Drink less cold drinks when the weather is hot. Make a pot of this soup every day. It tastes sour and sweet, clears away heat and relieves heat. It will produce fluid and eliminate food. In a few days, it will be the Xiaoshu solar term. As the saying goes: Xiaoshu is not too hot,

Drink less cold drinks when it’s hot. Boil a pot of this soup every day. It tastes sour and sweet, clears away heat and relieves summer heat, promotes body fluids and eliminates food.

In a few days, it will be the Xiaoshu solar term. As the saying goes: Xiaoshu is not considered hot, while major heat is the dog days of the summer. These days the local area The temperature is rising rapidly, there is no wind at all, and the weather is sultry, as if it has entered the dog days of summer. It's hot and you sweat a lot. Remember to drink less cold drinks and more of this soup. Make a pot of it every day. It tastes sour and sweet. It clears away heat and relieves heat. It also promotes body fluids and eliminates food. The elderly and children love to drink it, and their appetite has improved.

This soup is sour plum soup, which is most suitable for clearing away heat and relieving heat in the hot summer. I always have it at home. When the weather is hot, I cook a pot every day. It is simple and easy to make. Even children can cook it. I will share it with you today. I believe many families like to drink sour plum soup. Some people may choose to buy it in cold drink shops. In fact, It is very simple to make and the cost is very low. For the price of buying a cup of sour plum soup outside, you can make it at home, which is enough for the whole family to drink.

Sour plum soup has been a good summer drink since ancient times. In the Qing Dynasty, it was improved by the imperial kitchen and became a royal drink for the palace. The old-fashioned sweet drink I will share with you today, Laofangu Osmanthus and Sour Plum Soup , is made with the orthodox imperial doctor's formula. The ingredients used are exquisite, secret black plum and black jujube (cannot be found in the market), smoked black plum . The ingredients are sufficient, the main ingredients are 2-3 times that of competing products, the taste is good, refreshing and refreshing, refreshing and appetizing, and the elderly and children love to drink it. A must-have in the dog days of summer. Friends who like it can try it. It can be drunk hot or refrigerated in the refrigerator. It’s so refreshing.

We all know that sour plum soup can produce body fluids, quench polydipsia, and relieve summer heat. The acidic substances in sour plum soup can promote the secretion of salivary glands and gastric juice glands. It has a good effect of relieving heat, producing body fluids and quenching thirst. It is especially suitable for drinking in summer. Sour plum soup contains citric acid and malic acid , which can stimulate the appetite, stimulate appetite and promote digestion.

Sour plum soup also contains citric acid , which can remove harmful substances in blood vessels and has anti-fatigue effects. In summer, the bactericidal ability of people's gastrointestinal tract is relatively weakened, and people generally like to eat raw and cold food. If you are not careful, it can easily lead to diarrhea and other digestive tract diseases. Therefore, you can drink a little sour plum soup in moderation at this time to help your gastrointestinal function.

Let’s take a look at the specific methods!

[Osmanthus and Sour Plum Soup] Required ingredients: 1 pack of Laofangu Osmanthus and Sour Plum Soup.

Method and steps:

This is the old rice bone osmanthus and sour plum soup that was just weeded a few days ago. One pack is 105 grams. If you like a particularly strong taste, this pack is for 1 to 2 people. If you like a lighter one, This pack is enough for a family of three. I have tried boiling it in 4 liters of water and the taste is not bland.

opened the package, and there were 5 small packages inside, including Tianshan ebony plum, amethyst jujube, hawthorn, licorice, nutmeg , osmanthus, and rock sugar. First, wash the ebony plum, amethyst jujube, hawthorn, licorice, and nutmeg repeatedly.

Clean until the water in the basin is very clear.

The material package also comes with a safe packaging bag. If you like, you can put the washed ingredients into the bag. The cooked sour plum soup does not need to be filtered and can be drank directly. It can also be cooked directly for a richer taste. This method can be used as you like. Personally like it.

Put the cooking bag into the health pot . I added 3 liters of water (each bag can cook at least three liters of sour plum soup. For those with lighter taste, you can add water to four liters). Bring to a boil over high heat. Turn to medium to low heat and cook for 1.5 pieces. Hour. Then add rock sugar and osmanthus, put the osmanthus into the bag, and cook over high heat for 15 minutes.

Take it out of the pot and drink it after cooling. If you like it cold, you can put it in the refrigerator to chill before drinking. Drinking sour plum soup in the dog days of summer is not only sweet and sour, but also can appetize and replenish water. It is much better than those carbonated drinks. Although sour plum soup tastes sour, it is an alkaline food. If you eat too much acidic foods such as meat, drinking some sour plum soup will help balance the pH value of the blood in the body.


At room temperature, sour plum soup is easy to deteriorate. If you see fine foam floating on the surface, it means it has deteriorated and cannot be drunk. Therefore, if you can't finish the sour plum soup at one time, it is best to store it in the refrigerator.

html On a hot day, drink less cold drinks. Make a pot of this soup every day. It tastes sour and sweet, clears away heat, relieves summer heat, and stimulates the appetite. Welcome to leave a message. If you like this recipe, please follow, collect, like, forward and share. Thank you for your encouragement and support!

This article is an original picture and text by Dahai Weilan. If you steal the article or picture, you will be punished