It’s hot in summer, and everyone has no appetite and doesn’t want to eat. So today, Xiaoxian shared a few recipes for fairy noodles. They are simple, easy to learn, and most importantly, delicious. Learning these noodles can stimulate your taste buds and whet your appetite!

It’s hot in summer, and everyone has no appetite and doesn’t want to eat. So today, Xiaoxian shared a few recipes for fairy noodles. They are simple, easy to learn, and most importantly, delicious. Learning these noodles can stimulate your taste buds and whet your appetite!

Lemon Sprite Mixed Noodles

Put the noodles into boiling water and cook, take out the cold water, so that the noodles are fresh and non-sticky, then drain the noodles.


1. Add chopped green onions, minced garlic, chili noodles, Add white sesame seeds, salt, and hot oil. The aroma will come out immediately

2. Then add mature vinegar, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, a little sesame oil, and most importantly, add a bottle of iced Sprite. This Sprite can quickly cool down the sauce. It can also enhance the aroma

3. Add a few slices of lemon to increase the freshness of the sauce

4. Finally, add coriander, fried peanuts, shredded ham to the cold noodles, top with the prepared sauce, and eat. It is really comfortable. Cool!

Mahjong Noodles

For this sesame sauce noodle dish, adjusting the sesame sauce is very important

1. We first add a spoonful of sesame paste to the bowl, and then add a large spoonful of peanut butter. Mixing the two together will not only increase the aroma, but also taste. Very delicate

2. Add warm water to the sauce bowl, but remember to add water in small amounts many times, so that the sauce is released and delicious. Then pour a little dark soy sauce to adjust the color.

3. Take another bowl and add minced garlic and white pepper. Add sesame seeds and chili noodles, add hot oil to bring out the aroma, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of old vinegar, a small spoonful of salt, chicken essence, and white sugar, stir the sauce evenly

4, and finally mix the two. Mix the sauce together, stir evenly and set aside for later use

Let's put the noodles under boiling water. After they are cooked, put them in cold water to cool down. Then drain the water, add your favorite cucumber shreds, coriander, fried peanuts, and Add the mixed sauce, stir well and serve!

Scallion oil noodles

First, boil the noodles under boiling water and cook them, drain them into cold water, then drain the water and set them aside for later use

Prepare scallion oil:

1. Prepare a small bowl, add one spoon of oyster sauce and two spoons of dark soy sauce. , three spoons of light soy sauce, two spoons of white sugar, stir evenly

2. Prepare a green onion, remove the core, and only take the white. Prepare a handful of green onions, only take the green, not the white.

3. Pour oil into the pot, add the white scallion, Fry out the first layer of scallion oil, fry the white scallions until they are charred, take out

4, turn to low heat, fry the scallions green without burning them, take out

5, continue to maintain low heat, fry a handful of dried shrimps, stir gently, and fry till fragrant. Crispy, wait until the shrimp skin is golden, turn off the heat, pour in the prepared sauce, once the sauce bubbles, the scallion oil is ready.

Finally, pour the prepared scallion oil onto our cool noodles and mix well. Ready to eat! How about

? Have you learned these noodles? Then get started quickly!

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