The dog days of every year are the hottest, humid, and sultry time of the year. At this time, we should not only eat less greasy and spicy food, but also eat more light and heat-relieving food. Only by eating healthily can we stay healthy. Better health. Rong'er's suggestion: Eat

The dog days of every year are the hottest, humid, and sultry time of the year. At this time, we should not only eat less greasy and spicy food, but also eat more light and heat-relieving food. Only by eating healthily can we be healthy. We are healthier. Rong'er's suggestion: Eat more 3 greens and 3 yellows, and less 2 fruits, to get rid of the heat and feel at ease, so that you will suffer less in the dog days of summer.


mung bean

Recommended recipe [Mung bean cake]

Mung bean cake is the most common snack we eat, but most people usually go out to buy it. In fact, it is not complicated to make it at home, and the taste is more pure.

Ingredients: 450 grams of peeled mung beans, 450 ml of water, 100 grams of butter, 100 grams of sugar, maltose 0 grams

, 450 grams of peeled mung beans. Wash them and soak them in water for 3 hours. If they are mung beans with skin, it is best to soak them in advance. Leave it on overnight and rub off the skin the next day;

. Pour the soaked mung beans into the rice cooker and add an appropriate amount of water. The amount of water should be slightly higher than the mung beans. You can use a pressure cooker to press it or drain the water and steam it in a pot. , about half an hour is enough. Just squeeze the beans with your hands and you can crush them. If it still doesn't work, you need to cook it for a while;

. I was a little embarrassed during the production. I added too much water and boiled it directly. The mung beans are mushy, so there’s no need to beat them finely. Let’s sift them again.The simpler method is to use a food processor and add an appropriate amount of milk to make a puree. The water content will be higher. Although I put a little more water in this case, I can only slowly sift it by hand. In fact, this does not affect the taste. It is just stir-fried at the end. It will take a little longer;

. The sifted mung bean puree will be very delicate. After it is done, you can fry the mung beans. Be sure to use a non-stick pan. First, melt 100 grams of butter over low heat. Use if there is no butter. Use cooking oil instead, pour in mung bean puree and stir-fry, stir-fry over low heat until the butter is completely absorbed, then add 100 grams of white sugar and 30 grams of maltose, continue to stir-fry slowly over low heat;

, this feels a bit like the red bean paste I made before. , as long as you keep frying, the mung bean puree in the pot will become drier and more formed. The final mung bean puree will not stick to the shovel at all, and will be very oily and shiny. At this time, you can turn off the heat. , the mung bean cake is actually ready;

. The final shaping depends entirely on the mold. First divide it into a small dough of 40 grams. I like to round it and then press it. I feel that the thickness will be more uniform, and the beautiful mung bean cake will come out. Remember to put it in the refrigerator before eating!


Recommended recipe [Dry Stir-fried Bacon with Lettuce]

Ingredients: 11 lettuces, 20 grams of salt, appropriate amount of ginger, garlic and dried chili, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, half a spoon of chicken essence

1. Let’s break off the leaves of the lettuce first, which are relatively tender. You can blanch the lettuce and eat it cold;

2. Then peel the lettuce and peel it with a knife. Don’t use too much force when peeling, especially the tender parts. You can peel it gently or scrape it with a scraper. ;

3. After everything is processed, we wash it again with clean water, and then change the knife to slice it. It can be slightly thicker, but be sure not to cut it too thin. The thickness should be cut evenly, and the thinner parts should be cut diagonally. After everything is cut, We put it in;

4, then add 20 grams of salt and mix it evenly with your hands. After mixing, you can put it in the refrigerator overnight, or marinate it for at least half an hour, so that the salt can pickle the water out of the lettuce as much as possible, so It can reduce the drying time;

5. I just covered the lid and marinated it overnight. When I opened it the next day, I could see a lot of water coming out. At this time, the lettuce has also become softer. We can just take it out. Sun dry;

