After entering the Party Founding Day in July, we will usher in "Eat a treasure on the sixth day of June, and your life will go smoothly and add wealth." What exactly is a treasure? It’s almost June 6th. Why don’t many people in Guangxi know what kind of folk custom this is? Let’

After entering the Party Founding Day in July, we will usher in "Eat a treasure on the sixth day of June, and your life will go smoothly and add wealth." What exactly is a treasure? It’s almost June 6th. Why don’t many Guangxi people know what folk custom this is?

Let’s start with the rural saying:

That is, “On June 6th, you have to eat your daughter’s meat with a knife.”, and then match The wheat harvested in the last summer is wrapped into wontons, which not only means trying something new and celebrating, but also nutritious and satisfying, and at the same time it symbolizes the ingot treasure and blessings. So this "one treasure" refers to wonton .

Actually, it’s just a taste.

Among them, the so-called wontons are not just wontons cooked in soup, of course there are other ways to make them.

Type 1: Spicy wontons

Spicy wontons are more suitable for people who love spicy food, especially in areas where spicy food can be eaten (such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan and other places). If you can’t eat spicy food, there’s nothing you can do! But you can have other appetites. The production method is the same as the ordinary method.

The second type: Tomato Shrimp Wonton Noodles

If you have children at home who don’t like to eat or have no appetite, you can try this Tomato Shrimp Wonton Noodles, which is both delicious and nutritious.

The third type: Baodan wontons

What is Baodan? I have never heard of , but you can use 9 fresh shrimps, 1 egg, 10 grams of cold boiled water, and an appropriate amount of cooking oil. As for the production method, I think everyone with a family will follow the steps on their mobile phones.

The fourth type: sweet shrimp wontons egg custard

This kind of sweet shrimps wontons and egg custard has very simple ingredients, but it is steamed. Children also like to eat it after steaming it. After all, it is relatively soft and delicious. A must for anyone who knows how to cook is seasoning. If there is not enough seasoning, the food will taste fishy and woody.

The fifth type: Senmile wonton

It is the Senmile wonton that is spread everywhere. The so-called Senmile include (Thirteen spices, white pepper, black pepper, chicken essence, coriander, chopped green onion, etc.)

Today's Guangxi people ( Including Nangui Liu, etc.), rice is the main dish and pasta is the supplement, so wontons are rarely mentioned.

And I learned from the mouths of the older people that on the sixth day of June there are Tianzhu Festival, Bible Translation Festival, Auntie’s Day, Little White Dragon Visits Mother, Fuyang Festival and so on. That is to say, it is recorded in " Sui Sui Guangji ": "The meeting of the state said: In the first month of the fourth year of Xiangfu, it was decreed that the day when the heavenly book would be released again on June 6th would be Tiankuang Festival. Slaughter was banned in Beijing for nine days, and all the people were ordered to "Huzhou Fu Zhi" records: "The sixth day of the lunar month is the Tianguang Festival, and calligraphy, paintings, and clothes are exposed. Farmers dry raincoats and hakama, wash hair, wash combs, eat wontons, and bathe cats." Dog" etc.

Therefore, the post-80s and post-90s generation living in Nanning, Guangxi, do not know this rural saying. If they are the rural elderly of the post-70s generation, they will probably know the origin of this matter.

Maybe, the Pumiao or Guiping generation may Celebrating this June 6 festival means killing chickens and ducks to worship ancestors.

What we people in Guangxi call "Tianzhu Festival" is actually the eminent monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty returned to China from the West. When he was crossing the sea, the scriptures were soaked by the sea water.

The scriptures were taken out and dried in the sun on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. Then this day became an auspicious day. On this day, the royal robes were dried for the emperor in the palace. Later, it was spread from the palace to the people. Every household would hang out at the gate on this day. It has become a custom to dry clothes in front of people.

Therefore, there are many folk tales that I will not explain one by one here. Anyway, it is almost June 6th, so you might as well eat a bite of wonton to make your life smooth and add wealth!

Do you know this saying? Welcome to discuss