck meat, 2 carrots, 10-15 peppers, 1 ginger, 6 garlic cloves, 3 coriander, 3 rock sugar, 2 star anise, 3 bay leaves, An appropriate amount of tangerine peel, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 grass fruit, 1 small handful of Chinese pepper, 1 tablespoon of rice wine, 1 tablespoon of Pixian bean paste, 1 teaspoon of salt.


1, garlic cloves, ginger slices, carrots peeled and cut into pieces, thread pepper shreds, coriander cut into pieces for later use;

2, duck meat is cut into pieces, boiled in cold water, blanched, remove, drain and set aside;

3. Pour a little oil in the pan to heat up, add the duck meat and stir-fry in the oil, add cooking wine and a tablespoon of Pixian bean paste, stir-fry until the duck skin is crispy, then set aside;

4, heat oil in the wok, put Stir-fry garlic slices, ginger slices, and half of the thread pepper shreds, then add pepper, star anise, grass fruit, cinnamon, tangerine peel, bay leaves and stir fragrant;

5, then stir-fry duck meat, stir-fry on high heat until evenly;

6 , Then pour in the right amount of water, add a few rock sugars, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes;

7, after simmering, open the lid and put in the carrots, cover and simmer for 5-8 minutes;

8, open the lid after simmering Stir fry with the remaining shredded pepper and season with a little salt. When the soup is almost dry, sprinkle coriander and stir well before serving.

8. Steamed bacon with salted vegetables


150 grams of salted vegetables, 200 grams of Hunan bacon, 10 grams of garlic, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of light soy sauce.


1, slice the washed bacon, not too thin.

2, then put it in a bowl, and then put the washed salted vegetables into the bacon.

3, sprinkle with salt, put some light soy sauce, and top with chopped garlic.

4. Put some chopped peppers on it and put it in the steamer.

5, steam for 20 minutes, pour into a bowl and serve.

Nine, fried stinky tofu


10 pieces of stinky tofu, 1 coriander, 2 garlic cloves, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, half a spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of chopped pepper sauce.


1, wash and drain the stinky tofu.

2, chopped garlic.

3, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of chopped pepper sauce, 2 tablespoons of sesame sesame oil, and half a tablespoon of minced garlic make a sauce.

4, add oil to the pot and heat until 60% hot, add tofu cubes.

5, fried until the surface discolors, remove it!

6. It can be eaten with sauce, or the sauce can be poured on the surface of tofu.

Ten, chopped pepper yellow duck called


yellow bone fish, Chaotian pepper, red pepper, garlic, ginger, chopped chili, vermicelli, beer, salt, MSG, chicken essence, steamed fish soy sauce, green onion.


1, yellow bone fish appropriate amount, cut off the chin of the fish, tear it open by hand, remove the internal organs and fish gills, and wash it for later use.

2, Chaotian pepper, red pepper, garlic seeds and ginger are each appropriate, chopped separately, after all the chopped, mixed together and chopped, put in a plate for later use. Chop an appropriate amount of chili, squeeze out the water and set aside.

3. Heat the pot, add a proper amount of lard and melt, then add chopped chili and chopped chili, stir-fry on low heat, fry to remove the moisture in the chili, remove the dryness of the chili, and fry the aroma of chili . After sauteing fragrant, beat out for use.

4. Place a small amount of soft soaked vermicelli on the bottom of the plate, put the yellow bone fish on the plate, pour an appropriate amount of beer, add an appropriate amount of salt, sprinkle an appropriate amount of MSG and chicken essence, and then pour an appropriate amount of steamed fish soy sauce. Finally, cover the yellow bone fish with the fried chili.

5. After the steamer is exposed to air, put the yellow bone fish in the pot, cover the pot, and steam for 10 minutes on high heat. Remove the yellow bone fish after 10 minutes, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and serve deliciously.

Eleven, Hunan characteristic taste snail


snail 100 grams, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, appropriate amount of sugar, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of soy sauce, appropriate amount of bean paste, appropriate amount of perilla, 2 star anise, 1 small slice of cinnamon, 2 slices of bay leaves, 5 grams of dried chili, a little each of onion, ginger and garlic, half a small bowl of water starch, and appropriate amount of oyster sauce. Method of

1. Pour in an appropriate amount of water and pour into the processed snails, add a little salt, and scrub clean.

2. Pour proper amount of water into the pot and boil, pour in cooking wine and salt, and cook until the snails spit out the sand.