6. Put it in a breathable basket. If not, you can use a steamer rack or steamer.

As long as it is ventilated up and down, the sun here is pretty good recently, so I use it if the weather is bad. If so, you can only use a fruit dryer to air-dry;

7, this is what it looks like after being dried for a day. It is very soft in the hand, and the water is not dried, so it has to continue to be dried;

8, this is what it looks like after being dried for three days , has been completely dried in the sun. After drying, the color is still green and beautiful. Some may be slightly white, which is okay;

9. The dried lettuce becomes very thin after being dried, so cut it into pieces. Don't worry about cutting it too thickly, as it will shrink and become thinner after being dried. If you cut it very thin at the beginning, it will be insignificant after drying;

10, 11 lettuce leaves will only be left after drying. This is enough, and can be fried for about 3 plates. If you can't finish it, we can put it in a jar and keep it sealed, or put it in a ventilated place. It is also very convenient to eat as you go;

11, grab a handful and soak it in water before eating. After soaking, the lettuce slices will become soft again. Squeeze out the water and set aside.

12. After the pot is hot, add the bacon and stir-fry the oil. Then add ginger, garlic, and dried chili peppers. Saute the lettuce. Add dry and stir-fry for 3 minutes;

13. Now let’s simply adjust the flavor, a spoonful of light soy sauce, half a spoonful of chicken essence, a spoonful of salt and stir well. Finally, add a handful of garlic sprouts and a red pepper to add flavor and color, continue to stir Stir-fry for one minute and remove from the pan.

Well, it smells so good! The lettuce made in this way has a crisp texture, tastes sweet, crisp and tender, and is particularly fragrant.Moreover, the fragrance of lettuce after being dried will be longer, and it smells particularly comfortable. Whether it is roasting bacon or hot pot, or stir-frying with minced garlic, it is super delicious.

Fennel seedlings

Recommended recipe [Fennel mixed with tofu]

Ingredients: Fennel , tofu, minced garlic, salt, cold juice, finely ground sesame oil

1. First, remove the rotten leaves and hard stems from the fennel, clean it and set aside. ;

2. Prepare a piece of water tofu, cut into small cubes of the same size and set aside;

3. Boil an appropriate amount of water in a pot. After the water boils, add 1 small spoon of salt, add the tofu cubes and blanch for 2 minutes, remove and control the water. . The purpose of adding salt to the water is to increase the status of the tofu and make the tofu taste more delicious. At the same time, it can also prevent the tofu from being easily cooked.

4. Continue to boil a pot of water, add fennel and blanch it until the color changes to emerald green. Take it out, put it in cold boiling water, take it out after it is cool. Cut the cooled fennel into fine pieces and set aside;

5. Chop the fennel. Sprinkle it on the boiled tofu, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of minced garlic, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of Lee Kum Kee's salad dressing, and a small amount of sesame oil. Finally, stir evenly with chopsticks and enjoy!

A simple and homemade fennel mixed with tofu is ready. It is soft and refreshing in the mouth, leaving a fragrant aroma on the lips and teeth.



Recommended recipe [Pumpkin Mooncake]

This pumpkin mooncake looks golden and attractive, and can be eaten by the elderly and children!

Ingredients: 300 grams of pumpkin, 50 grams of white sugar, 100 grams of flour, 250 grams of glutinous rice flour

1. We first peel 300 grams of pumpkin, then cut it into thin slices, put it into a plate and steam it in a pot for about 10 minutes. Can be completely cooked;

2. Take it out and pour it into a bowl. Add 50 grams of white sugar while it is hot and use a spoon to crush it into pumpkin puree.

3. After it cools down slightly, add 100 grams of flour and 250 grams of glutinous rice flour in batches. Use chopsticks to stir until it becomes flocculent, then knead it into a smooth dough with your hands, then roll it into long strips and divide it into equal-sized dough pieces. Then turn each dough piece over and press it, and roll it all into a round shape;

4, then wrap it Apply a layer of glutinous rice flour to prevent sticking, put it into the mooncake mold, press it tightly and press out the mold, put it into the steamer after everything is pressed, steam it over high heat for 15 minutes and it is ready;

5, OK, open the lid Take a look, the yellow color is so beautiful, the golden color looks very attractive. The mooncakes made in this way are simple and delicious, with a soft and waxy texture, delicate and sweet!

