If one day, we are faced with a choice: "Eat chocolate-flavored Xiang" and "Eat Xiang-flavored chocolate" we must choose and must eat, what would you choose? I now eat chocolate-flavored chocolate, and for a very good reason, because my outlook on life is: the essence of life is

If one day, we have to face a choice: "Eat chocolate-flavored Xiang" and "Eat Xiang-flavored chocolate" we must choose and must eat, what will you choose?

I now eat chocolate-flavored food, and for a very good reason, because my outlook on life is: the essence of life is a shit, but I still hope that I can happily eat it like chocolate.

Oreo , pure chocolate-flavored biscuits and vanilla-flavored filling, everything is a perfect match. The smart idea of ​​mixing Oreos with rice can only be proposed by Asian cuisine.

The method of making Oreo rice is very simple. Then submerge these millet grains with fresh milk, cover the entire work with a whole bag of Oreos in the most geometric posture, and then you can reap the steaming freshly baked Oreos. Leo rice.

Of course, some people are not satisfied with Oreo cooking rice, and also try Oreo fried rice.

Back in 2012, the website soranews24 created this dish to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Oreos. Since then, the strange mixture of rice, Oreos and milk has somehow continued to be popular on the Internet.

When my memory is still stuck in Jay Chou said to me how to eat Oreos: lick it, twist it, and soak it in a dip, someone was already cooking with Oreos.

Although when a Wahyu netizen shared this dose of delicious food, it was not recognized by most people. Wahyu simply crushed the Oreos with a spoon, then mixed the crumbs with milk, and finally put it into the rice to combine. Into a mixture like crushed dreams.

Understandably, the reason for this craze for this food is not felt.

Why would anyone think of making pure white rice look like it is related to the lower body?

This makes me feel like I am chewing the asphalt road in front of my house.

Oreos are a dessert that combines century-old Oreo cookies with rice. Thanks to classic American cooking techniques, the dish has a unique texture and wonderful flavor, even if it looks a bit like asphalt. .

The rice that has been fully soaked in milk and the crunchy Oreo biscuit crumbs are like E. coli dancing on the tongue when chewing, like a fragmented Skrillex DJing in a public toilet.

However, not everyone was put off by the chocolate rice, with some who tried it saying the dish was "surprisingly good" and even likening it to "Italian tiramisu risotto"

one person on Facebook A netizen said, "Although I lost my appetite when I saw this rice being cooked, my 5-year-old son said it was the most delicious staple food he has ever eaten in his life."

The taste of this Oreo fried rice is a mixture of salty and sweet. The soft and glutinous texture of the rice grains combined with the crunchy crunch of the Oreos makes it impossible for obsessive-compulsive disorder to take a second bite. It is similar to adding a large package of to the fried rice. Although the popping candy tastes good, the chewing texture is not good.

When you stir it up enough and let the bitterness of the chocolate blend into the gaps between the rice grains filled with the sweetness of milk, and the vanilla filling adds a tangy aroma to this bowl of rice, no one can say it is garbage.

The first person to taste this masterpiece said that as long as the steps are correct, the harvest will be delicious.

"We stray away from God every day. I have never seen anything so stomach-churning. I never want to see it again in my life. It's worse than when I was ruined by my first love."

Wahyu showed full affection when he posted a picture of him eating a cookie filled with rice.

"My Oreo rice. When you let go and try to lick it, you will find that it tastes better than shi."

Maybe Red Bull is the best partner for Oreo, just like ice and fire, you and me , is the excitement and coincidence of dry firewood meeting fierce fire.

This is the great Oreo, 300g of rice, 50ml of milk to cover the rice, and a whole bag of Oreos. You will come back after eating it.

We sneer at how many other countries’ food we have, and how many foreigners are intimidated by our delicacies. Thinking about preserved eggs and then thinking about blue cheese, I feel closer to eating chocolate-flavored shi. If you can, please add coriander.