The first fresh food in the hot summer, it’s the right time to enjoy it! Enjoy the "eating" light and enjoy the food to your heart's content. On June 30, Grand Mercure Wuhan Gezhouba launched refreshing and pleasant new summer dishes inspired by seasonal ingredients. A new summer

It’s the best time to enjoy the freshest food in the hot summer!

Enjoy the "eating" light and enjoy the food to your heart's content. On June 30, Grand Mercure Wuhan Gezhouba launched refreshing and pleasant new summer dishes inspired by seasonal ingredients. A new summer dish tasting event with the theme of "Everyone is a food connoisseur" was held on the second floor of the hotel. Hosted by Lanyuan Western Restaurant.

The Gezhouyuan Chinese Restaurant of Grand Mercure Wuhan Gezhouba Hotel is prepared with ingenuity and brings new dishes. It hopes that innovative dishes that take into account both taste and beauty will bring more enjoyment to guests. At this tasting meeting, the hotel's talented chef team continued to innovate and develop ingredients, and produced a total of thirty creative dishes to present traditional flavors with new ideas. During the event, everyone tasted and discussed the dishes together from multiple perspectives such as the production, ingredients, and taste of the dishes, learned from each other, and exchanged ideas.

"Eat in Qiaokou, taste in Gejiu. In this new dish tasting, the restaurant is guided by catering culture, takes traditional dishes as the mainstream, features seasonal ingredients, and is based on cooking technology. It retains customers by making delicious food. We will keep the guests’ hearts with more professional service and emotion,” Dong Xinzhou, Food and Beverage Director and Executive Chef of Grand Mercure Wuhan Gezhouba, introduced this event to us.

In the new dish tasting meeting, stone-cooked roasted pepper Wagyu beef and ginger-spiced Boston lobster both received high scores of over 9.5. The tasting officer was full of praises: "the dishes are delicious", "the fragrance is not greasy" and "delicious" "To perfection"... From the instant "dishes" of the plate and the constant thumbs up from the tasters, you can feel the extremely high evaluation of the food!

A piece of history, a story, and a life can all be contained in a delicious dish. Through the judges' comprehensive scores and tasting comments, eighteen dishes including spicy bullfrog swimming crab, rice-flavored mandarin fish, and steamed yellow tripe soft-shell turtle were successfully selected for the summer menu. During the event, everyone also shared their relationship with Gezhouba Hotel and told those long-lost but familiar stories. Life needs a sense of ritual, not a grand dinner or a lively party. Use good food and sincerity to pay tribute to each other's wonderful time spent with family, friends and lovers. Gezhouyuan Chinese Restaurant is dedicated to every small gathering in life.

Grand Mercure Wuhan Gezhouba Hotel is located at the intersection of Jiefang Avenue and Qiaokou Road. It is located in the center of Baofeng Business Circle. It was renovated and opened in 2018. Gezhouyuan Chinese Restaurant, located on the fourth floor of the hotel, has 17 unique Chinese-style private rooms. It is committed to promoting Chu cuisine culture, exploring the essence of Chu flavor, and is good at using innovative cooking techniques to classically interpret authentic Jingchu flavor. It has won popular reputation Catering Awards, Best Reputation Jingchu Cuisine and other honors. Whether it is a business banquet, a gathering of family and friends, or a large banquet, we will make you feel at home.