Soy beans

Recommended recipe [Fried Tofu]

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 2 pieces of old tofu, an appropriate amount of mushrooms, a handful of millet, half a head of garlic, a piece of ginger, two spoons of light soy sauce, a spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoon of salt, half a spoon of salt A spoonful of sugar, half a bowl of water, 60 grams of plain flour, 60 grams of corn starch

1. Let’s process the tomatoes first. Use a knife to mark the cross, add some boiling water and blanch them;

2. Then prepare some seasonings, millet spicy. Half a head of garlic and a piece of ginger, smash it and use it later;

3. Wash some mushrooms for side dishes and slice them;

4. Cut two pieces of old tofu into small pieces. We will fry them first, so it is not recommended to use The tender tofu falls apart too easily. Soak it in boiling water for a while, 3 minutes is enough. This step is mainly to remove the beany smell;

5. Tear off the skin of the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut them into small pieces;

6. Adjust again. Order the sauce, two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoon of salt, half a spoon of sugar, and half a bowl of water;

7, the tofu is also soaked, drain it first;

8, 60g ordinary flour, 60g Cornstarch, mix it, adding cornstarch will make the fried tofu crispier;

9. Coat every corner of the tofu with flour, and then sift the excess flour, so that the fried texture will not be The smell of flour is too strong;

10. Pour in the oil and test the oil temperature with chopsticks. When you see many small bubbles coming out around the chopsticks, we can start frying the tofu. Fry it slowly over medium heat. You can fry it gently. Flip the bottom to avoid sticking to the pan. The time for frying the tofu is about 5 minutes. As long as you see that the tofu is all golden brown and becomes charred and crispy, you can turn off the heat and take it out;

11, Add some more oil to the pot, add the seasonings and sauté until fragrant, add the tomatoes and continue to stir-fry, and add the shiitake mushrooms;

12. Pour the sauce, cover the lid and bring to a boil over low heat. You can add the tofu now, continue to use low heat. Simmer for 2 minutes, and finally thicken with starch water. Turn off the heat after the soup has dried up, and a home-cooked dish that goes well with rice is ready.


Recommended recipe [Cold Ginger Slices]

Ingredients: Ingredients: ginger, spicy millet, salt, light soy sauce, rice vinegar, oyster sauce

1, fresh ginger slices, chopped spicy millet;

2. Add the cut ginger slices In a larger basin, put 1 teaspoon of salt, mix well and marinate for more than half an hour, then add water to rinse, remove and squeeze out the water;

3, then add light soy sauce, rice vinegar, oyster sauce, and millet spicy mix Mix well, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour, then take it out and serve it on a plate. It has a crispy texture, which is both healthy and appetizing.

Eat less 2 fruits

Nuts are rich in nutrients, but have very low water content and high fat content. They are very easy to get angry. Eating nuts in the dog days of summer will add fuel to the fire. Such food is not suitable for summer consumption. If you eat Nuts, you must continue to replenish water in a timely manner.


Watermelon is a raw and cold food. Watermelon that has been frozen in the refrigerator is more cold. If you are greedy for cold and eat too much frozen watermelon, your gastrointestinal tract will be suddenly stimulated and symptoms such as diarrhea may occur easily. Especially for those with poor physical fitness, it is recommended to eat less or not at all. Watermelon contains a lot of sugar and high calories. Eating too much can easily lead to the accumulation of fat in the body.

is committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes and snacks with you. I am Ronger, and I will share a delicious dish with you every day. Learn to eat like this to make your stomach healthier! Welcome to like, follow, forward and collect, thank you for your support! See you next time.