Features of Tianxin’s first row: crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a mellow aftertaste. Ingredients: 50 kilograms of chilled beef steak (1 kilogram/portion), fried French fries. Seasoning: A. 1500g onion cubes, 1000g parsley segments, 1000g Lee Kum Kee seafood

Tianxin’s first row

Features: Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a mellow aftertaste.

Ingredients: 50 kilograms of chilled beef steak (1 kilogram/portion), fried French fries.

seasoning: A. 1500g onion cubes, 1000g parsley segments, 1000g Lee Kum Kee seafood sauce, 500g ginger, 500g garlic, rose wine 1500g, 750g salt, 500g MSG, 250g black peppercorns, 250 grams of chicken essence. B. 20 kilograms of old chicken soup, spice bag (150 grams of star anise, 100 grams of cinnamon, 4100 grams of cloves, 4250 grams of grass fruit, 4250 grams of white cardamom, 100 grams of tangerine peel, 4150 grams of fennel, 4150 grams of licorice, purple orchid (Alpinia galangal) 100 grams, geranium leaves 100 grams, Luo Han Guo 150 grams), 1 kilogram of dried chili. C. 20 grams of seafood sauce, 20 grams of Zhuhou sauce, 15 grams of white sugar, 8 grams of sesame oil, 3 grams of coarse purple orchid, 3 grams of fine purple orchid, and 15 grams of red oil. D. 2 kilograms of salad oil, 420 grams of cooked sesame seeds, and 10 grams of tomato paste. Production of


1. Cut the steak into 500g large pieces. Add seasoning A and marinate for 2-3 hours. Add 100 pounds of water and seasoning B and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour. Remove and drain. Add 80% hot water. Fry in oil over medium heat for 1 minute until golden brown and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in the pan until it is 50% hot. Add seasoning C and stir-fry over medium heat until fragrant. Brush it on the fried ribs, sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds, and serve with French fries and ketchup.

comments: During the trial production, due to limited raw materials, the ribs chopped into sections were used. There were differences in shaping and serving, but the taste was good. This dish has an aftertaste. The hoisin sauce, Zhuhou sauce and white sugar are brushed on it to give this dish a sweet aftertaste. Northern diners may not like this taste, so they can reduce the amount of white sugar and hoisin sauce.

Braised Chaozhou Oxtail with Fifteen-Year-Old Sturgeon Tendons


1 fresh yellow oxtail with skin (about 7-8 pounds), 1 15-year-old Arowana tendon.


200 grams of ginger, 4 star anise, 5 grams of cinnamon, and 2 grams of bay leaves.


red wine 200g, Knorr claypot sauce 200g, Guanghe fermented bean curd 30g, Donggunan milk 30g, sesame paste 15g, peanut butter 20g, oyster sauce 20g, light soy sauce 50g, white vinegar 50g , Jiujiang 60 grams of rice wine, pieces of sugar 20 grams, appropriate amounts of salt, dark soy sauce, and chicken powder.


1, oxtail singe, brush clean, cut into appropriate sizes, put in cold water into the pot, add white vinegar and rice wine splashing water, skim off the floating foam, remove and wash for later use.

2. Fry the old ginger with skin in the oil pan until fragrant and remove the residue to obtain ginger oil . Add the oxtail and stir-fry until fragrant. Add seasonings and accessories. Pour rice wine on the side of the pot. Boil water and turn the pressure cooker. Press for 20 minutes. Good oxtail.

3. Pour the sturgeon tendons into the water, add oxtail juice to a pot over low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, until the color changes and the flavor develops. Set aside.

4. Cut the oxtail and sturgeon tendons into a new pot, pour in the oxtail juice, reduce the juice over high heat, and serve on a plate.

Jinsha Fresh Yellow Flower

Recommendation reason: The dishes at the hotel’s Fresh Yellow Flower sell out quickly, but they are basically ordinary recipes such as “Fresh Yellow Flower Scrambled Eggs” and “Fresh Yellow Flower Fried Fungus”. I suddenly remembered the recipe of Salted Egg Yolk Fire Bureau Lily. , I borrowed it and trial-produced a version of Jinsha Fresh Yellow Flower, which unexpectedly became a hot-selling dish in the restaurant.

Ingredients: 150 grams of fresh yellow flowers.

Accessories: 35 grams of salted egg yolk.

seasoning: 2 grams of salt, 8 grams of sugar.


1. Soak the fresh yellow flowers in water for two hours, remove the pistils. Take out and use a dry towel to absorb the water, put a thin layer of crispy paste into the hot oil and fry until the oil rises to 70% hot until the yellow flowers are cooked and the shell is crispy.

2. Pour a little bit of oil into the pot and stir-fry the salted egg yolk over low heat until it becomes sandy. Add the fried fresh yellow flowers and stir-fry. Add salt and sugar and stir well before serving.