If you go to Jiangnan now, you will find "bad goods on sale" notices posted on the door of many stores. When the words "bad" and "goods" are put together, they don't look like good words. Who would have thought that it would actually be a delicacy that fascinates the entire free

If you go to Jiangnan now, you will find "bad goods on sale" notices posted on the door of many stores.

When the words "bad" and "goods" are put together, they don't look like good words.

Who would have thought that it would be a delicacy that would fascinate the entire free shipping area and cause long queues - braised cold dish.

"Zhao" is actually "dregs", the residue left after brewing.

It is different from the white lees of Shandong cuisine and the red lees of Fujian cuisine. As the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai of rice wine production areas, "lees" generally refers to the lees of rice wine, that is, fragrant lees.

Food soaked in fragrant glutinous rice is collectively referred to as "zaohuo" and is the most representative cold dish in Jiangnan.

"The Flavor of the World Season 2"

It is not enough to make cold dishes with bad taste, but it also needs to be "cooked with bad marinade".

The main ingredient is glutinous rice wine, mixed with a certain proportion of rice wine, salt, and spices such as star anise, laurel, tangerine peel, etc., slowly filter out the juice over low heat, and sublimate into a slightly drunk and salty fragrant glutinous rice wine .

Even ordinary food can be made greasy and fragrant after being marinated with fragrant grains.

As gourmet Lu Wenfu said:

"The taste of bad goods is more mellow than wine and lighter than sauce. It is a kind of indifference after experiencing the vicissitudes of life, and at the same time it naturally has a deep aftertaste of being sophisticated."

But It's a delicate job, and the proportions can't be grasped well unless you are an experienced hand.

Ordinary families usually buy bad food and ask the boss to add more juice, then take it back and continue bad food .

Or buy ready-made Xiangzao marinade. Nowadays, many local time-honored Zaozui food brands have developed convenient and portable bottles/bags of Xiangzao marinade.

There are ready-made Xiangzao marinade, and making Zaozui is just a matter of boiling and soaking. thing.

The selection of ingredients is very tolerant, with no restrictions on meat or vegetarian food, and it fully conforms to the old saying: "Everything you eat can be spoiled."

In the vegetarian rice dumplings, most of them are wild rice, edamame, peanuts, bamboo shoots and lotus root slices.

This kind of food has a light flavor, and it needs the rich and mellow aromatic braised pork to bring out the rich freshness and sweetness.

The cooking time does not need to be too long, about 2 hours. The light aroma of spices and spices will give the ingredients another layer of graceful deliciousness.

Those that need to be soaked for a long time and wait for the flavor to sublimate gradually are the meat dumplings.

Among them, the "Three Treasures" are particularly concerning. The "Three Treasures" refer to the three parts of chicken wings, chicken gizzards, and chicken feet that have live meat and are chewable.

is also not difficult, just extend the processing time.

For students from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, the glutinous rice is not only delicious, but it is also a good way to reconcile family relationships.

On a hot summer day, no one wants to cook, so they calmly take out the cold food from the refrigerator, which is my mother's favorite dish and my father's favorite dish to go with wine.

Everyone just washes their hands, sits around the table and eats, and sleeps soundly with the aroma of the food at night.

- Braised cold dish-


Spicy edamame and wild rice: 200g edamame, 150g wild rice, 1-2 dried chili peppers, 1/2 tsp peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, 1 tsp cooking oil, 1 tsp extra-grade leeks. 200ml marinated (2/5 bottles)

Three treasures of fragrant grains: 200g chicken feet, 200g chicken wings, 150g chicken gizzards, 5 slices of ginger, 1 green onion knot, 1 Sichuan peppercorns, 1 tsp dried chili 2-3 star anise, 1 bay leaf, 2 salt, 1 tsp cooking wine 1 tablespoon of super-grade fermented glutinous rice 300ml (3/5 bottles)

