Wearing green clothes, her belly is watery, she has many babies, and they all have dark faces. (Hit a fruit) Can everyone guess what fruit this is? Yes, you guessed it right, it is our protagonist today, watermelon. Before writing this article, I thought that watermelons were the

is wearing green clothes, her belly is watery, she has many babies, and they all have dark faces. (Hit a fruit)

Can everyone guess what fruit this is?

Yes, you guessed it right, it is our protagonist today, watermelon. Before writing this article, I thought that watermelons were the same everywhere. However, it was not until I collected relevant information that I realized that there are as many as thirty or forty varieties of watermelons in our country, and there are more than ten common ones among us.

So how can we choose a delicious and sweet watermelon when faced with so many varieties?

1. The sweetness of watermelon

First of all, let’s understand the sweetness of many varieties of watermelon

We can see from the picture that the highest sugar content is sweet, and the lowest sugar content is Texiaofeng. The higher the sugar content, the higher the sweetness, so as long as we choose the variety, we will definitely choose a sweet and delicious watermelon. Of course, if you want to use summer to lose weight, stay away from this tempting watermelon.

2. Identify watermelon varieties

(1) Luscious watermelon

The main characteristics of luscious watermelon are thin skin and red flesh. It is refreshing and thirst-quenching after eating and has an excellent taste. A single fruit weighing about 4 kilograms is called "4K watermelon" , its outer skin is relatively strong and difficult to break with feet. When an adult stands on the melon, the watermelon will not crack. Therefore, the luscious watermelon is also called the "standing god" watermelon.

(2) Ningxia selenium sand

is mainly produced in the Xiangshan area of ​​Zhongwei, Ningxia. It is available from July every year and can be eaten until late October. During the planting period, melon farmers will lay small stones in the melon fields, so selenium sand melon is also Known as the "watermelon that grows from the cracks of stones", selenium sand melons are larger than ordinary watermelons, usually weighing around 20 to 30 kilograms, and are rich in various trace elements.

(3) Black Beauty

Black Beauty watermelon is oval in shape, with dark green and almost black rind, thin skin and red flesh, thick flesh, and much higher sweetness than ordinary watermelons. It is grown in many places in my country, among which It is concentrated in Yinchuan, Ningxia, Nanning, Guangxi, Wanning, Hainan, Weinan, Shaanxi and Fujian.

(4) Kirin melon

Kirin melon is a new variety of watermelon and the most common type of watermelon on the market today. Kirin melon has a short growth cycle, good taste and quick return on investment. Kirin melon is oval in shape, with very clear stripes on the surface and thin skin. However, Kirin melon has very high requirements for the planting environment, especially temperature and light, so large-scale planting is mainly concentrated in Hainan and other provinces.

In the hot summer, eating a piece of cold watermelon can relieve the heat and cool down. In an instant, you will feel refreshed. In addition to learning to identify watermelon varieties, choosing melons is also a skill. Click to follow and the next article will show you how to choose. Good watermelon.