In this hot summer, most people like to invite friends to their homes to gather, chat about home life and have a drink. But before friends come to visit us, we must first learn to show off our delicious food. If we order takeout every day, we will easily get tired of it, and we a

In this hot summer, most people like to invite friends to their homes to get together, chat about home life and have a drink. But before friends come to visit us, we must first learn to show off our delicious food. If we order takeout every day, we will easily get tired of it, and we are not hygienic enough to cook it at home. Today I will share with you 6 hard dishes, which are not only delicious, but also look special when friends and relatives come to visit.


Prepare ingredients: a box of duck blood, fresh hairy tripe, Qianzhang, sausage, soybean sprouts, hot pot base , green pepper , garlic, ginger, chopped dried chili, bean paste, pepper Rice noodles and white radish

Method: 1. Wash the duck blood, tofu skin, sausage, tripe, soybean sprouts, garlic, ginger, white radish and chicken feet and cut them into pieces and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, add an appropriate amount of green peppercorns, dried chili peppers and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. When the aroma comes out, add the bean sprouts and stir-fry until cooked. Add a small spoonful of sugar and stir-fry evenly. Remove from the pot and place in a basin as a base.

4. Return to the pot and add water, pour the duck blood into the water and boil it. Add a small spoonful of salt so that the cooked duck blood is not only tender but also not easy to break. After the duck blood is cooked, take it out and set aside.

5. After removing the duck blood, blanch the tripe and Qian Zhang in hot water for 15 seconds, take them out and set aside. Then put the chicken feet in and cook until cooked and take them out.

6. Heat the oil in the pot again. When the oil is hot, add the hot pot base ingredients into the pot and stir-fry until melted. Then add the bean paste and stir-fry evenly. Pour in half a basin of water and bring to a boil over high heat.

7. After the water boils, add pepper, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, cooking wine and a small amount of sugar to the pot. After adjusting the taste, add the previously blanched tripe, qianzhang, sausage, duck blood, white radish and chicken feet together. Place in the pot and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes to absorb the flavour.

8. After the taste is good, pour all the ingredients in the pot into a basin, and then sprinkle dried chili peppers on top. In the last step, heat the oil in the pot. When the oil reaches the hottest temperature, pour the hot oil in the pot. On top of the chili, a bowl of Maoxuewang with multiple ingredients is ready!

Seafood Pot

Prepare ingredients: nine-section shrimp , eggs, crabs, sixty-sixtie, razor clams , shrimp , chili oil, hot pot base, enoki mushrooms, soybean sprouts

Method: 1. Put all the seafood first Wash all the side dishes and set aside.

2. Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Then put the shrimps, crabs, and prawns in and cook them. Take them out. Then pour in the razor clams and scallops and blanch them for 20 seconds. Take them out and set aside.

3. Heat the oil in the pot again. After the oil is boiling, add the garlic and hot pot base ingredients and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add half a pot of water and increase the heat to maximum. After the water boils, add all the ingredients. [Yellow] Put the bean sprouts last] Then turn on low heat and add appropriate seasonings, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, light soy sauce, cooking wine, and half a bottle of beer.

4. After all the ingredients in the pot are fragrant, add the soybean sprouts and enoki mushrooms, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes before taking it out of the pot and pouring it into a basin.

Boiled fish

Ingredients to prepare: soybean sprouts, grass carp, potatoes, white radish, enoki mushrooms, cucumber, starch, bean paste, eggs

Method: 1. Remove the scales and internal organs of the grass carp, then wash it and cut off the head of the grass carp , cut off the tail and keep it aside, then use a knife to cut the fish into large thorny slices of even thickness.

2. Peel the bean sprouts, cucumbers, potatoes and white radish, wash them all and set aside. Cut the peppers, onions, ginger and garlic into small pieces.

3. Put the cut fish fillets in a bowl, then beat in an egg white, then add 2 tablespoons of starch and an appropriate amount of salt, then marinate evenly with your hands for 15 minutes.

4. Pour cold water into the pot, put the white radish and potatoes in together. After the water boils, take out the white radish and potatoes, then add the bean sprouts and cook for 2 minutes, then take them out and set aside.

5. Heat the oil in the pan again. When the oil is hot, add the chili, onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry. Then add the bean paste and stir-fry evenly. Then add the fish head, tail and fish bones, stir-fry, and add Just enough water to cover the fish, then turn on high heat and bring the water to a boil.

6. After the water boils, slowly put all the fish fillets into the pot, and then use chopsticks to stir gently so that the fish meat can evenly coat the water. Turn up the heat and cook the fish meat until it changes color.

7. After the fish changes color, turn down the heat, pour in all the blanched vegetables and enoki mushrooms, then add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, and fish drum oil. Finally, cover the pot and simmer over low heat. Ready in 5 minutes! After leaving the country, put coriander on the fish, then heat the oil in a pan, wait until the oil is hot, then pour it on top of the coriander.

The three hard dishes shared in today’s talk. If you learn how to cook them whenever you want at home, you can also cook them for relatives and friends when they come to your home. Not only are they delicious,