Before entering the ambush, you should eat more of this meat. The protein is 3.6 times that of beef. It is highly nutritious and delicious. We all know that eating more protein has many benefits for the body and can enhance resistance, so we should eat more high-protein foods. Wh

Before entering the uterus, you should eat more of this meat. The protein is 3.6 times that of beef. It is highly nutritious and delicious. Eat it properly.

We all know that eating more protein has many benefits for the body and can enhance the resistance, so we should eat more high-protein foods at ordinary times. Food, which foods are high in protein? Meat, eggs, etc., but the content is only 10 to 20 grams. Today I recommend a high-protein food to everyone. Its protein is 3.6 times that of beef, reaching 72 grams. It is golden cicada.

Golden cicada is the larvae of and . Because of its golden color, it is called golden cicada. The golden cicada has many nicknames, such as , cicada monkey, , Jie Laogui, etc. They are called differently in different places. We call them cicada monkeys here, and we often caught them when I was a kid.

Cicadas are agricultural and forestry pests that can harm crops, so on summer evenings, children follow their parents to the fields to catch cicada monkeys. They can catch a big bag in one night.

Cicada is a highly nutritious food. In an era when pork was relatively scarce, it was a gift from nature. It contains 72 grams of protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Among them, the essential amino acid of human body accounts for 46.63% of the total amount of amino acid , and unsaturated fatty acid is as high as 77.27%, which can regulate endocrine and protect cardiovascular system.

5 grams of golden cicada contains 3.6 grams of protein. If eaten by 10 people, 36 grams of protein will be obtained. It is an absolute high-protein food.

Summer is when golden cicadas crawl out of the ground, and they are very easy to catch. If you also like to eat golden cicadas, you can go to the woods and fields when the weather is cool at night to ensure a full harvest.

When I was a kid, there wasn’t anything delicious to eat. The way to eat golden cicada was simple. Just deep-fry it and then sprinkle it with seasonings. It was crispy, delicious and very delicious. I guess many people think, can bugs be eaten? Is it dirty? After all, we live underground, and it is indeed quite dirty, but as long as we clean it up, we can eat it with confidence.

Today I will share with you how to make [Fried Golden Cicada]. It is very simple. If you have never tried it, please give it a try.

Prepare a bag of golden cicada, salt, cooking oil, pepper powder, allspice powder, cumin powder, chili powder, etc.

. Put the golden cicada into a basin, pour an appropriate amount of water, add a tablespoon of salt, stir evenly and soak it for one night. Soaking in salt water can remove bacteria and dust on the golden cicada. This is the first step of cleaning.

2. After soaking, take out the golden cicada, rinse it with clean water, put it in the pot with cold water, add onions, ginger, and cooking wine, cook on high heat for 1 minute, take it out, and drain the water. This can remove the fishy smell and there will be no peculiar smell when eating.

3. Heat oil in a pot, pour more oil, heat it to 60% heat, pour in the drained golden cicada, fry on low heat for a few minutes, fry until golden in color, take it out and drain the oil.

4. Prepare some garlic, dried chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns. Heat up some hot oil in another pot. Add garlic, chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns first. Saute until fragrant. Then add the fried golden cicadas, stir-fry quickly for half a minute, and sprinkle with Sichuan peppercorn powder. , cumin powder, chili powder, stir-fry evenly.

The fried golden cicada has a crispy texture and a delicious flavor. It is very good as a snack or as a side dish with drinks. Although it is fried, it does not taste greasy. But it should be noted that the protein content of golden cicada is too high, so you should eat a little less at a time. Eating too much is not easy to digest and is bad for the stomach.

[Skill Summary]

In order to make the golden cicada cleaner and eat with confidence, you must keep in mind the four steps when cooking, which are soaking, boiling, frying and stir-frying. The dirt can be removed, making it delicious and hygienic. There are currently many cultured golden cicadas, which are relatively clean.

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