Chicken gizzards are the stomach of chickens. This is what we usually call chicken gizzards. It has high nutritional value and has good medicinal effects. The gizzard is the stomach of a chicken. The stomach of poultry is divided into a gizzard and a glandular stomach. The glandu

Chicken gizzards is the stomach of the chicken. This is what we usually call chicken gizzard. It has high nutritional value and has good medicinal effects.

Chicken gizzards are the stomach of chickens (i.e. chicken gizzards , dried chicken mushrooms, chicken gizzards). The stomach of poultry is divided into gizzard and glandular stomach. The glandular stomach is smaller and secretes gastric juice. The gizzard is larger and has meaty texture. The gizzard is responsible for storing and grinding food, so it can be said that the gizzard refers to the chicken's stomach. But recently, a netizen said that chicken gizzards are the internal anal sphincter of chickens, and the shop owner who sells chicken gizzards also agrees with the netizen's view.

Commonly known as: Chicken Stone in the South.

Chicken gizzards help chickens digest. Chickens have no teeth, so the pebbles they swallow are stored there. The inner wall of the gizzard of an animal of the family Phasianidae . Produced all over the country. After killing the chicken, take out the chicken gizzards (that is, chicken gizzards), immediately remove the inner wall (yellow film), wash and dry in the sun. Use raw or fried. Scientific research believes that chicken consumption has a significant impact on the health of the human body, especially the elderly and women.

The nutritional value of chicken gizzards:

, Chicken gizzards mainly contain gastric hormones, keratin amino acids and other ingredients. It has the effects of increasing gastric juice secretion and gastric intestinal digestion capacity, and accelerating gastric emptying rate.

. Chicken gizzards have a strong effect on digestion and digestion, and can also strengthen the spleen and stomach.

. Chicken gizzards are also the best food to supplement iron . They are a good choice for people who are deficient in iron. The dry-fried chicken gizzards processed through special techniques also contain dietary supplements The essence of culture.

. Chicken gizzards are rich in nutrients. Each 100 grams of chicken gizzards contains 118.00 calories, 4 grams of carbohydrates , 2.8 grams of fat, 19.2 grams of protein, 36 mg of fiber and vitamin A, 0.87 mg of vitamin C, , vitamin E, 0.04 mg of , carotene, and various trace elements.

Nutrition effects

Chicken gizzards are sweet in taste and cold in nature, and return to the spleen, stomach, small intestine, and bladder meridians; they have the function of digestion and aiding digestion, and are suitable for people with food accumulation, fullness, vomiting and nausea.
1. Helps digestion
The ingredients of chicken gizzards mainly include gastric hormones and keratin amino acids, etc., which can increase the secretion of gastric juice, promote the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby speeding up gastrointestinal emptying and aiding digestion.
2. Prevention of iron deficiency anemia
Chicken gizzards are relatively rich in iron and are an important ingredient for iron supplementation. People with iron deficiency can often eat chicken gizzards to supplement iron and prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Dietary taboos

1, Taboo groups
High cholesterol is not suitable;
Gout It is not suitable to eat too much;
2, Foods that are incompatible

Common combinations

  1. Chicken gizzards + Yams : Strengthen the spleen and stomach;
  2. Chicken gizzards + Raspberries : Replenish the kidneys;
  3. Ingredients details

Main ingredients

Chicken gizzards 50 grams


Pickled beans 0 grams

red pepper

garlic capsules

ginger slices appropriate amount


white wine a little

balsamic vinegar spoons

salt /3 spoons

white sugar /2 spoons

spicy and sour chicken gizzards steps:

Wash the chicken gizzards and remove the skin White fascia, cut into slices.

Wash and chop the pickled beans and red pepper.

Put an appropriate amount of oil in a pot over fire and sauté ginger, garlic and red pepper until fragrant.

Add chicken gizzards and stir-fry over high heat until they change color.

Cook in white wine and balsamic vinegar, add sour beans and stir-fry over medium heat until fragrant.

Add salt and stir-fry for about 1 minute.


. There are many ways to cook chicken gizzards, both hot and cold. The finished dish is crispy and smooth. Commonly used cooking methods are deep-frying, stir-frying, stewing, etc. When stewing, the chicken gizzards are generally cooked whole; when frying, the chicken gizzards are cut with a knife; when stir-frying or ordinary stir-frying, the chicken gizzards are sliced. Do not cut the chicken gizzards too thinly for frying, otherwise the chicken gizzards will taste tough after frying.
2. Rinse the sour beans with clean water, and use kitchen paper to absorb the water before cooking. The former can wash away the excess sourness, and the latter can avoid excessive moisture in the finished dish during cooking.
3. Sour beans like oil. First fry them in oil to make them sour but not astringent and have a better flavor.
4. Since sour beans have a strong sour taste, a little sugar should be added when seasoning, which can neutralize the sour taste and enhance the umami taste.

Kitchen utensils used: pan