This recipe is suitable for 3-5 people

tablespoons = 1 table spoon = 15ml

small spoons = 1 tea spoon = 5ml


Xiangzhou edamame, wild rice

. Edamame. Cut off both ends, add 1 teaspoon of salt and a little water, rub the surface fluff, add water to rinse

. Peel the wild rice, cut in half, press the chopping board, cut at 2mm intervals without cutting, cut eight times and then cut

. Boil a pot Boil water, add wild rice and simmer for 1 minute, remove

and add edamame, 1/2 tsp of pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 star anise, 1 tsp of cooking oil and simmer for 6 minutes. If you like it soft and glutinous, simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Let the cooked vegetables cool in ice water, take them out and drain them

. Add the cooked wild rice and edamame to the shredded chili peppers, 200ml of fermented glutinous rice, and 100ml of water to cover them. Refrigerate and marinate for more than 2 hours to add flavor. They can be refrigerated overnight. Pickled

If you like the wine to be more flavorful, you can directly add 300ml of fermented glutinous rice and marinate for 1-2 hours. Rinse and set aside for later use

. Remove the nails from the chicken feet and cut them into small pieces. Cut the chicken wings with flower knives on both sides to facilitate the flavor.

. Put the washed chicken gizzards, chicken feet and chicken wings into a pot with cold water, add ginger slices and green onion knots and boil them. Remove the foam

and then add 1 small spoonful of Sichuan peppercorns, 1 star anise, and 2 bay leaves and continue to cook for 18 minutes. Remove from the ice water

. Drain the chicken wings, chicken feet, and chicken gizzards, and add the cut chili shreds, 300ml marinated rice wine, 150ml water to cover, refrigerate and marinate for more than 12 hours to add flavor. You can refrigerate overnight to marinate.

If you like the richer flavor of rice wine, you can directly add 500ml marinated rice wine and marinate for 3-4 hours.

Take edamame, wild rice and chicken three treasures as demonstrations. In the future, you can completely follow these two recipes to make vegetarian rice dumplings and meat rice dumplings.

In addition, I also made braised water chestnuts, quail eggs, fresh shrimps... I filled some of each type to achieve the freedom of braised pork!

I originally thought that this time I would prepare a lot of ingredients, and if I couldn’t finish it, I could carry it to a cold vegetable stall downstairs.

As a result, the studio unanimously objected. At the end of the meal, it was true that there was still some quail eggs.

I probably didn’t expect that I was the fastest to be eaten.

Even though it was smooth and smooth, there was always someone who struck with chopsticks steadily. , delivered to the tongue steadily.

The egg white is slightly tough and the yolk is fragrant. It is worthy of being the leader in the world of bad products!

Several slits were specially made on the surface of the chicken wings, and the marinade slowly penetrated, making it particularly delicious.

After one sip, the aroma of wine swayed in your mouth, with sweet and salty aromas lingering alternately. The taste was delicious.

The shrimp itself is full of flavor, and it is the icing on the cake when paired with the marinade.

What surprised me the most was the bad horse's hoof.

This dish was recorded in the "Shi Xian Hong Mi" written by Zhu Yizun in the Qing Dynasty. I thought it was a bit out of date in modern times, so I made it with a dubious attitude.

Who knew, it’s so delicious! The surface is salty and slightly juicy, while the inside is sweet and crispy. A bite explodes the cool juice on the tongue, making people forget that it is a hot day of more than 30 degrees ~

For those who want to try but don’t know which ingredients to start with Classmates, share a ranking version of Caicai’s favorites -

bad chicken wings/bad quail eggs/ bad shrimps /bad edamame/ bad pig trotters bad water chestnuts/bad chicken feet/bad chicken gizzards and wild rice

from the first Let’s start trying it, I believe you will soon be captured by this unique taste of bad braised pork.

There is a saying in Jiangnan: If you eat bad food in summer and get drunk, you will not suffer from the heat.

I think it’s very appropriate. Let’s make a summer limited edition at home~