On the morning of June 30, the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce held a theoretical study center group meeting. Tang Qiang, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee and secretary of the Party Leadership Group of

Sichuan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce held a theoretical study center group (enlarged) meeting to study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions during his inspection in Sichuan and the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of Sichuan Province

On the morning of June 30, the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce held a theoretical study Tang Qiang, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee and Party Secretary of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, presided over the meeting and learned the spirit of General Secretary Jinping’s important instructions during his inspection in Sichuan and the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress. Members of the central group Make exchange speeches one by one around the learning topics. The meeting also awarded commemorative medals to representatives of party members who have "50 years of glory in the party" in 2022.

Tang Qiang pointed out that the 12th Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee held special study meetings of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and the Theoretical Study Center Group respectively to thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Sichuan. We are required to firmly guide the work in the spirit of the important instructions of the General Secretary’s inspection in Sichuan, consciously run through the entire process of all aspects of the development of the cause of governing Sichuan and revitalizing Sichuan, and deepen the learning, thinking and practice step by step, and effectively transform it into the basis for promoting work. Strong motivation ensures that the grand blueprint drawn by the General Secretary for Sichuan becomes a beautiful reality.

Tang Qiang emphasized that we must closely follow reality and promote the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Sichuan and the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress. First, we must take a clear-cut stand on politics and use stronger means to provide ideological and political guidance. We must regard the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions during his inspection in Sichuan and the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress as an important political task at present and in the future, deeply promote Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics into our hearts and minds, and enhance cohesion and execution ability and influence. It is necessary to guide the majority of private economic people to deeply understand the decisive significance of " two to establish ", effectively strengthen the " four consciousness ", strengthen the " four self-confidence ", achieve " two to maintain ", and build a solid We must share a common ideological and political foundation, firmly listen to the Party, be grateful to the Party, and follow the Party. It is necessary to select, educate and make good use of outstanding representatives of the private economy through the reelection process, and build a team of entrepreneurs who are trustworthy, reliable and useful. Second, we must concentrate on development and use more practical measures to promote high-quality development of and . We must go all out to fight for the economy and construction, and unswervingly promote high-quality development. It is necessary to guide private enterprises to strengthen their "four self-confidences", enhance development confidence, take the road of independent innovation, inspire private economic personnel to seek development and economic development, participate in major national and provincial development strategies, "play the leading role" in scientific and technological innovation, and integrate into "Take a leading role" in the construction of the Chongqing twin-city economic circle, and "take the lead" in the construction of regional cooperation and open development. Third, we must use our heart and soul to benefit people's livelihood and promote common prosperity with greater efforts. It is necessary to do a solid job in ensuring and improving people's livelihood, guide private enterprises to actively assume social responsibilities, focus on supporting the rural revitalization strategy, and promote the demonstration construction of the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Prosper Ten Thousand Villages" action to achieve results, and guide private enterprises to help ensure national food security and innovation Agricultural science and technology, improving rural environment, and ensuring basic medical care should guide private enterprises to stabilize and expand jobs and promote employment. Driven by the "Private Enterprises and Universities Join Hands to Promote Employment Action", they should make more contributions to promoting the overall progress of people's livelihood and social undertakings. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward excellent traditional culture, encourage the majority of private economic people to strengthen their cultural self-confidence, enhance their feelings for home and country, and pay attention to the construction of family tradition and family education. Fourth, we must adhere to the bottom line to ensure safety and prevent risks in private enterprises with higher requirements. We must maintain a high degree of sobriety and vigilance with a sense of responsibility that "always be at ease", pay attention to the ideological trends of private economists, and give full play to the role of institutional platforms such as the "Home of Private Economists", the Legal Rights Protection Service Center for Private Enterprises, and the People's Committee for Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce. We should carry out risk assessment on a regular basis, provide relief and resolve problems, guide private enterprises to improve their ability to deal with risk challenges, promote the optimization of the business environment, eliminate risks in the bud, and firmly maintain the bottom line of no systemic risks.

Tang Qiang required that team members should take the lead in learning, learn one step first, and learn one level deeper, so as to drive the majority of party members and cadres and private economic people to work hard on learning, understanding, and implementation.Each party branch should take the form of ", three meetings, one lesson, " and themed party days to conduct in-depth study based on actual conditions, give full play to the role of youth theoretical study groups, and continue to carry out study and discussions. It is necessary to incorporate the study and implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Sichuan and the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress into various training projects of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and provide ideological and political guidance. All party members and cadres must take the initiative to benchmark the general work idea of ​​"focusing on politics, focusing on development, benefiting people's livelihood, and ensuring safety", follow the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee, maintain the spirit of "fighting", show the energy to "break through", and carry forward " "Do" style, overcome all difficulties and obstacles with an attitude of struggle and forge ahead, contribute the strength of the Federation of Industry and Commerce to promote the governance of Sichuan and Sichuan in the new era to a new level, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Representatives of retired party members of the Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce and party members and cadres of government agencies attended the meeting.

Zhang Jinquan, Southwest Business Daily reporter Li Guohua (picture provided by Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce)