Recently, hot weather has occurred in various places, and it has become normal to stay at home and turn on the air conditioner. At noon, it is the hot moment, and the high temperature makes people lose their appetite. A man in Sichuan was on a high temperature holiday and stayed

Recently, hot weather has occurred in various places. It has become normal to stay at home and turn on the air conditioner. It is the hot moment at noon, and the piercing temperature makes people lose their appetite. A man in Sichuan stayed at home due to the high temperature holiday and did not go out. He also had no appetite. I thought about cooking some of my favorite dishes to reward myself, but my wife complained that she didn't want to use her chopsticks when looking at the dishes, and she had no appetite at all.

In fact, everyone is the same. In the hot summer, the long-term high temperature makes many people lose their appetite and just want to drink water. My wife has been at home for a week, and now she just wants to eat some vegetables and some porridge, so that she can feel happy. Looking back This is the case for people in several cities. However, the dishes cooked by my husband are quite good. It’s just an untimely meal. In normal times, these are good meals!

Braised prawns and squid

My husband went to the market very early to buy squid and prawns for the freshness of the ingredients. My colleague also wanted to cool down a little more. The squid legs that my husband bought tasted chewy and full of meat. , blanch the squid in the pot first, peel off the outer layer of the membrane, add the shrimp and simmer in oil, add the sauce to the pot and simmer slowly over low heat, the flavor of the squid and shrimp will become rich, and it tastes good. It does not reduce their fishy smell. In the hot summer, having a bite of seafood and a sip of wine, I have to say that it is a good delicacy.

Stir-fried Fat Intestine

Fat Intestine is pig's offal. I used to sneer at it, but now I can't put it down. My husband cleaned the intestines and put it in the pot to cook with it. The sauce was made lighter, and then celery and chili were added to it. The taste was not good. It's very rich, with the aroma of fat intestines in your mouth, and you can enjoy chewing it. My husband's stir-fried pork intestines has a bit of soup, which makes it taste more delicious. There are many ways to make fat intestines, steamed, braised, perfumed, dry-fried, etc. My favorite is to make steamed fat intestines with rice flour, which has a rich aroma, soft and glutinous texture, and full flavor.

Cold okra

Okra For many people, it also carries a lot of mystery. Okra is rich in nutrients and is delicious when used to steam eggs. Okra can be cut into small circles and spread evenly. The only bad thing about egg custard is that it is a bit sticky and uncomfortable. Considering that my husband has no appetite in summer, he made okra as a salad. First, blanch the okra, then make a spicy millet sauce, and put raw meat in it. Seasonings such as smoke, sesame oil, spicy fresh dew, etc. are evenly poured on the okra. The taste is crisp and the aftertaste is spicy, which greatly increases the appetite.

Stir-fried green vegetables

Finally, I prepared a stir-fried green vegetable. This was specially prepared for my wife. I wanted to eat a light meal and eat a little. However, my wife looked at the fat intestines on the table and the squid and prawns were a little simmered in oil, which made her lose her appetite. No, frankly: I don’t want to use chopsticks.

Indeed, in this hot summer, you should protect yourself and pay attention to heatstroke prevention.