Hello, dear readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "These 6 kinds of food obviously originated in China, so they have a "foreign name" , considered foreign!

Dear readers and friends, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "These 6 kinds of food obviously originated in China, so they have "foreign names" ”, considered foreign! 』

Go back 30 years. At that time, our country was still relatively backward, and many people still "worshiped foreign countries." Even though our country has undergone tremendous changes, many people still think that the moon in foreign countries is round.

Take food for example. It obviously originated in China, but just because it has a "foreign" name, many people think it is foreign and tastes better. Today I will tell you about some Chinese delicacies. Since the name was changed, their prices have skyrocketed. Let’s see if there is anything you like.

[Chinese food that is misunderstood because of its name]

, Kiwi fruit

When you hear this name, do you have a "singular feeling" and feel that this thing is very mysterious? Only after looking at it did I know, isn’t it and kiwi ? The scientific name of kiwi fruit is " Chinese kiwi fruit ". It is native to China and also has many other names, such as Yang peach , Carambola , Carambolas peach, etc. It was introduced to New Zealand in 1900, and is named after the famous local The name of Kiwi ( Kiwi ) is called kiwi.

The origin of kiwifruit all over the world is Wuduhe Town, Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province. Famous kiwifruit include Zhouzhi kiwifruit, Xixia kiwifruit, Shuicheng kiwifruit, etc.

, spicy cabbage

A pound of cabbage costs a few cents in the supermarket, but Korean spicy cabbage costs more than ten yuan per pound, a difference of dozens of times. In the Northeast, almost every household also pickles spicy cabbage, which tastes exactly like the spicy cabbage in North and South Korea.

Why is it called Korean spicy cabbage? Because as soon as I heard it was foreign, the value immediately doubled. After all, it was not pickled by the Chinese themselves. And you should know that cabbage, a vegetable, is also native to northern China. It was called "song" in ancient times and was introduced to Japan, Europe and the United States in the 19th century. The time when it was introduced into North Korea was probably around and in the Ming Dynasty.

China began to use cabbage to make kimchi thousands of years ago, many years earlier than the Korean Peninsula, and it was also learned from us.

3, Saqima

Listening to the name, I have no idea what it is, but in fact, everyone has eaten it, it is Saqima , that kind of soft, waxy and sweet snack. Many people think it is foreign, but it is actually Chinese, a traditional delicacy of the Manchu people.

Saqima is actually the transliteration of Manchuᠰᠠᠴᡳᠮᠠ (sacima). After the Manchus entered the customs and established the Qing Dynasty, this kind of food became popular in Beijing and became one of the Beijing-style four-season pastries. It was an important item in the Qing Dynasty. snacks. In the past, he also wrote "Shaqima", "Sailima", etc. in Beijing.

4, Portuguese egg tart

Egg tart is Portugal’s “national pastry”. It originated from the local monastery and was first invented by nuns. So is Portuguese egg tart still Portuguese? No, it originated in Macau, China. It is called Portuguese tart in Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong.

In 1989, the Englishman Andrew Stow invented the Portuguese tart in Macau. After switching to the British custard filling and reducing the amount of sugar, it subsequently became popular with everyone and became a famous snack in Macau. The most representative one is Milktar's egg tart, which has a history of just over 30 years.

5. New Orleans grilled wings

This kind of grilled chicken wings first appeared in KFC fast food restaurant. The name has an exotic sense of mystery. I thought it was the delicacy of New Orleans in the United States. After all, KFC is also a multinational restaurant chain in the United States. .

But New Orleans grilled wings are not American, but something localized in China. In fact, New Orleans does not have grilled wings, and even Orleans, France, does not have grilled wings. A kind of food designed by KFC restaurant according to the taste of Chinese people is China's own creation.

6, Korean fried noodles

Many people love eating fried noodles, but have they ever tasted Korean fried noodles? This bowl of noodles has a daily sales of 8 million bowls in South Korea. It can be said to be South Korea's "national delicacy", but it is not made by Koreans, and Korean history does not eat fried noodles.

Korean fried noodles originated from the specialty snack "fried noodles" in Shandong, China. During the Qing Dynasty, people from Shandong brought fried noodles to the Korean Peninsula. The Korean fried noodles that Koreans eat now were born in the 1950s during the Korean War. At that time, the overseas Chinese in Korea improved their original fried noodles into Korean fried noodles, which enriched the Korean people's table .

China has been a country of gourmet food since ancient times. It has many local specialties. In fact, there are many such delicacies because the names are misunderstood.

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