No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously! Introduction: The weather in Nanchang has been relatively hot recently. I thought there was a

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and think of some solutions. Yes, food is my fun and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!


The weather in Nanchang has been relatively hot recently. I thought there would be a canteen downstairs, and since it was the weekend, I planned to order some ice cream back to eat. In such a hot summer, it would be incomplete without ice cream. . The canteen downstairs is rather willful. It only opens when summer comes every year, and it only sells ice cream. Even though it is just a canteen, there are many types of ice cream, including all kinds of Internet celebrity ice cream and classic ice cream. You can meet them all here.

Before I bought ice cream, everyone was saying that ice cream was expensive and almost couldn’t afford it. After I went to the canteen downstairs on the weekend, I realized how superficial I was. This ice cream was expensive. It was expensive. Outrageous, okay? In the past, a stick of ice cream might only cost three or four yuan, but now if you just take it without asking about the price, a stick of ice cream might cost dozens of yuan, and some ice creams even cost sixty or seventy yuan. Seriously. I can't afford it.

Why does ice cream become more and more expensive? Is there any "conscience ice cream" on the market?

There are many reasons why ice cream is getting more expensive. The author believes that three reasons are particularly important.

1. The rise of Internet celebrity ice cream has allowed capital to enter strongly, raising the price of the entire ice cream.

We can recall, when did the price of ice cream start to increase? The rise of Internet celebrity ice cream, after Zhong Xuegao became popular, various brands began to launch their own high-end ice cream brands, such as Xujinhuan, Zhenxi, Taoqi, Mengniu and Zhongjie 1946, also followed. The price increase has led to an increase in the price of the entire ice cream market.

2, "spoilers" are increasing, and they all want to occupy the high-end market of ice cream.

Cross-border brands sell ice cream, which also promotes the increase in ice cream prices. Among them, the most popular one is undoubtedly the Moutai ice cream a few days ago, which sells for more than 60. Yuan, many netizens said that they cannot afford to drink Moutai or eat Moutai ice cream. There is also Hengshun, a vinegar seller, who also sells ice cream across the border. The price starts at 18 yuan a pop. This is undoubtedly The price of traditional ice cream will rise accordingly.

3, marketing costs increase, let consumers pay for it

Many Internet celebrity ice creams are marketed. To put it bluntly, the premium is very high, and a lot of money is spent on publicity. At this time, we can only They say how good their products are, making consumers think that they are expensive for a reason and that it is normal to sell them at a high price.

Is there any "conscience ice cream" on the market now?

If you want to find conscience ice cream, you can only look for traditional ice cream, such as the more common little puddings and corn flavored ones. However, these are rare and have increased in price. At present, true conscience ice cream , the author thinks there is only snow lotus ice cream.

html The snow lotus ice cream that costs 15 cents a pack has been sold for more than ten years, and has not increased in price for 13 years. Official sources revealed that it only earns 1 cent per pack. To be honest, this is really very conscientious. Now go to It’s really not easy to find popsicles and ice cream for 50 cents at the canteen. Most of them are ridiculously expensive.

[Shi Ke Shuo]

The price of ice cream on the market is increasing more and more fiercely, but there are still relatively few that are truly conscientious. Snow lotus ice cream is one of them. Friends, do you know which ice cream has not increased in price? Everyone is welcome to leave a message for discussion.

[This article was originally created by "Xiao Tan Shi Ke" and may not be deleted or copied without permission. Infringement will be prosecuted]