It has high nutritional value and affordable price. The most important thing is that it tastes good and is tender and smooth in the mouth. According to personal preference, you can choose old tofu, soft tofu, and water tofu, which has a moderate taste and is chosen by the most pe

Tofu is one of the most common ingredients in our daily life. Its nutritional value is very high, mainly protein. This kind of protein and meat are both high-quality proteins and are easily absorbed and utilized by the human body. It has high nutritional value and affordable price. The most important thing is that it tastes good and is tender and smooth in the mouth. According to personal preference, you can choose old tofu, soft tofu, and water tofu , which has a moderate taste and is chosen by the most people. What I want to share this time is a noodle recipe, the main ingredient is tofu. Tofu is used as a filling in this dish.

Yes, this is a stuffed pasta recipe. This recipe is very suitable for eating in this weather, especially when you have no appetite. It is delicious, satisfying, satisfying and nutritious. This is how to make dough, which makes it fluffy and soft. The dough is added with corn juice , which is more nutritious and rich in dietary fiber. Although the entire delicacy is vegetarian, it tastes delicious. I can eat it for three days without getting tired of it. In addition to tofu, carrots , eggs, onions, fungus and so on are also added. These ingredients are very common ingredients, and when combined together, they taste extremely delicious.

The method is also relatively simple. It is divided into two parts, one is to make the dough, and the other is to make the filling. You can operate it directly after the ingredients are prepared. Just like making pasta, friends with kitchen experience will know it at a glance, and novices can follow along and complete it. The final method is the same as making pan-fried buns . Fry until the bottom is crispy and then add water to simmer. The method is relatively simple. When eaten, it will be charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with a soft texture. Friends who like it can save it and give it a try. The detailed production steps will be shared below.

[Required materials]

Fillings: a piece of old tofu, half a carrot, a quarter of an onion, a handful of chopped green onions, a little minced ginger, three eggs, a handful of peppercorns, a spoonful of bean paste, a little fungus, some light soy sauce , appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of thirteen spices, appropriate amount of MSG, a little ground sesame oil, appropriate amount of oyster sauce.

corn juice: 1 corn, 100 ml of water.

dough: 4 grams of yeast, 400 grams of flour.

[Production steps]

1. Prepare a piece of water tofu, add some hot water and soak it, which can effectively remove the fishy smell.

2. Then cut some minced onions and diced carrots, and make the carrots into small pieces for easier entry later.

3. Prepare some minced onion and ginger. If you don’t like minced ginger, you can omit it.

4. Cut the soaked tofu into slices first, then into strips, and finally into cubes.

5. Then crack three eggs into it, stir them up and set aside.

6. Pour oil into the pot, add a handful of peppercorns, fry until fragrant, then remove the peppercorns.

7. Add , eggs, tofu and , stir-fry a few times quickly until they are cooked and fragrant.

8. Then add a spoonful of bean paste and stir-fry until the sauce is fragrant.

9. Add onions, carrots and fungus and stir-fry evenly.

10. Finally season, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of pepper, an appropriate amount of thirteen spices, an appropriate amount of MSG, a little ground sesame oil, an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, and minced green onion and ginger. Add in at this time, stir-fry until the seasoning melts. Dish out and set aside.

11. Prepare a stick of corn, peel the corn, put it into a food processor, add 100 ml of water, and beat them into corn juice. Then filter the juice through gauze.

12. Take 160 ml of corn juice, add 4 grams of yeast and 3 grams of white sugar to promote yeast fermentation, stir evenly, then add 400 grams of flour, and stir to form a dough.

13. Then knead it into a smooth dough.

14. Without fermentation, directly roll it into long strips, and then divide it into equal-sized dough pieces.

15. Then take a portion of flour and knead it directly into a round cake shape with your hands. Add appropriate amount of filling.

16. Fold it in half and shape it into a dumpling shape. Follow these steps to do everything.

17. Pour oil into the pot, do not turn on the heat, add green dough, cover with lid, and ferment for half an hour.

18. After the time is up, turn on low heat and fry slowly until the bottom is browned.

19. Add starch water until the water covers one-third of the ingredients. Cover and simmer the water until it dries up.

20. After the water has dried up, it will be basically cooked. Take it out of the pot and enjoy.


1. Friends who dislike the trouble of cornmeal can just replace it with 160 ml of water.

2. This stuffing can be used to make a variety of stuffed delicacies and is very delicious.