The crystal clear wine-soaked jelly paired with the crisp and white green cheese makes you want to eat it just by looking at it. The highlight of the entire cake, in addition to being very fresh and beautiful, is the secret weapon hidden in the cake: sunshine rose green grapes. T

The crystal clear wine-soaked jelly is paired with the crisp and white green cheese. Just looking at it makes you want to eat it.

The highlight of the whole cake, in addition to being very fresh and beautiful, is also the secret weapon hidden in the cake: sunshine rose green grapes.

This cake pours processed white wine into the green grapes, which improves the taste to a new level.

Rose green cheese cake/recipe

cheese cheese paste

cream cheese: 200g sugar: 40g

mascarpone cheese: 50g

milk: 30g Litin powder: 5g

light cream : 150g lemon juice: 2.5g

green lemon Wine jelly

Water: 30g White wine: 70g

Sugar: 25g Lemon juice: 15g

Water: 40g Gelatine powder: 5g

Green grapes: 15 pieces


Whipping cream: 50g Sugar: 8g

Mascarpone cheese: 50g

Mold: 7X16cm pound cake mold

1. Add sugar to the cheese cheese paste

. Use a spatula to crush the cheese and mix evenly. Add mascarpone cheese and continue to mix evenly.

Pour the gelatine powder into the milk and stir, then heat over water to melt evenly.

Pour the gelatin milk liquid into the cheese quickly and stir thoroughly.

Then pour in the light cream (no need to whip) and stir evenly. It is recommended to use high-fat cream such as Blue Windmill. After stirring evenly, remember to add 2.5g of fresh lemon juice and mix evenly.

Fold the oil paper and put it into the mold (do this step in advance), then pour in half of the cheese paste, smooth it out, cover it with plastic wrap and freeze it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

2. Green lemon wine jelly

0g water + 5g gelatine powder, stir well and let it stand for later use (do not exceed 5 minutes).

Pour 70g white wine, 30g water, 25g sugar, 15g fresh lemon juice into the milk pot, turn on low heat and stir while heating until the liquid boils, turn off the heat.

Then pour in the gelatine liquid and stir evenly to complete the green lemon jelly liquid. Finally, sift it into a container for later use.

Wash the rose green stems, select 7 and cut them in half. The rest do not need to be cut or peeled.

Take out the cake, place the green grapes neatly against the inner wall of the mold, and then pour a layer of green grape lemon jelly liquid to cover half of the green grapes.

Place whole green grapes one by one in the middle space, pour in the remaining green grape lemon jelly, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Note: The green lemon jelly liquid must be soaked in ice water for a while to cool down before being poured into the cake.

After the time is up, pour in the remaining cheese paste, smooth it out and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours or overnight.

3. Decorate and decorate

Whip the light cream and sugar until 7 and distribute, then add mascarpone cheese and beat until it is decorated, put it into a piping bag and set aside.

Take out the cake, turn it over with the cold side facing down, and tear off the parchment paper.

Gently smooth the four sides with a spatula.

Place the green stems with the round bottom cut off one by one on the cake, squeeze the decoration into the gaps between each green stem, and it's done.

What a beautiful cake! The green and milky white color scheme makes you feel happy just looking at it!

Every time you cut a piece, the round cross-section of the rose green grape is revealed.

Take one bite, it is sweet and juicy, the crispy sunshine rose green grapes are delicious even in the skin, paired with the rich aroma of cheese, the most powerful thing is that the green grape lemon wine jelly is really refreshing.

If there are any remaining materials, it will also look very nice when made into cup cakes .