We came out at 0 years old. Can't choose family, parents. You can't choose whether you are a boy or a girl; you can't choose whether you are healthy and beautiful. When we were children, our parents chose the best kindergarten for us. When we were students, our parents provided u

We are 0 years old. Can't choose family, parents. You can't choose whether you are a boy or a girl; you can't choose whether you are healthy and beautiful.

When we were children, our parents chose the best kindergarten for us. When we were students, our parents provided us with the best educational environment.

After entering college, we had to wave goodbye to our parents who accompanied us when we grew up, and to say goodbye to our teachers who worked so hard. Spread your wings and fly freely.

went to the big stage of society and faced too many temptations. It is inevitable that people will be confused, and some even have to change careers for a better life.

It is not easy for people to reach middle age. There are old people at the top and young people at the bottom. The top people should be filial to their parents, and the bottom people should take good care of their children. Middle age is the period of rising career and the uphill climb of life. If you are not careful, you will fall behind.

The three-year epidemic has brought too many disasters to people. How many people have lost their jobs, how many people have changed their life trajectories, and how many wives have been separated.

In a blink of an eye, people reach the age of knowing their destiny. Over fifty years old, half of life has been hard work and half of life has been wasted! Some are still fighting on the front line, while others are retired at home and enjoying their old age. Some people want to take a break after retiring, but the reality is beyond their control. The children had children again and had to join the army of raising children. It's easier for the couple, both of whom are retired, to go to their children's city together. If one of them is not retired, in order to understand their children's urgent needs, they have to live in separate places.

There are too many things in a person's life that are unpredictable. There are too many things that you cannot control! Take children for example. Life is fast-paced now and young people are under great pressure. If you don’t help with childcare, they won’t be able to go to class. If you can't go to work, your career development will be affected. You can't. You want a career, not children. Therefore, the current middle-aged and elderly people are the ones who have to sacrifice the most! They have brought up their own children, and they have to bring up their children's children.

Life is like a dandelion. It seems to be free, but it is often involuntarily. When people are in the world, there are some things they cannot help but some things they have to do. Life is like a dandelion, full of wishes, flying towards the goal of success!

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hereby wishes new and old friends and fans: a happy life, happiness and good health! I am W, the wheat king of autumn. The network image used by

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