When talking about soy products, I believe many people know that they are very nutritious, cheap, delicious and close to the people. There are many types of traditional soy products, such as tofu, bean skin, soy milk, yuba, etc., which are all very popular ingredients. But for mo

When talking about soy products, I believe many people know that they are very nutritious, cheap, delicious and close to the people.

There are many types of traditional soy products, such as tofu, bean skin, soy milk, yuba, etc., which are all very popular ingredients. But for most series of ingredients, there will be one or two types "Dark Dark" "Delicacy".

After talking about this, many people must have thought of today's protagonist - stinky tofu. As a delicious " smells stinky and tastes delicious" , it is "outstanding" among soy products; and in this series Among the delicacies, Changsha stinky tofu and Shaoxing stinky tofu are the most distinctive.

In fact, compared to stinky tofu, there are many outstanding delicacies in this category across the country, such as the stinky tofu in the following six places. They are also considered local delicacies. If you like it, come and have a look.

: Beijing Stinky Tofu

In addition to Beijing being famous for roast duck, stinky tofu is also a landmark delicacy.

It belongs to the fermented tofu category, and the Mucor strain is added to the original style to form a unique feature; there are currently two local styles of stinky tofu, one is similar to Shaoxing stinky tofu The same deep-fried and crispy style; the other is a soft and tender style like tofu curd.

Although the textures of the two are slightly different, they are slightly similar in taste because they come from the same family. That is to say, there will be some minor changes in the subsequent ingredients.

: Nanjing stinky tofu

Nanjing’s stinky tofu also consists of two categories.

Among them one is the off-white tender and fragrant style , which is fried and mixed with seasonings such as garlic paste, chili sauce, sesame sauce, etc., and has a good flavor; the other is light gray dried tofu because it is slightly It is thin, so it will float on the oil surface after frying. It tastes chewy and has a richer taste when paired with special sauces.

: Huizhou stinky tofu

Huizhou ’s stinky tofu is one of the top ten famous foods in Anhui Province.

It is what people often call hairy tofu. First, the tofu is placed on bamboo strips for natural fermentation. This process is the process of converting plant protein into amino acids . It may seem difficult to swallow, but it is actually rich in nutrients. .

And compared to the cooking of stinky tofu in Anhui cuisine , in addition to being used for frying to make snacks, local people also use it for cooking dishes, such as braised in red sauce, roasted in sauce, stewed and other cooking techniques , You can all show off your talents with this hairy tofu.

4: Taiwan Stinky Tofu

Taiwan’s stinky tofu is actually slightly similar to Nanjing’s stinky tofu. If we insist on distinguishing the differences, we can only say that Taiwan’s stinky tofu has more ways to eat it.

Compared with the normal fried style, Taiwan's stinky tofu can not only be made into dishes, but also locally, stinky tofu can also be used in the cooking of hot pot, spicy hot pot and other special foods. It is famous for its smell and its fresh taste, which is very pleasant.

5: Bijie Stinky Tofu

In Bijie, Guizhou, the stinky tofu here is unique. Compared with the very ordinary fried style, the charcoal-grilled stinky tofu here is a landmark delicacy.

And the stinky tofu here often appears in the form of bean buns. Whether fried or grilled, can bulge like a steamed bun after being heated, forming a bulging purse-like ; plus the unique local spicy sauce for dipping. When eaten, it is not only crispy, fragrant and tender, but also spicy and delicious. For those who love spicy food, Guizhou-style stinky tofu is particularly delicious.

6: Yunnan stinky tofu

Yunnan’s stinky tofu is very outstanding in terms of frying and charcoal grilling, but as for the local special way of eating, steamed stinky tofu with red oil flavor, many people must have never tasted it.

This type of stinky tofu delicacy is also rare in China. Although the appearance of the finished product is a bit like the texture of normal fried tofu, with the addition of chili powder, marinated tofu juice, pepper and sesame oil and other seasonings, the flavor is enhanced It truly reflects the unique flavor of Yunnan.

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