Ingredients: 50 grams of Coprinus comatus, 500 grams of crab (remove all the crab meat from the crab and set aside) 500 grams of kale, one egg white. Seasoning: 10 ml oil, 3 g salt, 20 ml chicken broth, 5 g cornstarch. Steps for making ginger: 1. Cut the crab and take out the cra


Coprinus comatus 50 grams, Paste crab 500 grams (remove all the crab meat from the paste crab and set aside) Kale 500 grams, Egg white one.

Seasoning: 10 ml of oil, 3 g of salt, 20 ml of chicken broth, 5 g of cornstarch. Ginger

production steps:

1. Cut the crab and take out the crab roe. Steam the crab in the pot for 10 minutes. Remove the crab meat. Pay attention to remove the crab claws and remove the complete meat strips for later use.

2. Remove the hard part of the root of kale, scrape off the outer skin of the root, and cut the tops of the leaves neatly. Boil water, add a little salt and oil (to make the color brighter), blanch the kale until it completely changes color and becomes soft, remove and drain and place on a plate.

3. Wash the Coprinus comatus and slice it diagonally. Boil water and add a little salt. Add the Coprinus comatus and cook for about 3 minutes. Remove from water and place on kale.

4. Add a little oil to the pan and sauté the shredded ginger until fragrant. Add the crab roe, crab meat and chicken broth and bring to a boil for seasoning. Thicken the gravy, then pour the egg white into egg droplets and pour it over the vegetables.