It’s summer now, and when it comes to everyone’s favorite fruit, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is watermelon. In fact, in addition to watermelon, there is another kind of fruit that is on the market in summer. It has extremely high nutritional value, sufficie

It’s summer now. When it comes to everyone’s favorite fruit, the first thing most people think of is watermelon. In fact, in addition to watermelon, there is another kind of fruit that is on the market in summer. It has extremely high nutritional value, sufficient water content, and is very delicious. Many friends also like to eat it. This kind of fruit is peach. Generally speaking, peaches are particularly ruddy in color and rich in juice. Many people like to eat peaches. They are rich in nutrients and contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. They also have the effects of replenishing energy and moisturizing the intestines and laxative. Peaches have such high edible value and are so delicious, but will you choose good peaches?

Many friends think that peaches do not need hormones, but in fact, in order to increase production and get peaches to market faster, some fruit farmers will also use hormones to ripen peaches. Do not buy peaches that have been treated with hormones. , although its surface is red, the flesh inside is very hard. This kind of peach is not only unpalatable, but also harmful to our health. So how to choose ripe and high-quality peaches? Next, I will share with you a few tips for selecting peaches, which are simple and practical. Let’s take a look.

First, we need to take a look at the groove on the surface of the peach. Generally speaking, there is a groove on the surface of the peach, and this groove is relatively deep, because as the peach slowly matures, the groove will become deeper and deeper. The deeper the groove is, the deeper it becomes. If you find that the groove is relatively shallow when you are choosing and buying peaches, it means that the peaches were picked before they were fully mature. They were ripened and have not yet reached the normal growth cycle. , so this is the first tip to identify whether Peach is taking hormones.

Second, look at the color. The color of naturally mature peaches is from light to dark, and then turns into a pink process. Due to the light, the color of the whole body of the peach cannot be the same. If you are in the market The colors you see are all the same. This kind of peach is probably a hormone peach, and it is not recommended for everyone to buy it.

Third, we need to take a look at the pedicle of the peach. Generally speaking, the pedicle of a naturally mature peach is milky white or red, which means that it is a naturally mature peach. It tastes sweet and delicious, and The juice is particularly rich. If it is a peach that has been treated with hormones, its pedicle will still be green, which obviously does not match the color of the peach. Therefore, it is not recommended for everyone to buy such a peach.

Fourth, when we buy peaches, we need to look at the peach tip. We can easily tell whether it is a male peach or a female peach based on the peach tip. Generally speaking, if the top of a peach protrudes, this kind of peach is a male peach. Its The sweetness and water content are higher than that of female peaches, so when we buy them, we should buy peaches with protruding tips. You can never go wrong buying such peaches. If the peach tip is sunken, it will taste either very hard or extremely sour.

Fifth, look at the fuzz on the surface of the peach. When we choose to buy peaches, we should buy peaches with golden hair and more fuzz. Such peaches are sweet and juicy.

The above 5 points are the tips for selecting peaches that I want to share with you today. They are very simple and very practical. Once you learn them, you will definitely be able to select very high-quality, very fresh peaches. Have you learned all these tips? ?

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