Introduction: Before entering the ambush, put aside cucumbers and bitter melons. Eat more of this dish. It is extremely nutritious. It is delicious cold and will not cause irritation! Slight summer is approaching and the weather is getting hotter day by day! Hot weather not only

Introduction: Before entering the ambush, put aside cucumbers and bitter melons. Eat more of this dish. It is extremely nutritious. It is delicious cold and will not cause irritation!

Slight summer heat is coming, and the weather is getting hotter day by day! Hot weather not only brings a lot of troubles to our work and life, but also causes people to sweat a lot, causing the loss of body fluids! If there is a loss of body fluids in the body, symptoms such as upset, thirst, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, and internal heat will occur. At this time, in addition to drinking more water, paying attention to heatstroke prevention, and keeping a regular schedule, we also need to make adjustments in our diet and eat more foods high in potassium.

As the saying goes: "Eating beans in summer is better than eating meat." In summer, various legumes and vegetables are on the market in large quantities, such as lentils, edamame, peas, broad beans, cowpeas, green bean sprouts, soybean sprouts, black bean sprouts, etc. These legumes and vegetables are not only fresh and nutritious, but also very cheap! Therefore, they are also very popular! As we all know, legumes and vegetables are recognized as high-potassium, high-calcium, and high-protein ingredients! Eating beans and vegetables regularly in summer can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also has the effects of strengthening the spleen, diluting dampness, relieving heat and relieving heat!

Black beans are rich in nutrients and are known as the "King of Beans"! Black bean sprouts are a kind of sprouts cultivated from black beans! Black bean sprouts are fragrant, crispy and tender with a unique flavor! Whether it's stir-fried, served cold, made into soup, or eaten in hot pot, it's all delicious! Research has found that black bean sprouts are rich in protein, amino acids, anthocyanins, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, niacin, and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. Their nutritional value Much higher than soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts !

You should eat this dish in the summer. It is fragrant, crispy and tender, and is full of treasures. Mix it up casually to cool down the heat and appetize! Moreover, after black beans are cultivated into black bean sprouts, the carbohydrates and fat content they contain are also reduced a lot, while the vitamin and fiber content are increased a lot. It is a very good weight loss food! Black bean sprouts are often eaten in summer, and they have effects such as clearing away heat and reducing internal heat, beautifying the skin, and losing weight! So, how to make black bean sprouts delicious? Next, the chef will share with you a delicious recipe for black bean sprouts. Let’s take a look!

[Black bean sprouts mixed with soy sauce]

Prepare ingredients: black bean sprouts, carrots , garlic, dried red pepper, salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil, cooking oil.

Specific method:

1. Take an appropriate amount of black bean sprouts, clean them, and take half a carrot. After cleaning, use a peeler to remove the skin of the carrot, first cut it into thin slices, and then cut it into thin strips.

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add a little less salt and drop two drops of cooking oil. Put the black bean sprouts and shredded carrots into the pot and blanch them for about 2-3 minutes. Then take them out and put them into a basin filled with cold water. Too cool.

3. Take out the cooled black bean sprouts and shredded carrots, put them into a basin, add an appropriate amount of minced garlic and dry red chili peppers, pour hot oil over them to bring out the aroma of minced garlic and chili peppers, and add an appropriate amount of salt and light soy sauce. , oyster sauce, chicken essence, and sesame oil, stir well with chopsticks, put it on a plate, and serve.

Do you like to eat black beans? Which method do you like best? Everyone is welcome to leave a message and share in the comment area! That’s all ’s sharing today! Being willing to share makes our lives colorful. If you like what the chef shares, please retweet + collect + like to support it! Each of your likes is the motivation for Chef to continue working hard. Thank you for your support and companionship!

This article was originally created by Xiu Chu Niang, plagiarism will be investigated! Welcome to pay attention and help you learn more together!