American English calls French fries French fries, which literally means "French fries", which makes people think that France is the "home" of French fries. 2020-3-24 14:28 · Well-known creator in the field of food.

French fries are fried potato chips.

Home-made French fries, once boiled and then frozen, crispy and delicious, not soft anymore, better than KFC

The birthplace of French fries is in Belgium

American English calls French fries French fries, which literally means " "French fries" makes people think that France is the "home" of French fries. However, Belgians believe that Belgium is the birthplace of French fries. Belgians have a special liking for french fries, and Prime Minister Sophie Wilmes did not forget to post a photo of holding french fries on social media during the European Union Summit on the 18th.

Wilmes posted a photo on the social media Twitter on the 18th, showing her taking a photo with Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. The photo was taken in front of a restaurant in Brussels . The two of them each held a handful of French fries. Wilmes captioned the photo "Lunchtime snack", ending with an icon of French fries and the hashtag "This is Belgium."

Reuters reported that French fries are an important staple food in Belgium. Even if Belgium implements restrictions during the new crown epidemic, roadside stalls and small shops selling French fries are still open as usual.

The Belgians want the world to know that, like beer, french fries are an important part of Belgian culture and part of the world cultural heritage.

Many Belgians say that it was the Belgians who invented French fries. It was only because the American army was stationed in the French-speaking part of Belgium during the First World War that French fries were called "French potatoes" in American English. strip".

The EU Summit opened in Brussels on July 17 to discuss issues such as response to the epidemic and economic recovery. This is the first time that the leaders of the 27 EU member states have met in person since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic. ( Xinhua News Agency Dian Ousa)

First Food


020-3-24 14:28 · Well-known creator in the food field

teaches you how to fry French fries at home for three yuan. , crispy and delicious, again There is no need to buy and eat

How to make home-style French fries. Once boiled and then frozen, they are crispy and delicious, and are better than KFC.

Hello everyone, I am Ah Fei from No. 1 Gourmet Food. Follow Ah Fei for more home-cooked dishes. Everyone’s reference!

French fries that are crispy, crunchy, soft, soft, with a rich fragrance and a lot of salt are the perfect fries!

As a daily casual snack, French fries occupy an indelible position in the hearts of children. If you dare to order him a hamburger set without French fries, he will dare to cry for you, but if you only Order a side of French fries and a packet of ketchup, and he can eat it with gusto. French fries seem to have become a magical tool for coaxing babies, and how to fry delicious French fries seems to have become an essential skill for modern mothers to coax their babies.

Today, Ah Fei will bring you a French fries recipe used by a certain German company, which ensures that the fries will be golden in color without black edges; the outer skin will be thin and crispy, not greasy; the inside will be fluffy and soft, solid and not hollow. ; Even if it is left for a period of time, it still maintains a crisp texture. It is cooked first, then frozen and then fried, and a perfect portion of French fries can be fried in minutes.

【French fries】

Step 1: Clean

Peel the skin of the potatoes clean, first cut them into thick slices, then cut them into potato strips. After cutting, put them into clean water to wash away the starch on the surface to prevent the potatoes from oxidizing. black.

Step 2: Boil

Boil water in a pot, add two spoons of salt to taste. After the water boils, put the potato strips into the pot and cook for about 30 seconds. When the potatoes change color and the surface is slightly translucent, pour them out quickly. Run some cold water.

Step 3: Control the water

Then pour the potato strips on absorbent paper , dry the water and set aside. In order to dry the water faster, we use a fan or fan to blow it.

Step 4: After the frozen

moisture is completely dry, put the potato strips into a fresh-keeping bag and freeze them in the refrigerator for more than 3 hours to freeze the potatoes hard so that the fried French fries will not be soft. Yes, the outer layer is very crispy. After 3 hours, we took out the potato strips and poured them into a small basin. If any were stuck together, break them up with our hands.

Step 5: Fry

. Burn oil in the pot. When the oil temperature is 50% hot and the oil surface is slightly smoking, pour in half of the potato strips first. Because there is less oil, you cannot fry them all at one time. Push them gently to let them fry. Heat it evenly and fry over low heat for about 2 minutes. Take it out after the potato strips change color and take shape.

Put the remaining potatoes into the pot for frying. After all the potato strips are fried and set, increase the oil temperature to 60% heat and turn to low heat. Put the potato strips just out of the pot back into the pot for deep frying. Remove from the pan when the potatoes are golden brown and very crispy. Serve with tomato sauce and it's delicious.

Ah Fei has something to say:

. Potatoes must be dried and then frozen in the refrigerator, otherwise they will stick together; after freezing and then frying, the French fries will not be soft and the outer layer will be very crispy;

. French fries It must be fried twice before the texture will be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside;

Now, a French fries that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside is ready. Friends who like it, try it now.

Follow Ah Fei, there are simple and practical home-cooked dishes for your reference every day, see you in the next issue!