To make preserved egg and lean meat porridge, keep these 3 tips in mind. It is delicious, smooth and rich, and has no fishy smell. Breakfast is very important. Whether you are an adult or a child, you must eat healthy and nutritious. Drinking porridge in the morning is our family

Make preserved egg and lean meat porridge . Remember these 3 tips. It is delicious, smooth and rich, without any fishy smell

Breakfast is very important. Whether you are an adult or a child, you must eat healthy and nutritious. Drink porridge in the morning. It is a tradition in our family. We have had this habit since I was a child. We have to have all kinds of porridge on the dining table at least 3 or 4 days a week. I never get tired of it.

After drinking too much pumpkin porridge and millet porridge, I like to have something different. Preserved egg and lean meat porridge is my first choice. The preserved egg and lean meat porridge tastes salty, with a salty and smooth taste. It has a rich taste and contains various Various side dishes, preserved eggs, lean meat, shredded ginger, etc., when combined together, the taste is so rich!

Make preserved egg and lean meat porridge. Because there are preserved eggs and meat in it, it must have a fishy smell. If you don’t handle it and put it into the pot directly, it will have a fishy smell and it will not taste good. During the cooking process, I will teach you 3 techniques. Once you learn them, you can cook the porridge again. The porridge will be delicious, smooth and rich, without any fishy smell.

[Preserved egg and lean meat porridge]

Recipe: rice, preserved eggs, lean meat, ginger, salt, white pepper, chicken essence, cooking wine, starch, egg white, cooking oil

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of rice, wash the rice, and then Prepare a new basin of cold water, then put the rice in the cold water and soak it for 30 minutes.

2. Soak the rice in this way, and the cooked porridge will be richer and more fragrant. Then prepare the lean meat, preferably tenderloin, shred it, add white pepper, cooking wine, starch, egg white, and a little more Add cooking oil, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes. This will not only enhance the flavor, but also remove the fishy smell.

3. Next, let’s deal with the preserved eggs. You cannot cut the preserved eggs directly. You need to put them in a pot, add water and boil them for 5 minutes. If you cook them like this, the fishy and astringent smell of the preserved eggs will be greatly reduced, and they will be easier to peel. After taking it out, peel and cut into pieces and set aside.

4. Add water to the pot, pour the marinated tenderloin in, boil until it boils, skim off the foam, continue to cook for a while, take it out and set aside. Keep the broth. This soup is very delicious. After heating the broth again, pour the soaked rice in and start to simmer over low heat until the rice porridge becomes sticky.

5. Next, put the shredded ginger, shredded pork, and preserved eggs together in the pot, and continue to cook for 5 minutes. They are all easier to cook, so you don’t need to cook them for too long. Finally, add salt, white pepper, and chicken essence to taste. , after stirring evenly, you can scoop it out and drink.


When making preserved egg and lean meat porridge, you have to remember 3 tips. First, remember to soak the rice for 30 minutes in advance to make it more sticky when cooked. Second, remember to marinate the tenderloin to reduce the fishy smell and also It can be more tender. Thirdly, the preserved eggs should be cooked in the pot for 5 minutes.