Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. Food is also loved by everyone, and it is a very common delicacy. Use ordinar

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator in the food field: "Focus on food and make life more flavorful." Today I have brought you a few home-cooked food recipes. These delicacies are also very popular among everyone, and they are very common delicacies. Use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals every day. At the same time, I hope that today’s delicious food can bring you happiness throughout the day.

Stir-fried asparagus and shrimps

Ingredients: shrimp, asparagus, salt, cooking wine, starch, ginger, green onion


1. Marinate the peeled shrimps with a little salt, cooking wine and starch, refrigerate for ten minutes, take out and set aside.

2. Soak and wash the asparagus, peel off the old skin and cut into sections diagonally.

3. Cut the ginger into shreds and the green onion into sections.

4. Heat the wok, add oil, stir-fry the shredded ginger and scallions until fragrant. Remove the shredded ginger and scallion segments and throw them away.

5. Put the shrimps into the oil pan and fry until they change color. Add the asparagus and stir-fry for a while. Add a little salt to season and serve.

Stir-fried beef strips

Ingredients: Ingredients, braised beef , small Chaotian pepper , thick chili noodles, pepper, ginger, garlic, shallot, cooking wine, Pixian bean paste, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, white sugar, salt, chicken essence


1. Cut the braised beef into thick strips; cut the green onion into sections; cut the ginger into shreds;

2. Heat the beef in the pan and fry for about 3 minutes. Turn to low heat and continue to fry slowly until evenly colored. Add the fried beef to the pan. Drain the oil;

3, leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the small Chaotian pepper, shredded ginger, garlic cloves, peppercorns, and Pixian watercress in turn and stir-fry over low heat. Pour the fried beef strips into the pot and turn the heat from low to simmer. , add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and stir-fry;

4, then add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, a small amount of salt, and two tablespoons of sugar. During this period, stir-fry continuously to let the seasonings become evenly flavored. Then add cooking wine, light soy sauce, and oyster sauce. The fried dried beef strips will It becomes soft, but after slowly stir-frying, the beef strips will become hard again. At this time, you can add a small amount of chicken essence, add green onions, stir-fry for another minute, and then put it on the plate.

Braised chicken feet

Ingredients: chicken feet, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaf, rock sugar, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, thirteen spices, ginger


1. After washing the chicken feet, cut off the nails one by one, put half a pot of water in the pot, pour in the chicken feet, bring to a boil over high heat and continue to cook for three minutes.

2. Remove the chicken feet, rinse them with running water, drain, pour into the pot, and add water to roughly cover the chicken feet.

3. After boiling, add one tablespoon of cooking wine, two slices of ginger, three tablespoons of dark soy sauce and two tablespoons of light soy sauce.

4. Put all the peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, and bay leaves into a tea bag, put it in a pot, add rock sugar, and add half a teaspoon of thirteen spices.

5. Boil again and then reduce to low heat for about 80 minutes until the chicken feet are crispy and fragrant. Turn to high heat to thicken the soup in the pot.

Braised beef

Ingredients: beef, star anise, bay leaf, grass fruit , cinnamon, watercress, Onions, ginger, garlic, grams of sugar, cooking wine, light soy sauce, pepper, salt, and allspice


1. Put beef in boiling water, add cooking wine, boil, drain, and cut into pieces. Put oil in the pot, heat it up and add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

2. Add beef cubes and stir-fry until fragrant. Add bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant. Add sugar, cooking wine, five-spice powder, star anise, strawberry, and cinnamon and stir-fry.

3. Add the boiling water soaked in beef and put it in the pressure cooker for 20 minutes. After cooling, add potatoes and carrots and boil.

Boiled fish

Ingredients: grass carp, soybean sprouts, cooking oil, dried chili pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, salt, cooking wine, starch


1. Wash the grass carp first, slice it into fillets, add a little salt, cooking wine, starch, and stir Mix evenly and set aside;

2. Wash the soybean sprouts and set aside;

3. Put about 500 grams of water in a pot. After boiling, blanch the bean sprouts in water until they are 8 mature.Take it out and put it into cold water, drain the water, and place it evenly on the bottom of a clean large bowl;

4. Blanch the battered fish fillets in water for a while (70 to 80% ripe is enough), and put them on the bean sprouts;

5. On the wok Turn on the heat, pour in cooking oil, bring to a boil, remove from the heat, add Sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers, fry briefly, and immediately pour them into a bowl with fish and bean sprouts.

