The pocket pancakes that can be made without baking dough are soft and chewy and not hard when cooled, so you can order them as you like. My children can all eat five or six 300 grams of flour, 3 grams of salt, half mixed with 90 grams of boiling water, half mixed with 90 grams o

Pocket pancakes that can be made without baking dough are soft and chewy and not hard when cooled, so you can order them as you like.

My children can all eat five or six 300 grams of flour, 3 grams of salt, half mixed with 90 grams of boiling water, and half mixed with 90 grams of cold water to form a dough, and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Put three eggs into the pot without beating them. This will make the fried eggs more delicious. Fry them until cooked and serve them out.

In another pot, sauté the onions and garlic, then add the grandma's vegetables, stir-fry out the moisture from the grandma's picks, add the eggs to taste, just add some salt and light soy sauce.

This is the dish. My husband can eat five or six steamed buns very well. Divide the dough into equal parts, roll it into a round cake, apply pastry , seal it like a bun, and then roll it out. Shape into an oval cake.

Put it in a pan with oil, turn it over until one side is golden, and both sides are golden and the middle is puffed up.

Just cut this pocket pancake in the middle and it's done. You can order whatever you want with it. My husband can eat five or six of them. If you like it, save it and try it out.