I originally didn’t want to get involved in whether a knife can kill garlic. Originally, I was just a history buff and collector. Apart from going to work, I usually read and collect. I rarely cook, so I’m really not qualified to comment on whether the knife is good or not. The p

I originally didn’t want to get involved in whether the

knife can be used to shoot garlic. Originally, I was just a history lover and collector. In addition to going to work, I usually read and collect. I rarely cook, so I’m really not qualified to comment on whether the knife is good or not.

The problem is that you said that I have never seen a chef's knife. I really can't bear this! My old man has been a chef all his life, but you said I have never seen a chef's knife!

In fact, many traditional chefs in China (those who don’t know their last names after hanging out with foreign adults for a few days) cannot change their knives for decades. I have even seen some people use the same knife throughout their entire chef career. As far as I know, my old man’s knife has been in use for at least twenty years. (Friends who are interested can observe that traditional Chinese chefs wrap their knives very carefully in their aprons after work) And only use one knife, not a second one! It's all about chopping vegetables, chopping garlic, and chopping bones. What to do if the bones are too big to be cut? Go straight to the axe! This is the traditional chef.

And it can be seen from the comment area that some people are just talking for money. To put it bluntly, they are just trolls, the kind of professional whitewashers.

The problem is that almost all the online marketing forces focus on materials and processing techniques, over and over again. In a word: This is our profession, if you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense. What about

? Do I need to know how to breed a roasted chicken? Do you still need to know about oven technology? Do I need to know civil engineering to buy a house? Do I need to know textiles to buy a piece of clothing? Do I need to learn communication skills to access the Internet?

Do customers need to understand this? If customers need to understand this, what else do you need to do as a manufacturer? If everyone knew how to forge and went out to do it themselves if needed, would your manufacturer go out of business? Don't you want to cry to death?

It’s the 21st century, okay? Is it interesting to still use the rhetoric of ancient guilds?

I don’t know how to cook, but I still know which restaurant is delicious or not. This is something you can do with your mouth! When I go out to eat, I just have to go to a restaurant that tastes good to me. Why do I need to know how to cook?

No matter how fancy you talk, no matter how lofty you talk, if I don’t like to eat what you make, then I won’t eat it! No matter how loud your ads are, it has nothing to do with me!

Going back to this incident, you just keep saying how good your craftsmanship is and how high your quality is. Why did I buy the knife? I can't even hit garlic with it, so why do I use it? Put it in the kitchen and serve it?

If this logic works, then I will invent a mobile phone tomorrow, claiming to use the most powerful technology in the universe. If you can't make calls or access the Internet, it means you don't understand how to use it and can't understand its subtleties. Ok?

When a customer buys something, it is very simple. If this thing does everything I want to do, then it is a good thing. If it is useless, then it is a defective product!

It’s better not to do the big deception in the store, or you will be punished. I just saw Wang Mazi 's online store slapping garlic. A group of people below jokingly asked: Is this garlic called Zhang Xiaoquan ?