Braised chicken nuggets

Ingredients: chicken; soy sauce, white sugar, salt5, sweet noodle sauce, scallions, ginger, cooking wine, five-spice powder, vegetable oil,


1. Wash the chicken nuggets and drain them, pour them into a basin and add green onions. , ginger, cooking wine, five-spice powder, sweet noodle sauce and salt, etc., mix well, marinate for 30 minutes, remove and dry;

2, put piece by piece into a 60% hot oil pan, fry until it turns dark yellow, take it out;

3, wok Heat up a little oil, add sugar, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, green onion, ginger and appropriate amount of water. After boiling, skim off the foam and add the fried chicken pieces;

4. After the soup is boiled, use Simmer over low heat until crispy, remove the chicken pieces and place on a plate. Continue to simmer the original soup until the juice becomes sticky, pour it on the chicken pieces, and serve on a plate.

Cold Daylily

Ingredients: daylily, garlic, millet, spicy Hangzhou pepper, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt, sesame oil.


1. For this dish, choose fresh day lily, pick and wash it, drain the water on the surface, put it into a larger basin, peel the garlic and cut it into mince, clean the millet and cut it into pieces. Chili rings.

2. Pour water into the pot, bring the water to a boil first, then put the day lily in and blanch it for two minutes, take it out immediately, control the water and put it into a basin.

3. Prepare a small bowl, pour sugar, salt, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, then add chili rings, stir evenly to make a sauce.

4. Pour the sauce onto the day lily, stir evenly, marinate for two minutes and then serve.

Laoganma steamed eggplant

Ingredients: Laoganma minced beef, tempeh oil, chili, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, pepper, eggplant, green onion, sesame , garlic


1, sauce: Laoganma minced beef, black bean oil, chili pepper, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, pepper.

2. Wash the whole eggplant and put it in the rice pot. When the rice is ready, the eggplant is also steamed.

3. Take out the eggplant, place it on the plate, cut it into strips with a knife, heat the sauce and pour it on top.

4. Sprinkle chopped green onion, sesame seeds and crushed garlic cloves on the eggplant.

5. Take a small pot, heat the oil, and pour it on the eggplant.

Spanish mackerel pancakes

[Main ingredients]: One piece of fresh mackerel, corn pancakes, fresh soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, pepper, salt

[Preparation method]:

1. Cut the mackerel into large pieces with a diagonal knife, and then remove the gills and internal organs cleaned.

2. Cut the pancakes into large pieces about the same size as the Spanish mackerel, fry them in a 60% hot oil pan until golden and crispy, remove and control the oil.

3. Add oil to the pot and sauté the onion, ginger, garlic and a clove of star anise. Add cooking wine and first-grade fresh soy sauce and fry until fragrant, then add soup.

4. Push the mackerel into the pot, add a little sugar to enhance the freshness, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat, cover and simmer.

5. When half of the soup is left in the pot, add the pancakes to high heat to reduce the juice, so that the pancakes can fully absorb the flavor of the soup. When the soup thickens, add salt and pepper to taste, and sprinkle with chopped green onion and coriander.

Farm fish stew

Ingredients: grass carp, pork belly, potatoes, green peppers, green onions, tofu, dried chili peppers, garlic, ginger, cooking wine, chicken essence, bean paste, soy sauce, salt, sugar,


1, remove the gill scales and internal organs of grass carp , clean, use a cross-cut knife, cut the tofu into thick slices, cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger, slice the pork belly, cut the potatoes into thick slices, and cut the green pepper into sections.

2. Heat oil in a pot, add sliced ​​meat, green onions, ginger, garlic, and dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant. Add grass carp.

3. Add bean paste, soy sauce, salt, sugar, chicken essence and cooking wine, pour in water and bring to a boil, add tofu, potatoes and green peppers.

4. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.When the soup is thick and the fish is tender, remove from the pot and add coriander.

I am Jinxiu V Shandong, an author in the field of food. If you like my articles, please follow me! Follow me, cook every day without getting lost, and update delicious food every day. What's your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor. Let’s talk about the most unforgettable food you have eaten in the comment area. If you don’t know what to eat every day, please follow me and share delicious food with you every day. Articles are updated every day. See you there or leave. Welcome to forward it so that more people who love food can share it.