3. Fill the pot with oil and cook until 30% hot. Add the bean paste and stir to make the red oil. Add the dried chili and stir fragrant.

4. Pour the snails and stir-fry evenly. Pour in the fuel-consuming, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, cooking wine and stir-fry on high heat to create a fragrance. Pour in appropriate amount of water, add star anise, cinnamon, and bay leaves and cook for 5 minutes.

5, pour water starch to thicken until thick (note: the soup need not be too thick when thickening, otherwise it will affect the taste and umami). Z4z

12, Mao's braised pork


400 grams of selected pork belly, 2 rapeseed, 5 dried chilies, 1 small piece of ginger, 2 white onions, 2 star anise, 1 spoon of white sugar, 250 ml of yellow wine, a little rock sugar , Salt right amount.


1, sliced ​​ginger; cut dried chili into small sections; cut green onions; washed star anise;

2, cut the pork belly into cubes;

3, blanch the pork belly in boiling water for 2 minutes;

4, put the pork belly into the pot and stir fry;

5, Add ginger slices, spring onion, star anise, red pepper, add some salt and fry until the oil is out, the best before zooming;

6, color: add a spoonful of sugar to the pot, stir fry until dark brown;

7, white bubble Pour the pork belly at the time;

8, replace the water with rice wine, add a little rock sugar to make it brighter and more attractive, simmer for 40 minutes on low heat, and then collect the juice on high heat.

9. Wash the rapeseed, blanch the rapeseed, put it on a plate, and put the braised pork on it.

thirteen, rock sugar Xianglian


lotus seeds, rock sugar, yellow peach, red dates.


1, lotus seeds soak overnight. This weather wantsPut in the refrigerator. Otherwise it will smell.

2. Steam it on the pot for an hour and a half. I steamed it in the rice cooker. If it is cooked, it will go bad. You can use a pressure cooker.

3, diced fruit red dates.

4. Put the steamed lotus seeds in a bowl. Mix well with

5, lotus seeds and fruit red dates.

6. Put water in the pot, boil the rock sugar, and use a little more rock sugar. Theoretically, it is one to 0.6, but according to your own preferences.

7. After the rock sugar is boiled, boil it for a while until the soup is thick and sticky when lifted.

Fourteen, spiced burnt pork


Marinated pork belly 200g, 2 eggs, 3g salt, 20g Shao wine, 10g sugar, 2g monosodium glutamate, 10g sesame oil, 10g minced green onion, 10g minced ginger , 60 grams of flour, appropriate amount of cooking oil, 15 crepes, 50 grams of sweet noodle sauce, appropriate amount of shredded green onions.


1. Cut the braised pork belly cubes into large slices and sprinkle a little salt, MSG and sugar on the inside.

2, pour a little sesame oil and appropriate amount of Shaoxing wine and mix well.

3. Spread the meat slices after mixing well and marinate for 30 minutes.

4. Pour the flour into the egg bowl, mix the egg and flour into a whole egg batter.

5. Dip the marinated meat slices one by one in the egg batter.

6. Fry in a 40% hot oil pan.

7. Remove after frying, increase the oil temperature to 80% hot, pour in the fried meat slices and re-fry again to make the skin crispy and then remove.

8, the yard plate after the pan, when serving with the pancake, sweet noodle sauce and green onion as above.

15. Farmer's fried pork


fat and lean pork 250g, 3 green peppers, 3 garlic cloves, appropriate amount of tempeh, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, and appropriate amount of cooking oil.


1, wash the green peppers and cut into diamonds, slice the meat and fat separately, slice the garlic, and soak the tempeh in water for about 1 minute;

2, after heating the pan, pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil, and when the oil is heated, pour the green peppers. Stir the chili until weak over high heat, and then set it aside;

3, add fat and oil, and choose the degree of oil according to your preference;

4, pour in lean meat and stir fry for a while until 6 is mature;

5, add garlic and tempeh , Pour a small amount of light soy sauce and continue to stir fry for about 30 seconds;

6, add green pepper, salt and meat and stir fry together, drizzle a small amount of dark soy sauce before out of the pan; Like to like + follow!